Volodushka - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Volodushka - general description

Volodushka is a representative of the genus of perennial herbaceous plants of the umbelliferous family. It has a powerful horizontal root system and a fairly long smooth and slightly branched stem, reaching a height of one and a half meters. The leaves of the tuber are large, sessile, whole, covering the stem at the base, like cucumbers.

The flowers collected in an umbrella are characterized by an unusual yellow-green color. The fruit is a brown seed and oblong elliptical in shape, ripens in late summer or early fall.

Volodushka - types and places of growth

There are more than 150 species of plants that live mainly in Europe, Africa, Asia, North America, and the Caucasus. Only a few species grow in Russia, and they are found, as a rule, in the Far East, in the European part of the Russian Federation and Siberia.

Only three forms of hairworms have medicinal value:

1. The golden sprat is distinguished by large leaves with a bluish bloom and very large umbrellas up to ten cm in diameter. It prefers sparse forests of various compositions, edges, ravines, banks of water bodies and rivers. You can find this species in the Urals and Siberia. The golden volodushka is often used for decorative purposes.

2. The goat-hairy hairy bird has a relatively low stem (up to half a meter) and a simple root system, unlike other plant species. He likes dry slopes, rocks, rocky placers and meadows with sandy soils. It is found in Siberia, in the East. The people got an unusual name - "wolf oak".

3. The hairpin is multi-veined - narrow-linear leaves, expanding at the base, are typical for it. It lives on slopes, meadows, forest outskirts, climbs high in the mountains. It grows in Siberia, the mountainous zones of Altai and Salair. It is believed that high in the mountains Volodushka enhances the healing effect.

Volodushka - healing properties

The herb has bactericidal, choleretic, wound healing, tonic properties. It also eliminates febrile conditions and cures hepatitis and cholecystitis. It has been experimentally established that the appearance of the golden volodushka increases the amount of bile secreted, changes its composition, and enhances the secretory function of the digestive organs.

Outwardly, the volunus is used as a suppurative and anti-inflammatory drug, to relieve severe itching and urticaria, as well as for eye diseases.

Volodushka - dosage forms

It is necessary to collect grass at the beginning of flowering, carefully cutting off the aerial part so as not to damage the root. Drywax dried as quickly as possible to avoid the destruction of the necessary substances. To do this, it is placed in special ovens or dryers, where it is processed at a temperature of 90 degrees. In private homes, grass is laid out on top of heated stoves and dried for several days. The best preservation of the plant will provide paper or cardboard packaging.

For healing purposes, use the entire aerial part, less often the roots. From the grass make infusions and decoctions used for neurosis, gastrointestinal diseases and hepatitis. Flowers are used for heart diseases, roots are used for intoxication, inflammatory processes, and fruits are used as an antipyretic and anthelmintic.

Volodushka - recipes

Golden tonic tea from a volodushka: add a table to the middle cup of boiling water. spoon of dry grass, let it brew for 5 minutes, add honey to taste and enjoy tasty and healthy tea, which gives a great mood.

For hepatitis and liver diseases, use the same tea, but it is necessary to insist for a longer time (3 hours) and consume half a glass before eating.

Tincture for the treatment of gallstone disease and removal of sand from the bile ducts: add 250 g of dry or fresh herbs to 250 ml of high-quality vodka, insist in an isolated dry and dark place for 2 weeks, then be sure to strain and take 25 drops before eating, 3 r. per day for 3 weeks.

In case of febrile illnesses, inflammatory diseases and constipation: 3 teaspoons of fresh or dry grass of multifinished beetroot dilute 200 g of boiling water, leave for 1 hour and a half and drink one second or one third glass of 3-4 r. per day to normalize health.

Volodushka - contraindications

With caution, preparations based on volodushki should be taken by persons suffering from increased acidity of the stomach and peptic ulcer. Very rarely, an allergic reaction to certain plant chemicals may develop.


Kristina 04/19/2016
My friend was treating her diseased liver with this herb and some other herbs. True, her stomach somehow did not behave correctly from these herbs at first, but then, she changed her diet a little, and everything was fine. A friend seems to have been cured, and doesn’t say anything about it - that’s healthy)))

Zhenya 04/19/2016
I myself come from Siberia. And I can assure you that there are really beautiful places. Imagine how in the spring and summer, all these medicinal and not very herbs begin to bloom together !! Yes, you will not find spectacles more beautiful! And this weed is a drake, I remember, my grandmother collected it.

Marina 04/19/2016
I myself saw how one woman was practically cured of an eye disease. And all this with the help of this wonderful flower. In my opinion, she made decoctions, all kinds of lotions. And inside also took. Now she’s all right, she’s not sick.

Dasha 04/19/2016
Yes, Siberia is simply a storehouse of all kinds of natural resources. Probably, in no country in the world, is there such a Siberia of its own. Here is this grass, this flower is also there. And heals wounds, and heals cholecystitis, and much more.

Aldina 04/19/2016
I read all descriptions of herbs, and places of their growth ... And I just have a sense of pride covers Siberia! That's really a fascinating land !!! What is there just not there. What do not call - everything is growing. Yes, there are species that are no longer anywhere.


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