Types and values ​​of tattoos


In order to protect people from dark forces and witchcraft from ancient times, wise men and psychics created charms and amulets. Protective amulet is a magic symbol or ornament with a certain number of corners or runic inscriptions. The closer this symbol is to the body, the stronger its effect on the carrier. In this article we will talk about a special kind of amulets - tattoos.

How do tattoos affect a person's life?

The physical body of a person is a natural conductor of magical energy. Therefore, tattooed on it have a great influence on the life of the wearer. Depending on the type and correctness of the image applied to the skin, the tattoo amulet can affect various areas of life:

  • Physical and mental health;
  • Potency and fertility;
  • Will power and the manifestation of certain traits of character;
  • Mental abilities, self-development and personal balance;
  • Connection with the astral world and the spirits of ancestors;
  • Material well-being and the increase of wealth;
  • Creative success and artistic growth;
  • Attractiveness and the possibility of making love relationships.

It should be noted that the effect of the amulet tattoo can be both positive and highly negative. Tattoo provides Negative influence on the body and aura of a person in the following cases:

  • The karma of the tattoo master is essentially stained. You can understand this in the process of applying the image to the skin. Such a master has a “heavy” hand, the client feels an unbearable pain in the process of his work;
  • The chosen symbol is depicted incorrectly, with distortions and profanation (desecration) of sacred signs;
  • The selected symbol does not suit the specific carrier, or is completely contraindicated;
  • Poorly selected location for applying a magical pattern.

In turn, a well-chosen tattoo becomes a powerful talisman that does not require additional recharging. Therefore, the choice of a tattoo should be approached with all responsibility.

Tips for choosing talisman tattoos

When choosing a tattoo charm, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

  • Characteristics of a tattoo artist. This refers not only to his experience and skill, but also the state of karma and aura. Therefore, before the session, talk to the master, try to recognize him as a person;
  • Tattoo location:
    • Neck - the sacral sign depicted on this part of the body makes a person more restrained. This arrangement of the tattoo is suitable for hot-tempered people prone to affect states;
    • Arm - recommended for overly compliant people. Such an arrangement of tattoo charms will make a person more uncompromising;
    • Chest or belly - contributes to some isolation and secrecy. This option does not suit you at all if you are an introvert. In this case, you significantly reduce the circle of communication;
    • Back - such a tattoo location helps to unleash inner potential and grow spiritually. However, the latter depends on the meaning of the symbol. It is not recommended to fill the tattoo below the waist - this contributes to extreme insecurity and lack of complexes;
    • Legs - tattoo in the foot area contributes to the constant haste. It will be useful if the person is inert and sluggish;
  • Compliance with the inner world future carrier. For example, if you are a timid and quiet person, a tattoo in the form of a grinning tiger on your shoulder will look out of place;
  • The value of the tattoo. Even if the tattoo you like is not a talisman, it is important to understand its implication. It is recommended to avoid images with aggressive value. They have disturbing properties, constantly reminding the person of what deduces him from himself. If you are stuffing unfamiliar runes or hieroglyphs on your body, be sure to find out their meaning.

If you choose the right tattoo, guided by the above criteria, you will without a strong charm, which will always be with you - even if the selected symbol is not protective by definition. However, for best results, we recommend to give preference to preserving images.

Types of warding tattoos

Charms in the form of tattoos stuffed back in ancient times. Some of them spoke about the special status of the carrier, protected from competitors and detractors. Others, in turn, were aimed at the preservation of the genus and magical protection from damage and sorcery libel. Such tattoo charms are in many cultures. When choosing protective tattoos, we recommend to give preference to the traditional heritage of the following ethnic esoteric teachings:

  • Slavic;
  • Scandinavian;
  • Buddhist;
  • Indian;
  • Egyptian.

Tattoos-charms, belonging to the listed ethnic groups and teachings, are distinguished by a special energetic connection with the astral world and its essences. You need to approach the choice of the image with caution, for having done this incorrectly you risk incurring the wrath of a pagan deity or entity. To avoid mistakes in the choice of tattoos-charm, consider in more detail each of the above categories.


Slavic amulet tattoos are suitable for both men and women. There are only 2 types of similar protective tattoos:

  • Symbolic;
  • Runic.

