Top 5 Summer Face Masks


In early summer, after spring vitamin deficiency, the skin requires special care as never before, and there is no lack of choice of funds. We will use the many gifts of nature and prepare homemade face masks. The recipes offered here are not only effective, but also simple.

Cucumber face mask

Our grandmothers actively used it. Perhaps today it is the most common improvised tool for making masks. Cucumber mask narrows pores, smoothes the skin and refreshes it. After several such procedures, you will notice the result. In addition, cucumber juice whitens the skin. To do this, chop the cucumber and mix with milk. But before using the mixture, leave it in the refrigerator for a day. This mask is best washed off with cool water.

Strawberry face mask

Strawberry masks are especially good for dry skin. This beloved berry is capable of miracles: with its help you can get rid of unwanted freckles and even moles. You can add yolk, bran, cottage cheese and other products to the crushed strawberries, depending on personal preferences and the type of your skin. Any strawberry mask is applied for a maximum of 20 minutes and washed off with warm water.

Avocado face mask

Specialists in beauty salons recommend the pulp of avocado as an eye cream, as this fruit has excellent moisturizing properties due to the fatty acids and Vitamin A contained in it. The skin takes on a healthy and well-groomed appearance. Just crush the avocado with a fork and apply the flesh around the eyes. Leave for five minutes and rinse with cold water.

Papaya face mask

A papaya mask gives a very pleasant feeling, because its pH level is close to the acidity level of our skin. Marcia Kilgore from Bliss Spa (New York) notes that thanks to a papaya mask, the skin takes on a fresh look. The enzyme contained in papaya removes dead skin flakes without causing inconvenience. The recipe is very simple: you need to mashed the papaya and apply it to the entire face, except for the area around the eyes. Rinse with cold water after 20 minutes.

Powdered milk face mask

This improvised product works on the principle of "2 in 1" - as a soft scrub (due to lactic acids) and as a moisturizer (thanks to natural natural oils). Carol Combs from Green Valley Spa (St. George, Utah) gives the following advice: cover your skin with a good layer of milk powder, and after 3 minutes, wipe with a dry rag and rinse with warm water.

The day before using this or that mask, check your skin for an allergic reaction. To do this, apply the composition on the inside of the palm of your hand and after an hour check for redness, rash, or other irritation.


Watch the video: 6 Types of Face Masks to Clear & Hydrate Your Skin: Sheet Mask, Sleeping Mask, Clay Mask (June 2024).