Diet of Polina Gagarina: how to lose weight without damage to health by 40 kilograms? Nutritionists approve of Gagarina’s diet


To what tricks the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity do not resort to get rid of the hated kilograms: they torment themselves with physical exertion, seek out new author's diets, often not only ineffective, but also fatal to health.

Meanwhile, the unfortunate weight is in no hurry to leave.

Recently, the diet of Polina Gagarina, a famous Russian singer, has become very popular.

A participant in the "Star Factory - 2", the International Eurovision Song Contest, literally struck everyone on the spot with a radical change in image, turning from a charming girl with rounded shapes into a slim beauty with model parameters.

The secret of the transformation of the singer, actress and simply charming young woman lies in the author's method of weight loss, designed for people who want to lose weight without harming their health.

What did Pauline look like before losing weight?

In her youth, Polina was by no means thin. Although her weight could not be called critical (56 kilograms), but against the background of her peers, participants in the Factory, happy owners of an aspen waist and narrow boy's hips, the girl seemed like a dummy.

Everything changed when Polina became pregnant and began to rapidly gain weight due to her appetite. She gladly absorbed confectionery, without a high-calorie sweet dessert, not a single tea party could do.

As a result, after giving birth, Gagarin recovered by 30 kilograms! According to the singer, it was very unpleasant for her to observe such unattractive changes in her appearance. The problem required a radical resolution.

Polina’s feelings are familiar to every woman. Indeed, it is annoying when you have to buy clothes a couple of sizes larger, since the former is disastrously small. And the appetite, meanwhile, does not think to subside, adding more and more centimeters at the waist.

The example of Polina, who has stunned the public with her new look, who has grown thinner, prettier and changed her hair color, deserves sincere admiration.

Having shown her willpower, enlisting the support of relatives and friends, the singer was able to fully recover from childbirth, dropping 40 kilograms. Now, thanks to a simple and highly effective diet, Polina’s figure is impeccable.

Diet Polina Gagarina: basic principles

Fighting overweight, the singer tried many diets. Now she confidently says that temporary, even very severe food restrictions are not effective. Firstly, when the diet ends, the lost kilograms begin to return, moreover with interest. Secondly, there is a risk of significantly undermining your health.

Polina has a negative attitude to counting calories, considering it a waste of time, so she developed her own diet, which is based on important postulates of proper nutrition.

Gagarina notes that the diet that helped her lose weight without harming the body is rather a way of life, since the fundamental principles laid down in the weight loss system must be adhered to constantly, and not from case to case, when there is an urgent need lose a few pounds.

The main rules of the author’s diet of Polina Gagarina include:

1. Exclusion from the diet of flour and sweet products, fast food, sausage products of carbonated drinks. No rich buns, donuts, pies and pastries and Pepsi-Cola, instead of them - rye bread and a glass of yogurt.

2. A complete ban on starchy foods. Having ceased to eat potatoes, a person will begin to rapidly lose kilograms. It is allowed to use tubers baked in foil once or twice a week.

3. Alcoholic beverages, especially beer, are high in calories. In addition, they whet the appetite, and adversely affect overall health. They are taboo.

4. Seasonal vegetables and fruits saturate the body with all the necessary vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, increase immunity and restore the system of the gastrointestinal tract. You must include them on the menu daily.

5. Fried foods are replaced with those prepared in a gentle way (boiled, stewed, steamed). Roasted meat or fish contain carcinogens and free radicals that are extremely dangerous to health.

6. Daily intake of liquid food. Soups and broths perfectly saturate the body, dull the feeling of hunger, activate the intestines. In addition, they are absorbed very quickly by the body, which is especially valuable in the cold season.

7. Mandatory inclusion in the diet of seafood. They contain a minimal amount of calories, while the body receives the necessary amount of nutrients.

8. Refusal to eat after 18.00 or 2-3 hours before going to bed.

9. Compliance with fractional nutrition, a competent combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

In addition to all of the above, a weight loss system involves mandatory physical activity. During the period of intense weight loss, Polina studied at the Moscow Art Theater School. The lessons of stage movement, fencing and dramatic dance took a lot of energy and strength, therefore, contributed to the burning of calories. Six months later, the personal achievement of the singer was the loss of 40 kilograms. The result is impressive! With a growth of 1 m 64 cm, the singer began to weigh 47 kg.

