Shoots in the ear: causes and consequences. If he shoots in the ears: what to do at home, first aid to the sufferer


Ear pain can occur in every person.

This feeling feels like a toothache, as it also causes great discomfort.

This article will examine in detail the main causes of tinnitus and what to do when it appears at home.

Shoots in the ear: the main reasons

Most often, it starts shooting in the ear for the following reasons:

1. The development of sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses). You can recognize this condition by the following symptoms:

• runny nose and nasal congestion;

• sleep disturbance;

• burning in the nose and in the area near the eyes;

• acute (shooting) pain in the ears;

• a feeling of stuffy ears;

• nasal;

• increase in body temperature;

• loss of appetite and fatigue.

Sinusitis can be either acute or chronic.

For its treatment at home, the most effective methods are inhalation with boiling water and essential oils (inhaling steam through a paper roll) and washing the nose with soda (in the ratio of 1 tsp. Soda to a glass of water).

If sinusitis is chronic, then it must be treated with vasoconstrictor drugs, however, therapy should last no longer than three days in a row.

2. Otitis or inflammation of the inner (or middle) ear. Most often, its occurrence is provoked by various bacteria and pathogenic viruses that enter the ear when the nose is blowed too hard.

Symptoms of otitis media are as follows:

• sharp pain in the ear;

• lumbago sensation in one or both ears;

• secretion of blood or pus from the auricle;

• partial hearing loss;

• nausea;

• ear plugging.

For the treatment of acute otitis media, a cotton swab dipped in boric alcohol should be placed in a sore ear.

If otitis media is accompanied by high fever and purulent discharge, then in this case a person needs to see an otolaryngologist, otherwise his condition can worsen. After diagnosing the disease, the patient will be prescribed antibacterial and pain medication.

It is important to know that it is undesirable to treat purulent otitis media itself, since at this stage the disease is already severely neglected and requires medical treatment. If the focus of infection is not eliminated in time, then the pus will penetrate the inside of the skull and may cause a brain abscess or meningitis.

3. Eustachitis It is a strong inflammation of the Eustachian tube in the ear cavity. As a rule, it develops as a complication of chronic sinusitis.

The following symptoms of eustachitis are distinguished:

• increased perception of one's own voice;

• a feeling of rustling and knocking in the ear;

• partial sweating;

• a sensation of fluid in the ear cavity.

To treat eustachitis at home, you need to use medicines that contain phenylephrine. In addition, it is recommended to carry out UHF-therapy and MV-therapy.

4. Frontite - This is an acute inflammation of the frontal paranasal sinus. Usually it develops as a result of untreated flu or ARI.

Frontitis is very difficult compared to other forms of sinusitis. Its symptoms are as follows:

• purulent discharge from the nose and ears;

• increase in body temperature;

• swelling of the face;

• severe headache and ear pain;

• Pain in the eyes;

• discoloration of the eyelids.

To treat frontitis at home, naphthyzin ointment can be used - lubricate the nasal cavity with it, and also instill the nose with this drug (in the form of drops). Also, in this condition, the patient is advised to observe bed rest and take paracetamol to lower the temperature.

It is important to know that earache with frontitis occurs already as a complication from the course of the disease, so when such a symptom appears, it is better not to delay the trip to the doctor.

5. Sphenoiditis - This is an inflammation of the sphenoid sinus. In addition to ear pain, it can cause fever and a large amount of nasal discharge.

It must be treated with frequent washing of the nose with the help of special antibiotics. It is best to do such procedures in the ENT office, as a person alone will simply not be able to completely flush all the nasal passages for himself.

6. Labyrinitis - This is a disease of the inner ear, the appearance of which is provoked by viral infections: influenza, measles, mumps and chicken pox.

It is best to treat labyrinitis (especially to young children) with proven medications, since with severe complication it can cause serious consequences.

Adults can apply warm compresses to their sore ear as adjuvant therapy.

Shoots in the ear: additional reasons

In addition to basic diseases, it can shoot in the ear for the following reasons:

1. Backache after a walk in the wind. As a rule, they are accompanied by such symptoms:

• headaches;

• tinnitus;

• increase in body temperature.

To eliminate an ear pain of this nature, you need to instill two drops of boric alcohol in each ear and apply a warm compress. If after two days the pain does not subside, then it is advisable to consult a doctor.

2. Shoots in the ear due to tooth decay. In this case, the ear pain in a person will have a pulsating character and intensify when pressed.

As a rule, caries of the extreme teeth leads to pain in the ear, as well as inflammation of the "wisdom" teeth.

To quickly quench the pain at home, you need to prepare such a solution: 1 tsp. soda, 4 drops of iodine and 1 glass of water. Mix all the ingredients and rinse the teeth with the prepared liquid three times a day. This will help relieve acute pain in the teeth and ears.

