Tingling in the uterus during pregnancy - is it dangerous? How to treat tingling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy


Some expectant mothers feel tingling in the uterus during pregnancy.

Like any unpleasant sensation, this starts to bother women, so they need to know what it is connected with and whether it is dangerous for the child.

Tingling in the uterus during pregnancy: causes

During pregnancy, a woman’s body changes greatly. Such changes sometimes bring new sensations, which, unfortunately, are not always pleasant. A tingling sensation in the uterus during pregnancy is one such sensation. If there are no accompanying signs, then this is a completely normal and explicable phenomenon.

We can distinguish the main causes of tingling in the uterus during pregnancy:

1. Normal tingling or physiological, they do not pose any threat.

2. Dangerous tingling, they are usually always accompanied by additional symptoms.

As a rule, they occur at night or in the evening, but pass quickly, and most importantly they do not affect the condition of the pregnant woman. The causes of tingling, depending on the duration of pregnancy, may vary.

Basic tingling in the first trimester:

1. During the implantation period, many mothers may feel tingling in the uterus.

2. Ligaments that support the uterus may stretch. In this case, tingling can be felt in the groin, with sudden movements it will intensify. By changing the position of the body, you can get rid of tingling.

3. The abdominal muscles are tight. Due to the fact that the uterus is constantly growing, the anterior abdominal wall is stretched, this is the cause of discomfort.

Causes of tingling in the second trimester:

1. The growing uterus exerts pressure on the internal organs, thereby causing tingling. Concomitant symptoms may occur, such as gas, constipation.

2. In the second trimester, the body begins to prepare for childbirth, this continues in the third trimester. Tingling is chaotic, and, as a rule, they do not even pay attention to them. Having a little rest, relief will come.

Tingling in the third trimester:

1. The uterus is preparing for childbirth. In the third trimester, the preparation becomes more noticeable, which means it feels stronger.

2. Harbingers of labor are constant tingling in the uterus.

Physiological causes go away on their own when changing position or resting, no intervention of doctors is required.

Dangerous tingling in the uterus during pregnancy, as a rule, is accompanied by other symptoms that you need to pay attention to:

1. Along with tingling, body temperature rises.

2. Diarrhea.

3. Nausea or severe vomiting.

4. Vaginal discharge appears brown or red.

5. Tingling does not stop for a long time.

6. At the time of urination, severe pain occurs.

Non-obstetric causes

It is necessary to take into account the fact that in addition to the uterus, other organs are located in the lower abdomen. In exceptional situations, it is they that cause tingling and discomfort:

1. Neurogenic bladder - despite the fact that urination becomes more frequent, there is no inflammatory process. For a pregnant woman, this is the norm, which is associated with a change in the hormonal background.

2. Cystitis - as a result of inflammation of the bladder, severe tingling occurs. In this case, treatment is required.

3. Appendicitis - its occurrence during pregnancy is extremely dangerous. There is a strong stitching pain giving down. If inflammation of the appendicitis is suspected, an ambulance should be called as soon as possible.

The symptoms listed above are dangerous for the fetus, they must be reported to your gynecologist. If necessary, treatment should be carried out in a hospital or at home.

After tingling occurs, you must carefully listen to your body.

Tingling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy: first aid

If you feel strange tingling in the uterus during pregnancy, be sure to call your doctor and make an appointment. In order to alleviate your condition a bit before visiting a doctor, you need to use simple tips:

1. Through this exercise you can relax tense intimate muscles. Carefully stand on all fours, rest your elbows and knees on the floor, your body should be parallel to the floor. Slightly bend your back in the lower back, at this moment raise your head up, hands gradually straighten. For a few seconds you need to stay in this position. When performing the exercise, you must carefully listen to your health. If tingling intensifies, stop and call an ambulance. But if there is no change, continue to do the exercise. In order to consolidate the effect, you can slightly bend forward and backward.

2. Pregnant women are not recommended to take any medications, however, some drugs may still help. The safest medicine is No-shpa. Drotaverine, the active substance that is part of the drug, soothes muscle cramps in the uterus. But remember that if the pain after taking the pill did not go away, visit a doctor.

3. Do not forget about breathing exercises, you need to master it even at the stage of pregnancy planning. Exercises in which you will regulate the frequency of exhalation and inhalation will help to cope with toxicosis. Take a comfortable position, sitting better, straighten your back well, and relax your shoulders. Try to breathe very quickly, but rhythmically. After some time, you will feel that the muscles are relaxing.

Despite the fact that at the time of pregnancy, many women become suspicious and worried about literally every occasion, tingling in the uterus can still not be ignored. Well, if the whole thing is physiological, then the woman in labor will be able to breathe a sigh of relief. But if tingling is associated with the disease, it is necessary to get rid of it.

Tingling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy: when to see a doctor

There are situations in which the intervention of medical personnel is simply necessary. Each woman can distinguish ordinary tingling from the manifestation of a disease, it is enough just to carefully listen to your well-being. Be sure to consult a specialist if the following symptoms occur:

1. From the vagina there are discharge similar to blood.

2. The uterus has been tingling for more than an hour and the discomfort only intensifies.

3. In the uterus, a feeling of tension.

4. When urinating, severe discomfort.

If pregnancy proceeds without complications, then red discharge indicates that placental abruption has occurred. Moreover, the problem can occur in any trimester.

If the tingling does not go away on your own, be sure to call an ambulance. In case of a feeling of tension in the uterus, you need to be alert. This may mean that the probability of abortion is high.

Tingling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy: what to do

Any activity aimed at eliminating tingling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy should be coordinated with your doctor. In no case do you need to self-medicate, because not only you, but also the child can get harm from this. Since taking medications can be dangerous, consult your doctor about folk remedies. If a specialist approves such treatment, you can safely use it.

So, the main actions to get rid of tingling in the uterus during pregnancy are as follows:

1. Exercise. If you expect a baby, this does not mean that you need to go to bed and do nothing for 9 months. Ask your doctor to show you some simple physical exercises that you can perform. Remember that strong loads with a tonus of the uterus are extremely undesirable to do.

2. Try to avoid sudden movements. Regardless of what you do, get up, lie down, walk or something else, do everything smoothly.

3. Useful tea with chamomile. Often, tingling in the lower abdomen occurs due to severe stress or anxiety. It is necessary to calm your nervous system, and ordinary tea with chamomile can help to do this. Take a glass of boiling water and pour there three tablespoons of chamomile flowers, let it brew for 10 minutes, add a little sugar and drink.

4. Tincture of peppermint. If the doctor permits, then every day before going to bed you can drink one glass of mint tincture. Thanks to this, the body will be able to relax, and you will fall asleep calmly.

5. Melissa. It is recommended to drink lemon balm in the form of a decoction or tincture before bedtime. But again, you should consult your doctor in advance

6. Take a warm shower. In order to somehow alleviate your condition, take a contrast shower. It’s best to do this before bed so your muscles can relax.

7. Aromatherapy. Many pregnant women use aromatherapy. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. For this, it is recommended to use jasmine, lavender or peppermint.

8. Bandage. In the later stages of pregnancy, tingling is unlikely to be avoided, since the uterus is in good shape and it is preparing for childbirth. You can alleviate the condition with a bandage, but you can not tighten it too much.

9. Motherwort. The best remedy used for calming is a motherwort decoction. You can take it twice a day for two tablespoons

Pregnancy is a wonderful time, which, unfortunately, can be overshadowed by unpleasant symptoms. Listen to your body, and in which case, consult a doctor.


Watch the video: Lower Left Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy (June 2024).