Since then, the weight has not returned, and the young woman feels great and proudly demonstrates to her people a magnificent body, dressed in stylish stage costumes, sometimes very frank.

Now Polina goes in for sports several times a week, a three-hour lesson includes loads on all types of muscles. He visits the pool, gym, sauna, and does not forget about various cosmetic procedures (body wraps, spa treatments, anti-cellulite massage), which allows you to keep fit.

The only, not very pleasant nuance is the fact that the diet of Polina Gagarina does not contribute to breastfeeding. A month after birth, Polina’s son was transferred to artificial nutrition, as the young mother lost milk.

When Gagarin is asked how she managed to win such a brilliant victory over excess weight, she admits that at first many friends did not even recognize her. To support this result, Polina is no longer on a diet, instead she adheres to the principles of proper nutrition.

Diet Polina Gagarina: weekly menu

According to the author's system of weight loss, you should eat four times a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner + snack. The intervals between meals are 3-4 hours.


• vegetable salad without adding salt and oil (tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, white cabbage);

• oatmeal without oil, boiled in water;

• vegetable or fruit fresh (Polina herself prefers tomato juice).


• fish prepared in a shady way (steamed, boiled, baked in the oven);

• any stewed vegetables (starchy foods are allowed no more than 2 times a week);

• 1 apple.


• fruit in unlimited quantities (apples are best suited for this purpose, as they perfectly satisfy hunger, provide intestinal function due to the high fiber content);

• Herbal tea, fresh fruit juice without sugar.


• white lean meat (meatballs, steamed meatballs or meat cooked in a piece);

• a fresh vegetable salad;

• kefir.

At least 1.5-2 liters of pure water should be drunk per day. It removes toxins and toxins, removes swelling, breaks down fat.

As you can see, the diet of Polina Gagarina does not include any exotic products, which makes it accessible to all girls who want to bring weight back to normal.

How does Polina Gagarina eat now?

Having achieved impressive results, the singer no longer adheres to a strict diet, however, she follows its basic principles, namely: four meals a day, refusing harmful foods and stopping food intake 2-3 hours before bedtime.

The singer notes that due to her busy work schedule, tours, filming and performances, she does not always manage to eat fully, however, here she adheres to the golden rule: it is better not to eat than to overeat.

Polina’s menu has become more varied, but fresh vegetables and fruits, low-fat meat and whole grain bread are invariably present in the diet.

Now the approximate daily menu of the singer is:

1. Breakfast, which includes complex carbohydrates: cereals with nuts, honey, dried fruits, fresh berries, granola.

2. Protein lunch, consisting of meat (boiled, baked, grilled) or broth.

3. Sour-milk snack: low-fat cottage cheese with fruits, nuts, honey or yogurt.

4. Seafood dinner, kefir.

Servings should not be too large and exceed 300 grams.

However, Polina Gagarina sometimes allows herself to relax and enjoy delicious food. The singer notes that the diet in no case should be a severe test, you can arrange yourself small deviations from the rules, the so-called cheats.

These planned breakdowns in diet are a fairly common practice among losing weight. Cheats not only provide psychological relief, but also avoid the plateau effect, when the weight stops going away, due to the body getting used to systematic dietary restrictions, stimulate metabolic processes.

As cheating products, Polina prefers fast food.

Diet Polina Gagarina: reviews of experts

Nutritionists respond positively to the methodology of losing weight to Gagarina, unlike other author’s diets, and highlight the following advantages in it:

• balance in nutrient content;

• does not contradict the principles of healthy eating;

• contributes to the rapid loss of excess weight;

• retains a lasting effect;

• practically has no contraindications, can be used by persons of both sexes, regardless of age;

• lack of side effects.

Contraindications include only complex cases of obesity. Weight loss in this case should occur under the supervision of nutritionists and other specialists.

A universal menu is suitable for generic recovery.

Polina herself, answering questions about how she managed to achieve such excellent results in losing weight, replies that at first it was undoubtedly difficult at first, but later she was drawn in, excitement appeared. The first successes pleased, tuned to continue the work begun. The main thing is not to give up and steadily go to your goal.

The diet of Polina Gagarina allows you to control your appetite, restores metabolic processes in the body, instills healthy habits, tempers willpower. With her personal example, Polina proved that nothing is impossible!


Watch the video: Диета Полины Гагариной . Как похудеть? (July 2024).