3. Facial neuritis may lead to lumbago in the ears, pain when chewing, and also to redness of the face.

With such symptoms, a person should contact a neurologist. He is also recommended to follow a diet (refuse to use spicy and sweet foods, as well as coffee and hot tea).

4. Severe sore throat can lead to otitis media, as well as the appearance of purulent discharge not only from the throat, but also from the ears.

With angina, it is very important to prevent such complications, therefore, even when its first symptoms appear, it is necessary to consult a therapist.

Shoots in the ear: non-medical reasons

Sometimes a person begins to shoot in the ear, it would seem, for no apparent reason. Despite this, there are still factors that can provoke such a symptom. These include:

1. Flight in an airplane. The unpleasant sensations in the ears during air travel are explained by the fact that with a sharp drop in pressure, the Eustachian tube is clogged. This leads to pain in the ears.

In order to relieve discomfort in the ears, during the flight you need to follow these tips:

• yawn more often;

• eat during the flight;

• swallow saliva more often;

• use vasoconstrictor drops in the nose.

2. After swimming sharp pain and tinnitus may occur. To eliminate this symptom, it is recommended to lie on your side and wait until the water that has spilled flows out. You can also jump by tilting your head to the side.

It is important to know that using cotton buds for this purpose is not recommended, since they remove the protective layer of the skin and can lead to bacterial diseases of the auricle.

3. Pinched nerve inside the ear. Often this occurs due to severe nervous strain and stress. This condition does not require special treatment, since the pinched nerve can recover on its own, however, if the pain is very worrying, then you can instill two drops of tea tree essential oil in each ear.

In order not to provoke deterioration in the condition, when pinching a nerve in the ear, you need to refrain from eating hot and spicy food.

4. Auricle obstruction may occur with untimely ear cleansing. In this case, a person may partially lose his hearing. In addition, he may suffer from severe ringing and tinnitus.

Best of all, hydrogen peroxide can cope with such a problem. She needs to moisten a cotton swab and put it in her ear for two to three hours. Then repeat the procedure. This liquid will “corrode” the collected sulfur and relieve the ear plug.

Shoots in the ear: what to do at home

If it shoots in the ear, then at home you can use such folk recipes:

1. Recipe from geranium:

• knead a couple of leaves of geranium;

• put them in a sore ear and leave there for two hours;

• after this time, replace the sheet with another and repeat this procedure every two hours until the pain subsides.

2. Onion recipe:

• take a slice of onion and chop it;

• wrap in gauze and put in a sore ear;

• leave overnight. If the pain persists, you must repeat the procedure again.

3. Recipe from salt:

• dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water;

• wait until the solution cools down a little and instill it (1 drop) into a sore ear.

4. Almond Butter Recipe (tea tree oil, lavender oil or sage essential oil can also be used instead):

• slightly warm the oil;

• bury it in a sore ear (2 drops will suffice);

• repeat the procedure twice a day for three days.

5. Remedy for lemon balm:

• take 20 g of dried lemon balm leaves and insist them in 1 glass of alcohol;

• after that, get a cotton swab in this tincture and put it in a sore ear;

• leave for 10-15 minutes (you can’t leave longer so as not to cause tissue burns).

6. Means of oil:

• warm up sunflower oil;

• moisten a cotton swab in it and place it in a sore ear;

• leave there for half an hour.

7. Horseradish remedy (effective for purulent discharge from the ears):

• peel horseradish and chop it;

• squeeze juice;

• instill 2 drops in a sore ear.

Horseradish juice has a strong antimicrobial and antibacterial effect, so it can eliminate the source of infection in the inflamed ear.

Shoots in the ear: what to do at home to prevent complications

In order not to cause any complications, you should adhere to such preventive measures:

• when blowing your nose, heal each nostril one by one;

• do not swim in untreated water bodies;

• make sure that foreign objects (insects, glass, small parts, etc.) do not fall into the child’s ear;

• when bathing young children should not be allowed to get water in your ears;

• treat on time diseases that can lead to pain in the ears (flu, sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc.).

If an ear pain began to bother a small child, then you need to act according to this scheme:

1. Inspect the ear for foreign objects. Do the same with the nose.

2. Rinse the baby’s nose with salt water.

3. Instill vasoconstrictor drops in the nose.

4. Give anesthetic syrup (Nurofen).

5. Make a warm compress from salt heated in a skillet.

What children should not do at home if they shoot in the ear:

• Do not use alcohol or other substances that could damage the skin and cause burns in the child’s ear;

• You can not give your baby antibiotics and other medications (without a doctor’s prescription).

If you experience ear pain in children, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor so as not to provoke complications.


Watch the video: Ear Problems : How to Cure Ringing Ears (June 2024).