As charms of imposing force, the following Slavic runes:

Krada - the so-called "divine spark". It inflames creativity, protects against evil forces and evil thoughts. It helps to focus on what is really important for a person.
World - helps its owner to grow spiritually and get out of the creative crisis. The strength of this amulet is enough to protect a professional artist or public person from black envy and unwanted attention of annoying fans.
Overcome-grass - tattoo-charm for women, its inverted version (Fern Flower) is intended for men. This amulet protects against diseases, both physical and spiritual.
Rainbow - guards during long journeys. An ideal amulet for those who do not like to be in one place for a long time and live for today.
Wind - The power of this Slavic rune helps to concentrate on self-knowledge. Tattoo with rune Wind protects against dark otherworldly forces.
Lelya - a symbol of water energy and spring. When applied to the skin, it sharpens the intuition of a person and protects him from accidental ills.

Also, other Slavic symbols are applied as tattoos-amulets:

  • Kolovrat - a symbol of the sun. A tattoo with this symbol serves as a barrier for evil spirits;
  • Lunnitsa - Women's amulet, making the owner more attractive. It protects against the crown of celibacy and damage to loneliness;
  • Black Sun - A common symbol of the evil eye and evil spirits. Usually depicted on the back;
  • Slavic swastika - Another solar symbol that protects from witchcraft slander and inevitable death;
  • Alatyr - an image protecting the carrier’s house from uninvited guests.

For absolute protection against dark forces, you can apply tattoos with the image or seals of Slavic deities. The most powerful are the symbols of Yarilo, Perun, Veles, Mokos and Lada.

The choice of the best version of the Slavic symbol for a tattoo depends on the personal qualities of the person. The stronger his character, the greater the strength should have a permanent charm.


Magical runes are used as Scandinavian tattoo charms. In fact, these are the same Slavic runes, but their interpretation is slightly different. Each of them is endowed with its own strength and field of influence:

Maine - reveals the creative potential of man.
Uruz - influences the fate of the carrier, changing it for the better.
Berkana - attracts luck and wealth.
Fehu - contributes to new acquisitions and, at a minimum, the preservation of what a person originally had.
Ansuz - gives the wearer tattoo eloquence and power of suggestion.
Raido - protects travelers and people who love extreme entertainment and sports.
Algiz - the astral bridge between the human and divine worlds. Very strong amulet against any evil spirits.
Dagaz - a symbol that allows a person to easily achieve their goals. Ideal amulet for careerists, athletes and creative individuals.
Soulu - rune of great strength. The magnet attracts success to the carrier in various fields.
Mannaz - protects from the generic curse, helps to improve relations in the family and the team.

In addition to the tattoo in the form of a single rune, you can apply whole runic formulas. On the composition of such, it is better to consult an experienced runologist.

It is important to consider! Scandinavian runes as a tattoo should not be typed upside down. Otherwise, their power is reflected and acts in a negative way. There is no inverted value only for the Dagaz and Soulu runes.


Buddhist tattoos have not only protective, but also healing power. Their influence on the physical and astral bodies of a person lies in the discovery and purification of the chakras, as well as the diagnosis of karma and aura. With the help of strong tattoos, charms can break the powerful karmic ties and take a break from their corrupting influence.

Most powerful buddhist characters for astral protection are:

Ohm (aum) - denotes pure creative power. Buddhists believe that it was from this sound that the creation of the world began. Om tattoo helps to find a serene tranquility, to become wiser and more reasonable. In addition, Om, being a strong mantra, provides cleansing of the chakras.
Mandala - a structured symbol of the universe. The form of this intricate figure built Buddhist temples. Tattoo in the form of a mandala protects a person from earthly fuss, allowing you to maintain spiritual integrity.
Lotus. The power of this divine flower is aimed at removing obstacles to the knowledge of man himself. Makes the carrier wise, which helps to harmoniously combine the bright and dark parts of your "I" without difficulty.
Bodhisattva - The image of a person who penetrates into the Buddhist teachings in order to save the universe. This symbol, presented in the form of a tattoo, helps to comprehend the secrets of the universe and get rid of the limited and inertness of views on life.

The most powerful Buddhist talisman is the image of the Buddha himself. This tattoo protects against the evil eye, damage and slander against the wearer.

Buddhist tattoos-amulets are most suitable for those who seek peace and tranquility, people who are tired of earthly fuss. In addition to protection from evil forces, these sacred symbols will slightly open to their bearers some of the secrets of the universe and help them to better know themselves.

