Oily skin - what to do: identify the causes. Effective cosmetic procedures and home care for oily skin


Oily skin has always brought a lot of problems to its owners.

As a result of the abundant release of fat by the sebaceous glands, pores are clogged in the skin, black spots and numerous inflammations appear.

The face of women with such a problem always shines and has an unnatural brilliance.

Today we’ll talk about oily face skin - what to do, how to improve its appearance, restore beauty and health.

Oily skin - what to do: determine and eliminate the causes

Even the most effective drying cosmetics will not bring a sustainable result if you do not try to eliminate the causes of oily skin. The first step towards healthy facial skin should be the normalization of the sebaceous glands. This is possible if this type of skin is not due to a genetic predisposition or heredity. So, the causes of problem skin:

• disorders in the gastrointestinal tract;

• thyroid disease;

• diseases of the nervous system;

• hormonal disorders caused by puberty, pregnancy;

• malnutrition;

• stress;

• insufficient sleep;

• alcohol abuse;

• smoking, drug use;

• improperly selected oily skin care products.

After eliminating the causes of excessive sebum secretion, you will notice an improvement in skin condition. Your nails and hair will also have a healthy appearance.

Oily skin - what to do: full-fledged home care

According to dermatologists, to normalize the functioning of the endocrine glands, it is necessary not only to improve health and establish a lifestyle, but also to properly care for capricious skin. Following simple rules, you can significantly improve the condition of oily skin.

1. Cosmetic products that you purchase in stores or pharmacies must be designed to care for oily skin.

2. You should wash your face without using a sponge.

3. To cleanse the skin you need to take warm water. Hot water increases skin grease.

4. Avoid using products containing alcohol. At first they dry the skin a little, but with regular use they provoke the production of subcutaneous fat.

5. Approach the choice of decorative cosmetics very carefully. As you know, oily skin is perfectly controlled by kaolin clay. It is part of many dense textures designed for problematic skin. Zinc oxide, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, is welcomed as part of the product.

6. Apply foundation with a sponge or brush. Rubbing the cream with your fingers, you stimulate the glands to intensively produce fat.

7. Once a week, make steam baths based on infusions of medicinal plants. Such healing herbs as mint, chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, calendula and a series are perfect.

Oily skin - what to do: use natural homemade masks

Experts recommend periodically making masks for oily skin.

1. Mask based on cosmetic clay. For oily skin type, yellow, white, green or pink clay is suitable. For one procedure, it is enough to take one tablespoon of clay. Add sour milk to it and stir until gruel. The mask is applied to clean skin for 15 minutes. It is very convenient to remove it from the face with a damp cotton pad.

2. Fat-free yogurt mask. It can significantly improve the condition of oily skin. To prepare the mask you will need yogurt, potato starch and milk (we take the ingredients in a ratio of 2: 1: 1). Thoroughly mix the components and apply mass to the skin for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water.

Oily skin - what to do: seek the help of cosmetologists

Oily skin is a disease caused by a malfunction of the sebaceous glands. If desired, it can be treated in a clinic or in a cosmetologist’s office. As a result of examination and analysis, specialists will recommend therapeutic procedures that are selected for each individual case and allow you to get rid of oily skin problems for a long time. Consider the most popular and effective treatments.

Face cleaning

Facial cleaning happens: ultrasonic and mechanical (manual).

The procedure, which involves the use of ultrasound, safely cleanses the skin from the stratum corneum of cells, fat, and impurities. As a result of cleaning, you can get rid of black spots, reduce enlarged pores, refresh your complexion and improve tone, normalize blood and lymph circulation.

Mechanical cleaning of the face is a deep cleansing of the skin with a special tool - a cosmetic spoon UNO. The procedure is indicated for oily skin, clogged pores, dull complexion, acne, sebaceous plugs.


For oily skin, cosmetologists recommend Jacques massage. This plucked massage technique is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the endocrine glands and improving the blood microcirculation in the skin. The procedure allows you to supply the epidermal cells with oxygen and essential nutrients. After undergoing a massage course, you will notice a decrease in skin grease, the elimination of inflammation and age spots, and an increase in skin tone. Pinch massage has a general healing effect on the skin of the face.


This cosmetic procedure provides for mechanical and temperature effects on the face skin of steam sprayed under pressure. It allows you to improve complexion, cleanse pores, increase turgor, improve blood circulation and make skin matte. The following types of vaporization are used to treat oily skin:

• exposure to hot steam;

• exposure to cold steam;

• use of ozonated steam.

So, we examined the problem of oily skin - what to do and what methods to choose depends on each specific case. The main condition for success is the regularity of care procedures and an irresistible desire to have healthy and beautiful skin.


Watch the video: 7 Skincare Mistakes That Are Making Your Pores Look Larger! Ft. Wishtrend TV (June 2024).