French diet: the secrets of harmony from the French. What does a 14-day French diet look like?


The French diet is very popular all over the world.

A low-carb diet has been successful due to the ability to lose weight in just 2 weeks.

To find harmony, like that of French women, it is only important to strictly adhere to the menu and not allow yourself to consume prohibited foods.

What is the peculiarity of the French diet

Scientists have found that the secret of French slimness lies in several factors: attitude to nutrition, menu selection, active lifestyle and eating habits. If your lifestyle is not passive, but still far from harmony, then the reason lies in the wrong diet.

How do women from France eat:

- They allow themselves to eat their favorite foods, including chocolate, ice cream, cakes. It is proved that bans on any products subsequently lead to overeating. If you want something specific, it means that the body does not have enough nutrients from this product, and it will demand it until it receives it.

- If you eat up to 30 types of food weekly, the body will receive all the substances and trace elements necessary for a normal life.

- You can not "clog" the stomach with food. You can afford to eat everything, but in small quantities.

- It is necessary to eat such dishes that bring pleasure. Protein French diet is the embodiment of all these nutritional features.

With such a diet, extra pounds begin to leave quickly. The explanation for this is a sharp decrease in carbohydrate intake and their replacement mainly with protein foods. With this nutrition, the body, which previously took energy from carbohydrates, will begin to draw it from accumulated fats and incoming proteins. An important point is the selection of the menu. If you compile it correctly, then the metabolism will quickly rebuild, and the extra pounds will begin to rapidly go away. Nutritious food present in the diet will not leave a chance of hunger. Weight will begin to go exclusively from body fat, leaving the muscle mass intact and beautiful.

The principles of the French diet for 14 days

1. The French menu consists mainly of fresh fruits and vegetables. They do not consume stale fruits.

2. Each subsequent meal is different from the previous one. All of them are balanced, composed of crops, lots of vegetables, a small piece of meat. Butter is consumed exclusively by women, and there is olive in the diet.

3. Each meal is a holiday. Must be beautifully served table. Eating is worth it slowly, to the sounds of pleasant music. Each piece is savored separately. Under the TV there is in no case impossible.

4. Suppose dessert after dinner. Perhaps this is exactly what many women have in their diet. Dessert is allowed because ladies eat only half a portion.

5. To be sure of the quality of the products and their freshness, French ladies prefer to eat at home rather than in a restaurant. Here you can grill meat and bake fish, and make a garnish for them from fresh herbs and vegetables.

6. Proper nutrition is not only a guarantee of harmony, but also a healthy lifestyle. French women are very closely monitoring their health: they don’t smoke cigarettes, they don’t drink beer and other alcoholic beverages, they don’t resort to losing weight, they often go for a walk and breathe clean air.

If you want to be as slender, follow their proven rules over the years:

1. Eat slowly, chewing food carefully, then it will be better absorbed, and saturation will come quickly.

2. Never take the supplement as much as you put - eat as much.

3. Drink a glass of water before meals or dry red wine to improve metabolism.

4. Do not sit down to dinner after 6-7 pm, depending on your daily routine.

French Diet Food List

The essence of the diet is to limit the calorie content of the diet for no more than 14 days and the inability to change the set menu throughout the entire time. The priority is rye bread, vegetable food, low-fat fish, meat, eggs, crackers. Separately highlighted are those products that are categorically incompatible with the diet. Among them:

• all kinds of confectionery products, white bread and buns;

• simple carbohydrates in the form of sugar, for example;

• sweet juices;

• drinks with gas, both sweet and plain water;

• salt and various products with its high content, pickles;

• alcohol products.

The list of banned products was not as big and scary as many could have imagined. Without these products, you can not only live 2 weeks, but also do it with ease. But during this time it is quite possible to get rid of 3 to 8 kg of excess weight.

French diet menu for 14 days

The diet during the French diet can be not only healthy, varied, but also tasty. How to combine products can be found in the proposed menu example. Calorie content should be no more than 1500 kcal per day.

