What is the dream of the wedding


What is the wedding dream for - according to Miller’s dream book

According to Miller’s dream book, having seen himself in a dream at a wedding, one should expect a quick exit from disturbing circumstances or the removal of any obstacles. The wedding, dreamed of by a young woman, does not speak in favor of her personal qualities and signals that she should change her attitude to life. The marriage proposal, adopted in a dream, promises to fulfill the promise and exaltation in the eyes of higher people. Lack of approval of marriage from parents in a dream means that it will not be received in reality. The dream that your loved one will marry another woman, broadcasts about impending unnecessary suffering and fears that have no basis. Seeing yourself already married to him is a bad omen. To a young woman to see a man in mourning at his wedding - to an unhappy life, to someone else's wedding - to the sad fate of someone close or friends, or to illness, or to the troubles in the journey that will follow after such a waking dream.

What is the wedding dream for - according to Wangi’s dream book

To be among the guests at the wedding is to have fun in the company of your old friends, during which you can meet a person who can become the main thing in your life. Seeing yourself in a dream at your wedding is the need to make a difficult decision in the near future, which will affect the rest of your life. To be an honored guest in a dream at a wedding is the need to help someone close to you. You should not refuse such help, since a little time will pass, and you yourself will need the services of this person.

What is the wedding dream for - according to Freud’s dream book

A wedding as an event (but not marriage or marriage) is a symbol of harmonious sex, to which both partners devotedly give themselves and at the same time receive mutual pleasure. If such a dream is seen by a person who has not yet had sexual intercourse, then it indicates the presence of fear of the beginning of a sexual life.

Why the wedding is dreaming - according to Loff's dream book

According to Loff's dream book, the decoding of such a dream should be made taking into account those events that could serve as its cause. Such a dream, for example, may speak of corresponding personal expectations. If the people to whom he dreamed do not prepare for the wedding and do not strive for it, then there may be several options for its interpretation. Firstly, it should be correlated with other life circumstances. He may say that the burden that you have taken on is beyond your strength. If he dreams in anticipation of the adoption of an important obligation related to work, then by such a dream one can judge the feasibility and acceptability of this obligation. For example, a joyful wedding ceremony speaks of the reliability of the forthcoming agreement. If you see the wedding as a joyless or dubious event, then sleep should be considered as a hint about reviewing the duties that they are going to assign to you.

What is the wedding dream for - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, a wedding dreams of sad events or death.

What is the wedding dream for - according to the dream book

If such a dream is dreamed by unmarried people, then it promises an early marriage; to married people, he foreshadows the birth of children. If you see in a dream that you are dancing at a wedding, you should be careful in communicating with the opposite sex; dreaming about your own wedding - to a happy marriage; to see oneself at a wedding in a society of women or men - to complicate and confuse certain circumstances.

What is the wedding dream for - according to the dream book of Meneghetti

In the dream book of Meneghetti, the wedding is presented in an ambiguous manner, which should be interpreted based on other details of the dream.

What is the wedding dream for - according to Longo's dream book

For a man who is not married, a dream about his wedding only speaks of a great desire for this event in life. If the wedding is a dream of a married man or a married woman, then such a dream portends a novelty in relations with his partner.


Watch the video: Wedding in the dream (June 2024).