July 14: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on July 14th.


Holidays July 14

Fisherman's day

From ancient times people are engaged in fishing. Initially, this was done only for the purpose of food, and with the development of civilization, for many, fishing turned into a favorite pastime, an opportunity to get closer to nature and relax from the city bustle. There are also people who professionally engage in fishing and supply the whole world with tasty and healthy fish. And it doesn’t matter at all - whether you are an amateur or a professional in this craft, today's holiday is designed for you! Fishing, by the way, is not only the catch of sea and river fish, but also of all living creatures that live in the water. Today it is one of the leading industries in the world, because everyone loves fish, regardless of gender, age and race. Fisherman's Day is celebrated by many states, including Russia, where this holiday was first celebrated in 1980. Today, you can safely congratulate those who are somehow connected with fishing, for whom it is an integral part of life, fun, hobbies, sports and a special state of mind.

Peacekeeper Day in South Ossetia

Peacemaker Day is a very important holiday for South Ossetia. It is celebrated annually on July 14. It is not necessary to ponder the meaning of the word “peacemaker” for a long time, because it is based on two short, but very significant words, “peace” and “creator,” which is literally interpreted as the creator of peace and tranquility. Perhaps the mission of peacekeepers on Earth is the most humane and noble. This holiday in the Republic is timed to 1992, when on the date of our review, trilateral peacekeeping forces were sent to the conflict zone between Ossetians and Georgians. It was thanks to them that they managed to stop the hostilities, which lasted about three years, and prevent the death of several thousand people. Peacekeeping has become a kind of guarantee of peace at any point in the conflict. Every year, in honor of Peacekeeper’s Day, residents of South Ossetia hold ceremonies, parades, speeches, demonstrations and concerts.

July 14th in the folk calendar

Kuzminki - name day of Kuzma and Demyan

On July 14, the Orthodox Church commemorates the memory of Saints Cosmas and Damian, two unrefined brothers living during the reign of Karin. According to legend, the brothers had a wonderful gift of healing and received needy people, they also treated cattle, without requiring payment for their labors. They turned many people into Christianity, thereby making many enemies for themselves, which, in the end, slandered the brothers and achieved their execution.

In Russia, haymaking was in full swing during this period. The gardeners did not doze off: they, as a rule, were engaged in putting the plots in order (shelf, hilling potatoes, etc.), as well as in collecting the first crop - for the family and for sale. No wonder the peasants condemned on this occasion: "The garden is a woman’s income." In the evening, women cooked blanks from the collected berries: jam, compotes, jams. By the way, raspberries were also made from raspberries, which were used to treat colds and were used as lotions on painful joints. And the "highlight" of the table was baked chicken in gooseberry sauce. Despite the daily bustle, the girls managed to celebrate their holiday - summer Kuzminki. To do this, they got together with one of her friends, drank beer, sang, danced and always exchanged useful tips with each other.

Historical events of July 14

July 14, 1099 - The beginning of the assault on Jerusalem by the participants of the first crusade

On this day, an army of crusaders consisting of 12 thousand foot soldiers and about 1.5 thousand knights under the command of the Duke of Bouillon, reaching Jerusalem, began to storm the city. The wars tried in every possible way to push the siege structures to the city wall, but they were prevented by a deep moat. Jerusalem lasted until night, both sides continued to remain vigilant, fearing an enemy strike. By morning, the ditch surrounding the city was filled up, and the crusaders finally managed to bring the siege towers closer to the walls. So they managed to get into the city. When this happened, a real massacre began: the winners slaughtered everyone with a sword, sparing no one. The holy city turned into a bloody battle arena, and after its fall, the Duke of Gottfried of Bouillon was appointed ruler of the newly made Kingdom of Jerusalem. After this campaign, the war found their duty fulfilled, and after long wanderings they returned to their homeland with rich booty.

July 14, 1789 - Date of the capture of the Bastille

This significant date marks the beginning of the French bourgeois revolution. And now a little history:

In 1789, rumors began to circulate in France that King Louis XVI was going to disperse the Constituent Assembly, formed a few days earlier, and to overthrow the reformer Necra from the post of state controller of finance. These premises became the main reason for the siege of the Bastille. The rebellious people armed themselves with anything, and on July 14 a crowd of thousands of Parisians rushed to the Bastille. The assault on the fortress lasted more than four hours, which is why it suffered a lot of damage. The crowd managed to break through, the head of the garrison was killed, and the seven prisoners who were kept in the fortress were released. Louis, frightened by the scale of the unfolding uprising, was forced to make concessions and decide on the demolition of the Bastille. Work on the destruction of the fortress began immediately the next day, and after almost two years they were finally completed. Since 1880, France celebrates the annual national holiday on this occasion - Bastille Day.

July 14, 1993 - Registration of NTV channel

NTV was founded in 1993. Today it is the only private television channel that has official federal status. According to opinion polls, over 150 million Russian citizens are among the permanent NTV audience. In addition to the Russian Federation, the broadcast of the popular television channel extends to the CIS countries, the Middle East, Europe and even Canada and the United States.

Born on July 14

Gabriel Derzhavin (1743 - 1816) - statesman, outstanding poet. Derzhavin was born into a noble family, but after the death of his father, the mother and children had to be very tight in material terms. At the age of 19, he became a soldier of the Preobrazhensky regiment guard. Having served more than ten years as an ordinary soldier, Derzhavin took part in many military acts and the palace coup, which elevated Catherine II to the throne. Soon, from an ordinary soldier, he "matured" to a senator, and then became president of the Commerce College. In 1802, Derzhavin assumed the post of Attorney General, but, disagreeing with the opinion of the liberal imperial circle, he quickly flew away from him.

Gerald Rudolph Ford (1913 - 2006) - President of the United States. In fact, from birth Ford was King, but later, being rather big, he preferred to take the surname of his stepfather - a big businessman (what made the young man take this step is not known for sure). Gerald graduated from the prestigious Yale University and received a law degree, and when the war began, he went to serve in the Navy. He was repeatedly elected a member of Congress from the Republicans, and in 1973, after the resignation of President Nixon, he headed the state.

Tatyana Kuznetsova (born in 1941) - pilot of civil aviation. In 1962, Kuznetsova was accepted into the team of the first women astronauts. She was also a member of the backup crew, which was scheduled for 1967. This crew consisted exclusively of women. Nevertheless, due to the tragic circumstances associated with the death of Vladimir Komarov, these plans were not destined to come true.

Birthday July 14

Celebrate: Angelina, Alexei, Demyan, Peter, Arkady, Kuzma, Arseny, Rostislav, Vasily, Ivan, Leo, Konstantin, Pavel.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (June 2024).