Native American

The spiritual heritage of the American Indians is very extensive. These include:

  • A variety of magical and esoteric practices;
  • Songs and plots with a powerful influence on the human body;
  • Symbolism of extraordinary power, among which tattoo amulets appear.

To the strongest Native American Tattoos The following characters apply:

Dreamcatcher - the most famous and revered Indian amulet. It protects a person from nightmares, and also deprives the forces of evil spirits who attempt on a relaxed person during his sleep. This tattoo is applied as close to the head as possible - on the shoulder or back of the neck.
Kokopelli - The image of one of the supreme Native American deities. According to the legend, Kokopelli travels on the earth in the image of a man with a Flute at a time when one season replaces the second. The deity favors travelers and people prone to adventurous adventures. Kokopelli attracts wealth and prosperity to them.
Face of the Leader - tattoo guardian of special importance and strength. Initially, such a tattoo could only young tribal leader after the death of his predecessor. The tattoo depicted the previous leader in the prime of his power. First of all, it is a symbol of power, therefore such a tattoo will suit people occupying leadership positions. However, besides this, the Face of the Leader helps a person to find a decent pair.
Totem animal - Tattoo charm, which allows to reveal the specific qualities of the character. What qualities will be revealed in the carrier depends on the animal, which is depicted on the tattoo:

  • Wolf - perseverance and intuition;
  • Coyote - cunning and resourcefulness;
  • Bull - riskiness;
  • Eagle - authority and attention to detail;
  • Bear - strength and courage.
Pen - Indian symbol of immortality and eternal life. In Indian tribes, only brave wars and revered defenders were entitled to wear such a tattoo. An eagle feather tattoo protects against the wiles of enemies, death on the battlefield and sudden illness. This charm contributes to a long and happy life.

Traditionally, Native American charms are considered male.

However, modern strong women who prefer career or a dangerous hobby, such a tattoo can also be useful. Especially Native American tattoo charms may be needed for serving in the army of the fair sex.

Tattoos against the evil eye and damage

Tattoos from the evil eye and damage come to us from different beliefs and ethnic cultures. For many decades, sacred symbols have been studied by experienced esotericists. All of them differ in strength and methods of influence on the human energy field.

An important caveat when choosing any tattoo as a guard against the evil eye and damage - its colors should not be bright. Black contour and deep blue and green shades of the image are preferable.

The most popular and powerful effects tattoos charms against the evil eye and damage are:

Eye of Horus - the ancient Egyptian symbol, the incarnation of the sun god Ra. It gives a person supernatural vigilance, powerful intuition, empathy and resilience. The Eye of Horus protects its possessor from negative astral forces and human envy. Preferred places for tattooing: ankle, lower back, wrists.
Scarab - another ancient Egyptian amulet, symbolizing the wisdom and constancy of life. This sign is associated with the worship of solar beszhezstva - Khepri, which was depicted as a scarab with a solar disk clamped in the mandibles. The power of a tattoo depicting this insect is equivalent to the Eye of Horus.
Cross - A powerful amulet against the evil eye and damage, acting only if its bearer is a believing Christian. The tattoo is applied on the back or on the chest where the heart is located.
Eye in the pyramid - a symbol that is directly related to Freemasonry, originates from the culture of ancient Egypt. It is the All-Seeing Eye, watching the development of mankind. Such a tattoo will protect its wearer from the heaviest sorcerer slander.

The choice of tattoo from damage and the evil eye depends on the energy of a person and his religious preferences. For the believing Christian, the cross will be the best talisman, while an agnostic or a pagan weakened by witchcraft will most likely fit any of the listed ancient Egyptian symbols.


So, if you decide to put on the body not just a tattoo, but a real amulet, you have an impressive choice. You can prefer original Slavic symbols or mysterious Scandinavian runes, mysterious images of American Indians or peaceful Buddhist tattoos. In addition, the symbolism of ancient Egypt and the universal symbol of the Christian cross will protect from damage and the evil eye.

Do I need to put a tattoo charm? You decide. However, if you decide on this, take the choice of the image with the utmost seriousness. After all, the tattoo will stay with you for many years. It is sad if the energy of a symbol chosen incorrectly will have a negative effect on your condition and future life.


Watch the video: $80 Tattoo Vs. $875 Tattoo (July 2024).