Child 10 years old


The path that a child walks from birth to 10 years is enormous. In a lanky man entering adolescence, it is almost impossible to recognize an unintentional baby. It even differs from a three-year-old baby, but this transformation occurred imperceptibly for parents. The beginning of the puberty is characterized by the active actions of the child in the team. Previously, he contacted only with individual peers. In high school, the student and teacher community is more diverse. The number of contacts of the child increases in the yard, in sections, circles. Boys and girls begin to perceive role-playing behavior as the setting of a certain community. The team becomes the strongest tough teacher of the growing child.

Physical changes that are noticed at the age of 10 show that girls and boys begin to develop faster - body weight rises, growth increases. The body accumulates resources for the subsequent leap in development. Soon the development of girls begins to outstrip, only by the age of 15-16 boys catch up with girls, and everything takes on a natural order. Marked differences affect the psychological state of both girls and boys in the form of self-doubt, and often the amount of these experiences depends on the parents. It is extremely important to talk about the features of development, to be always there and in complete readiness to support the child in a difficult period, to prepare for the subsequent rapid development of the body.

Child development at 10 years old (what should know and be able to)

At the age of 10, educational activity comes to the forefront, a lot of energy is given to it, on its basis, children develop theoretical consciousness and thinking, and they have the ability to reflect, analyze, plan their present and future lives. Learning needs are reinforced by motives; 10-year-old children should be able to learn, operate with their knowledge, store a large amount of information in their memory and reproduce it.

The child is enriched with a sense of competence, which is reinforced by successful studies, awareness of his abilities and the ability to perform various tasks in a high-quality manner. Competence is new in the child’s self-awareness, along with the development of the sphere of randomness. A ten-year-old child seeks to fit into the team, and communicates mainly with children of his gender. The need for a mother and strong attachment is weakening, but the behavior of a 10-year-old child is still dependent on parenting.

Baby food at 10 years old

The daily menu includes several basic meals (3-4) and snacks. Nutrition consists of those de products that adults have, but quantity and quality must have differences. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in an adult is calculated by the formula 1: 1: 4, in a ten-year-old child - 1: 1: 5, since the metabolic processes of the body require much more energy. Food should include a large amount of protein, which makes vegetarianism unacceptable. Protein starvation can provoke impaired mental and physical development.

In ten-year-old boys and girls, there is an increase in gastric digestion associated with hormonal changes, so heavy, rough, difficult to digest food can create problems for children in digestion. You should also not give them a lot of sour and spicy dishes, spices, hot seasonings.
At primary school age, children may still experience allergies to certain types of food. This is due to the fact that increased permeability of the intestinal walls can provoke the ingress of undigested food molecules into the blood, causing a response of the body's immune system.

Between meals should be approximately 4-4.5 hours. The younger schoolchild should eat 300-400 grams of vegetables daily, and as many fruits or berries, preferably fresh. At the same time, they need to be changed in order for the body to receive different vitamins and minerals. Products from cereals should provide the growing body with energy, support immunity. More than 50 percent of calories are allocated to carbohydrates in the body. In general, nutrition should be right - and that means balanced, varied, regular and enjoyable.

The regimen of a child's day at 10 years old

To maintain the health of the child and provide the best conditions for development, it is necessary to observe the daily routine. In addition to nutrition, it is important to take time for hygiene procedures for walking in the fresh air, to allocate time for homework with breaks, and also to go to bed at the same time. The body of schoolchildren consumes calories especially intensively in the morning, so special attention should be paid to breakfast.

Eating in the morning regularly reduces the risk of many diseases. Breakfast is simply necessary for better resistance to stress and high psycho-emotional and physical stress, and in addition, it maintains normal weight in children. It has been established that more than 40 percent of obese adolescents do not eat breakfast, and boys are at greater risk of obesity. Everything turns out quite banal - in the evenings, mothers, experiencing a guilt complex, try to “feed” the child to the desired “amount”. As a result, food is not digested, the child does not sleep well, eats poorly in the morning and continues to gain weight. For active excitable children, you need to allocate 25 minutes before eating to calm down after exercise and prepare for eating.