Breakfast with such a diet it is usually monotonous, it consists of black coffee without the addition of sugar and rye bread. Such a set can be considered classic so that it is not tired of quickly, you can replace coffee with green tea, and bread with toast. On some days, you can afford to spread a slice of butter or jam without sugar, but such luxury is unacceptable daily.

For lunch light salads of greens, eggs, tomatoes, meat and other ingredients to choose from. You can fill salads with olive oil. If you are tired of salads, then in the afternoon you can eat small portions of meat, poultry or fish. Suitable for food quality boiled sausage with low fat content. And for dessert you can choose any fruit.

Dinner can be very much like lunch. The list of dishes is the same, but for a change do not take the same. You can drink a glass of kefir in the evening and eat a fruit or vegetable.

The menu can be compiled for 1 week and, changing places, use the second. You can expand the uniqueness of the menu, then every day will be special.

Example for 7 days:

1. Breakfast standard for the diet, in the afternoon a salad of 2 eggs, tomato and spinach with olive oil, and in the evening boiled beef (norm 100g.), Which is also a classic on the diet menu, seasoned with herbs and pepper.

2. Another breakfast variation, non-fat boiled meat for choice and a vegetable for lunch (except for potatoes), for dinner you can take healthy spinach and boiled sausage 100 g.

3. Classic breakfast, in the afternoon fried fresh medium-sized carrots with tomato, mandarin, and in the evening, cook a sausage dish with spinach and 2 eggs.

4. Again breakfast of your choice, if you are tired of coffee, brew a cup of green tea, lunch will consist of hard cheese, eggs and carrots, and dinner will please sour-milk products in the form of kefir and your favorite fruit.

5. We remove the classic breakfast, and rub the young carrots. It's time to diversify the dinner with boiled fish with tomato, and for dinner prepare standard beef and spinach.

6. We limit breakfast to only a drink, during the day we prefer chicken, in the evening - beef. You can eat at one go any vegetable of your choice.

7. Breakfast consists of empty tea, for lunch you can eat orange and beef, for dinner a salad of greens, cucumbers and boiled sausages.

With this diet, there are no restrictions on the amount of fluid. You can drink a lot and a variety of drinks is acceptable, including all kinds of teas, coffee, mineral water without gas. It should be excluded sweet and sodas, non-natural juices.

The advantages and disadvantages of the French diet for 14 days. How to get out of a diet

The main advantages of the 14-day French diet include the ability to get rid of extra pounds up to 4 pcs. per week and 8 kg in 2 weeks. The second significant plus is the short duration of the diet. With the French diet, you do not need to torment the body with starvation and stress it, restrict the intake of your favorite food in a tight framework. Diet is balanced and effective.

The disadvantages of the diet include incompatibility with chronic diseases of people. People with violations of the digestive tract should also abandon diets in principle. The way out in such situations is the permission of the doctor and his close monitoring.

Being on a French diet, the body practically does not feel stress, so you can not be afraid that when the diet is completed, the kilograms returned will return. But still there are certain rules for completing a diet:

1. For 2 weeks of passage, the body already has time to get used to the proteins, so it can not be immediately overloaded with carbohydrates.

2. 2 weeks after the diet, experts recommend making light and low-fat breakfasts. It is better to refuse sweet tea or coffee, you can eat cereals, low-fat sour-milk products.

3. Lunch can be made more voluminous, but leave the same set of products: salads with meat or fish, eggs, fruits, vegetable stew. You can drink orange juices, herbal infusions and teas.

4. Dinner should be facilitated, eat diet meat, salads, fruits.

5. Snacks are acceptable, on which you can afford hard cheese, cream ice cream, yogurt.

6. It is necessary to accustom yourself to eat more often, but in small portions.

7. To better consolidate the result, you need to drink plenty of fluids, you can use plain or mineral water, and also do fasting days several times a month.

Observing simple rules, you can consolidate the results of the French diet for a long time, teach the body to eat properly exclusively healthy food.


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