How to cook pasta tasty must know everything! How much to cook pasta in different ways: in a pan, for frying, in milk, in soup


How much and how to cook pasta to make it perfect?

An interesting question that torments many housewives.

Some pasta stick together, others get glass, others are tasteless.

What is the problem and how to cook pasta correctly?

How to cook pasta - general principles of cooking

The ideal recipe and the exact time how much to cook pasta simply does not exist. It all depends on the variety of wheat used, the size of the products and the selected cooking method. But there are general principles that will help to prepare an ideal dish.

Five secrets of perfect pasta:

1. Before cooking, it is advisable to study the information on the package. Usually it indicates the cooking time. But it is also approximate.

2. To prevent pasta from sticking together, you can add a little oil even when boiling in water. Well, of course, grease finished products.

3. Of course, you can fill a pack of products with a liter of water and cook. But it is believed that for ideal pasta you need at least a liter of liquid per 100 grams of dry product, regardless of its size and shape.

4. Never save on pasta. If they are made of poor wheat, then to achieve a delicious and perfect dish is more difficult. And, by the way, the cost of different types rarely has a really big difference and hits the wallet hard.

5. Immediately after starting the pasta in water, mix them well. Otherwise, they are bound to stick together.

These simple tips will help to prepare a quality side dish or any other dish. But, how and how much to cook pasta so that they do not stick together, turn out tasty and neat?

How to cook pasta in a pan

The most common way to cook pasta is to cook in a pan. So prepare products for side dishes, casseroles and other needs. Many housewives use this method, but how to cook pasta on the stove?


• 300 grams of pasta;

• 3 liters of water;

• 2 tablespoons of salt;

• 40 grams of oil.


1. Pour water into the pan, put on the stove and let it boil. Solim.

2. Dip the dry product into the water and immediately stir well, otherwise the products will stick to the walls of the dishes and to the bottom.

3. Now you need to cover the pan with a lid for a few seconds and make maximum fire so that the products boil as soon as possible.

4. Immediately remove the lid, otherwise the dish will “run away” onto the stove.

5. Make moderate heat and cook until tender.

6. But how much to cook pasta? If the package has a time of 10 minutes, then at 9 minutes you need to try.

7. If the products are ready, then merge them into a colander. You can rinse with boiling water.

8. Add oil, stir and it's done! You can use any oil. It is better to melt the cream so that it is evenly distributed over the products.

How and how much to cook pasta for frying and baking

Often, various dishes are prepared from boiled pasta, followed by frying or cooking in the oven, for example, for casseroles. But for them, products need to be prepared a little differently, they can not be digested.


• 300 grams of pasta;

• 3 liters of water;

• salt;

• butter.


1. Boil water with salt, pour a couple of tablespoons of oil.

2. Start the pasta, stir and bring to a boil over high heat.

3. Reduce the heat and cook, but not until fully prepared.

4. As soon as the products increase in size, but are still harsh, they need to be tried.

5. If the pasta does not stick to your teeth and bites easily, then you are done! They will go further when frying.

6. If the products are sticky, it is difficult to crack them, then we bring to the state described above.

7. If the pasta is soft and fully prepared, then when frying they will lose their shape. Therefore, the dish will have to be cooked with a small amount of sauces and at maximum temperature, so as not to turn into pasta.

How to cook pasta so that they do not stick together

If you can’t cook pasta in a high-quality way, and they constantly stick together, you can resort to some tricks.


• pasta 300 g;

• 3-4 liters of water;

• 50 grams of oil;

• salt.


1. Take a large and wide pan. Tall dishes will not work. We need the heat to be distributed as evenly as possible.

2. Salt and immediately pour in the oil. All 50 ml. It will envelop products and reduce their stickiness.

3. As soon as the water boils, pour the pasta, quickly bring to a boil. You can briefly cover the pan with a lid to speed up the process.

4. After boiling, gently mix the products to cover again with oil. We do it carefully, it is better to use a spatula. Mix every 2 minutes, that is another 2-3 times.

5. Throw the finished product into a colander and immediately pour over boiling water.

6. Fill with oil, cover and vigorously shake the pan. That's all!

How to cook pasta in milk

Milk soup or porridge is a wonderful dish not only for children. It is ideal for breakfast, easy and quick to prepare. You can take any items, from shells, to horns and noodles.


• 1 liter of milk;

• 200 grams of pasta;

• 30 grams of oil;

• 2 tablespoons of sugar;

• salt.


1. Boil milk.

2. Salt, sugar and immediately add the oil. For a dairy dish, it is better to use butter.

3. Pour pasta, stir and let it boil.

4. Reduce the heat and cook until soft. Vermicelli is enough for 2-3 minutes. Horns and shells should be boiled for 8-10 minutes.

How to cook pasta in a pan with other ingredients (in soup)

Cooking pasta in combination with vegetables and other ingredients is more difficult. You need to correctly determine the bookmark time of the product. Most often cooked pasta soup. It is easier to use a vermicelli cobweb for this. It is enough to let the soup boil and you can immediately turn it off. But how and how much to cook other pasta?


• soup;

• pasta.


1. Pasta such as shells, horns, snails are launched into the soup when the potato begins to be pierced, but is not yet ready.

2. Put the products in the pan, the soup should already be salted. Mix well.

3. Cook until soft, but not fully cooked. Products should be a little harsh, but already increased in size. If pasta needs 10 minutes according to instructions, then 5-6 is enough in soup.

4. We fill the soup with overcooked vegetables, herbs and spices, let it boil.

5. Turn off and let the dish stand for 10 minutes. The pasta will reach. If they are overcooked, then even without insisting the products will become limp already on the plate.

How to cook fried pasta

An irrelevant way to cook pasta. It requires precise proportions. But these are not all the features. Macaroni is very aromatic, tasty and brown. It is better to use products of a simple form - tubes, noodles, horns.


• 120 grams of pasta;

• 2 glasses of water;

• salt;

• pepper;

• 30 ml of oil.

You can add any spices to this dish.


1. Heat the oil in a pan, add pepper and any spices except salt.

2. Dip the raw pasta and fry until brown over high heat, do not forget to interfere.

3. Boil water separately with salt, pour into pasta.

4. Let it boil, reduce the heat and cover the pan.

5. Cook pasta for about 10 minutes, then open. We try. If the liquid remains, and the dish is ready, then add heat and evaporate. If the pasta is still damp, then cover and let go.

6. The finished dish is seasoned with herbs, served with vegetables, meat, you can season with all kinds of sauces.

Cooking pasta - useful tips and tricks

• Macaroni tastes better when greased with butter. Well, it’s faster and easier to use vegetable oil and it needs a little less.

• If you add beetroot juice to the water for cooking pasta, they will turn out to be very interesting and beautiful in color. Especially such a dish will be appreciated by small picks. In addition, beets are useful and are a natural dye.

• How many pasta should I boil? According to the standards, 80-100 grams of dry product is per person. That is, a standard pack of 400 grams is enough for a family of 4 people. But everyone’s appetites are different, this is also worth considering.

• Salted pasta water before immersion. And they never salt during the cooking process.

• To cook pasta you need not only a lot of water, but also a large pot. Pour liquids no more than 2/3. Otherwise, there is a great risk of washing the stove after cooking.


Watch the video: How to make. . One Pan Pasta! (June 2024).