How to understand that the baby has a headache


A small child usually fails to correctly describe the pain. The kid is unable to explain that the headache became the cause of his tears and moods. Professor Bertold Koletzko (Children's Health Fund) believes that a child who is not yet five years old will not be able to provide reliable information about his health. That's why parents need to monitor the behavior of the kids. For example, when their hands are near the eyes or on the head - this is a signal of discomfort. A headache is indicated by the habit of ruffling hair or touching eyebrows.

A child experiencing a headache becomes hypersensitive. If the baby is constantly experiencing headache attacks, parents need to clearly fix the symptoms: when the pain occurred, how strong it is, how long it lasted. The approximate verification period is one month. You need to know that a headache occurs with temperature, infectious diseases of the throat and ear, with tremors or heat stroke. A headache can be a kind of reaction to stress caused by a difficult situation at school or in the family.

Warning is always much easier than treating later. