How to get rid of acne on your back: pharmacy and folk remedies. Beautician Tips: Treat Acne on Your Back


The presence of acne on the back can be safely attributed not only to a cosmetic problem, but also to a psycho-emotional one.

Troubles are aggravated with the advent of the warm season, when you have to remove the clothing hiding the problem.

In addition to moral discomfort, acne on the back can cause pain, itching, and even the release of pus or blood.

It is not always possible to solve the problem with simple hygienic procedures.

Therefore, you have to choose more effective methods for getting rid of acne on your back.

Acne on the back: causes

Usually, the appearance of acne on the back is associated with the puberty, when there is a restructuring of the hormonal system. Therefore, the presence of dermatological rash in adolescents is not a rare occurrence. With age, this problem usually resolves itself. But waiting for thirty years to get rid of acne on his back would be foolish.

In addition to the age factor, the appearance of acne is associated with a rather diverse household, psycho-emotional and pathological problems. Among this fairly wide range of provoking factors, the main ones can be distinguished:

1. Skin rashes, first of all, depend on a genetic predisposition.

2. The condition of the skin on the back may be affected by improperly selected or poor-quality cosmetics. Cosmetics with an excess of lanolin and paraffin are especially harmful to the skin.

3. Taking certain medications can cause complications in the form of rashes on the back. This problem can be encountered after uncontrolled intake of halogens, barbiturates, as well as anabolic steroids.

4. Stress, which provokes increased production of cortisol, provokes a chain of hormonal disruptions leading to rashes.

5. With hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands, the excretory ducts are often clogged, which leads to abscesses.

6. Diseases of the digestive system in the form of dysbiosis, constipation and other gastrointestinal pathologies are the main cause of skin problems.

7. Food abuse affects the condition of the skin. Alcohol, fatty and sugary foods can cause acne on the back.

8. Errors in hygiene. Acne can be caused by the lack of timely hygienic procedures, and too hard work on the skin, especially with the help of deep or frequent peels.

The appearance of acne is also associated with the quality of clothing. With prolonged wearing of synthetic robes, the skin does not receive air. And sweat and dirt accumulate on it, not being able to soak into unnatural materials of clothing. Thus provoking a blockage of the sebaceous ducts.

How to get rid of acne on your back: medicines

It is necessary to start the fight against acne on the back at the first signs of pathology. The problem is difficult to correct. And in advanced cases, you will have to make a lot of efforts to get rid of acne on your back.

First of all, it is necessary to find out the true cause of the pathology. It is practically impossible to get rid of acne using only external cosmetic and medication. Only a doctor can prescribe drugs for the treatment of provoking pathologies, and then after a thorough examination.

However, external agents cannot be excluded from the treatment program. We can say that such drugs play a leading role in eliminating the problem.

For the treatment of acne, bactericidal, antiseptic and healing drugs are used. The best results are observed after the use of drugs containing zinc. It is this component that can inhibit the increased activity of the sebaceous glands, as well as reduce the inflammatory processes in the epidermis.

In the presence of acne on the back for therapeutic purposes, you can use:

• Differin;

• Skinoren;

• Sulfur ointment;

• Zineritis;

• Ointment according to Vishnevsky;

• Baziron;

• Retinoic ointment;

• Curiosin.

The list of medications designed to combat acne on the back is quite huge. However, quite strong drugs are sometimes not able to cope with the problem. In such cases, you need to consult a dermatologist who can choose really effective drugs.

How to get rid of acne on the back: folk remedies

Skin rashes are a fairly common problem and folk healers did not leave it unattended. You can try to create a program yourself that helps get rid of acne on the back using popular folk recommendations.

1. Acne Can Help Brewer's yeast, which must be taken according to a certain scheme, in accordance with age and weight. Recommendations for such therapy, of course, should be obtained from a doctor.

2. Sun bath during a period of inactive solar activity help dry out rashes. However, using this method must be reasonable.

3. Treatment of the skin hard washcloth in the absence of purulent inflamed rashes will help strengthen local blood flow, which will provide the skin with the necessary nutrition and reduce inflammation.

4. To stimulate metabolic processes and blood flow, you can use contrast shower. This procedure restores tone and improves skin condition.

5. As an external antiseptic effect on the skin, skin treatment can be used. chamomile decoction or saline solutions. It is better to make a healing bath from these components.

6. Good for self-treatment of skin problems masks. They can be prepared from products that have drying, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. Components in the form of egg white, lemon juice, algae, healing clay, soda, salt are useful in such cases.

7. Wipe your back with acne hydrogen peroxide. A similar treatment is carried out twice a day.

8. As a healing lotion, you can apply a decoction prepared of calendula flowers or chamomile decoction. Alcohol tinctures from these herbs also help, which must be diluted with water before the treatments.

9. Can be used to dry acne on the back baby powder or cosmetic talcum powder. When choosing such products, give preference to pure raw materials without the presence of perfumed fragrances.

10. For deep cleaning of problem skin, you can use salt scrub. To prepare such a healing agent, it is necessary to make a mixture of soda with salt, which will be needed for one procedure, two tablespoons. Such a scrub can be bred with gel for problem areas or with whipped soap suds. After receiving the slurry, it is applied to the problem place. In the presence of inflamed purulent acne, such a remedy is undesirable.

How to get rid of acne on your back: the advice of a beautician

The fight against skin problems is a lengthy process that requires a comprehensive approach. It is impossible to eliminate a similar problem without considering the multifactorial nature of its origin.

Therefore, be sure to include in the healing program:

1. Correction of nutrition.

2. Taking basic drugs aimed at eliminating the underlying disease, which provoked the appearance of rashes.

3. The use of external funds for the treatment of skin.

4. Regular hygiene procedures.

At home, proceed in accordance with the following sequence:

1. First, take a healing bath for which you can use soda, salt or herbal decoctions.

2. Treat the skin with a healing tonic.

3. Make a mask to fix skin problems.

4. Apply ointment to the back.

Periodically cleanse the skin with a scrub.

Despite the prevalence of the problem, in no case do not squeeze acne. This will not solve the problem, but will help the spread of infection and increase the number of purulent inflamed acne.

Carrying out hygiene procedures, after applying shampoos and hair balms, be sure to wash off the remnants of these products from the body. Getting on the skin, such cosmetics provokes clogging of pores and contributes to the appearance of acne.

If any available methods do not help to cope with the problem of acne on the back, you should not increase the amount of medication taken and the number of cosmetic procedures. In such situations, it is extremely necessary to consult a doctor who can choose an individual treatment program.


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