Is it possible to wash pillows in a washing machine: step by step instructions. Washing pillows with different fillers


Human health in many respects depends on the conditions of his rest.

An important role is played by bedding, which should always be impeccably clean, fresh and comfortable.

As a result of prolonged use, even a pillow that is clean at first glance accumulates a large amount of dust.

Today you will find out if pillows can be washed in a washing machine.

Can pillows be washed in a washing machine: bedding with natural filling

Pillows can be divided into four main categories:

• with natural filler;

• with artificial filler;

• with organic filler;

• orthopedic.

For sewing pillows, manufacturers use the following natural fillers:

• feather

• fluff

• wool

• bamboo.

Natural materials are very pleasant to use. They will never cause allergic reactions. Meanwhile, feather and fluff create favorable conditions for life and reproduction of feather ticks dangerous to human health. To prevent the appearance of insects, it is necessary to clean the pillows from dirt in a timely manner. Bedding can be brought back to life not only with the help of dry cleaning services, but also thanks to a washing machine-machine at home. Let's see if pillows can be washed in a washing machine.

Step-by-step instructions for washing feather and feather pillows

Washing feather and down pillows is as follows:

1. Before washing a product with a natural filler, a pillowcase should be removed from it and properly knocked out, as much as possible clear of dust.

Small pillows are washed in the bed sheets. Large - should be strung and split the filler into several parts. They need to be put in special bags for washing and sewn up.

2. We load the product into the machine and pour the necessary amount of liquid detergent.

3. On the typewriter we select the program "Delicate Wash", which provides for the use of a low temperature regime - up to 40 ° C.

4. You need to squeeze the pillow at the end of the wash at a drum rotation speed of 500-600 rpm.

Drying pillows

Launched pillows are best dried outdoors in the sun. The product must be properly spread and suspended at one corner. Turn it over, whipping the filler, every few hours. This will avoid unpleasant odors, rotting filler and even the formation of mold.

The pillow will completely dry in one to two days. The drying time depends on its size. At the final stage, the pen must be placed in a new or washed old napnik and sewn up.

Prevention of the appearance of feather ticks

To prevent pillow contamination with pests and their waste products, you should use the advice of specialists:

1. Use Calgon Water Softener to wash pillows. Also reliable disinfection will provide oxygen bleach that does not contain chlorine.

2. Anti-mite protection and a unique aroma of freshness will provide washing pillows with the addition of essential oils. Oils of orange, lavender and cypress are best suited for this purpose.

3. Wash pillows at least twice a year.

4. Dry bedding in direct sunlight in the fresh air.

If you choose a non-sparing washing regime, then the breastpieces may not withstand manipulations and burst in weak places. The fluff or feather, falling into the drum, will clog the drain filters of the automatic machine, which can lead to damage to its engine.

Step-by-step instructions for machine wash pillows with wool and bamboo fillers

1. If you plan to wash only the pillow filler, then flush the breastplate and place it in a bag of gauze. Be sure to sew tightly.

2. To clean pillows made of natural wool and bamboo, select the delicate washing mode at temperatures up to 40 ° C.

3. An ideal detergent for these materials is a detergent for products made of wool or cashmere. Pour the required amount of gel into the tray.

4. Avoid the formation of lumps in the filler will allow additional rinsing with the use of several tennis balls. Rotating in the drum, they will evenly whip the pillow, cleaning and leveling it.

Can pillows be washed in a washing machine: artificial bedding

The following synthetically used materials are used for the production of pillows with artificial fillers:

• non-woven,

• fiberblon,

• silicone

• synthetic winterizer,

• camphor,

• holofiber.

Products with synthetic fillers are easy to machine wash. They dry perfectly and do not lose their original shape.

Before washing a synthetic pillow, it is recommended to check its elasticity. A heavy object must be placed on the center of the product. By removing it, you will find a dent. She must quickly disappear. In this case, the pillow can be washed. If the trace does not disappear, it is best to purchase a new product.

Step-by-step instructions for washing synthetic pillows

1. Soak the pillow in water with detergent for one hour before washing.

2. On the machine, select a temperature mode of 40 ° C.

3. Do not be afraid to use the maximum spin speed.

4. To straighten the irregularities formed after washing, beat the pillow thoroughly.

5. To dry the washed product, select a horizontal position, a warm room with good ventilation. You can place a pillow on the balcony on top of the clothesline.

Is it possible to wash pillows in a washing machine: orthopedic and organic products

It should be noted that not all pillows can be machine washed. We are talking about orthopedic products, bedding with a memory effect, with fillers made of cotton wool, cotton or buckwheat husk. Manufacturers of such pillows warn of the impossibility of washing such products. At the end of the life of the organic pillows, they are replaced with new ones. Use orthopedic pillows to clean orthopedic pillows.

Therefore, before starting operation of this type of pillow, it is advisable to place it in an additional bedcloth, which can always be washed if necessary.

Now you know if pillows can be washed in a washing machine. This time-consuming process is guaranteed to provide you and your family a healthy and sound sleep.


Watch the video: How To Clean Your Pillow - It's Easy! (July 2024).