Lessons with a child at 10 years old (how to develop)

To save and reproduce information, it is very important to develop and strengthen memory in every possible way. At school, in almost every lesson, the teacher uses various methods to develop and strengthen memory. In your free time, you can also pay attention to this in a playful way by connecting companies of children. So that the exercises do not become boring, it is better to present them in a bright form - everything attracts children. What causes an emotional response.

Several types of entertaining games for training memory and attention

1. "My favorite fruit"
Under the guidance of an adult, several children become in a circle. The first child calls his favorite fruit. The next participant calls his fruit and repeats the previous name, and so on. The last participant must list all the names that were pronounced in the circle. By joining the game in a chain, children concentrate and develop memory.

2. "Observation"
The task of the driver is to describe the situation of a well-known room or room (for example, a school canteen or an assembly hall), the others carefully listen and supplement.

3. "Pairs of words"
This exercise can be used on the road, outdoors, at home for adults and children. When naming a few pairs of words (a ball - a jump rope, a plate - porridge, a cup-compote, a bed - a pillow, a car - a steering wheel), and the child should reproduce only the second words.

Games and toys for children in 10 years

Despite the fact that the life of a younger student is more connected with the school, games and toys remain interesting to him. They become a little different, but still occupy an important place in the life of the child. No doubt games should be educational. This is not just cars, blocks, dolls - designers, logic games are best suited at this age.

1. Constructors
Develop logic, thinking and fine motor skills. Many sets for younger students - a young chemist, physicist, electrician.

2. Board games
Children of this age are very fond of communicating with the company. A small team is easy to rally and entertain with board games with several participants.

3. Labyrinths
Finding the right path and getting out of the maze is not so easy - you need to keep the rules in mind so as not to return from a new direction to the path traveled.

4. Games with pictures
In order to build game strategies, you will need logic, memory and the ability to analyze the situation, the player's chances in a particular situation. The result of the game is displayed in the number of points.

Of course, do not forget the old family games - chess, checkers, lotto, dominoes. When choosing games, be sure to consult your child. Do not discard old toys without consulting your child - this can put him in a state of stress.

Raising a child at 10

An important feature of 10 years of age is the appearance of interest in the opposite sex, when boys are not yet limited in groups from girls, but contacts are clearly of interest, and are also evaluated by peers. Therefore, external attention is often hidden under the guise of aggression - for example, pulling a pigtail. This is the real equivalent of sympathy, hiding the desire for communication, embarrassment and timidity. Girls are also not indifferent to such attention. But communication is still devoid of sexual color, so this time is good to use for sexual education.

The information does not yet cause excitement and with the help of medical terms you can familiarize the child with the physiological needs of the body, the functioning of the human body, and prepare for the onset of puberty. This knowledge will help to enter the puberty without complexes and reduce self-esteem. In a children's team, it is important to instill masculine traits in boys, and feminine ones in girls, to cultivate moral qualities that will help resist the negative influence of the “street”.

Attention should also be paid to respecting elders, implementing the laws of society, helping the weak and animals.

Useful Tips for Parents: How to Develop Creativity

At the age of 10, you can still reveal the abilities of the child, but in the future it will be much more difficult. Children still perceive failure as a negative experience, especially if classes or activities are conducted in a playful way. Their actions are not yet shackled by patterns and stereotypes, and you can arouse interest in creativity by giving the child a certain freedom of action in his personal time. In addition to watching TV and computer games, give your child the opportunity to draw, sculpt, make music or dance, write him to the sports section wherever he wants.

There must be restrictions on watching TV or playing games on the computer, but there must be compulsory compensation in the form of an interesting lesson. In no case should you force the child to engage in creativity, this can even cause a breakdown in relations. You should also not overload it with a variety of activities. The main thing is interest, using the most powerful hobbies for development.


Watch the video: Two Year Old Child Development Stages & Milestones. Help Me Grow MN (July 2024).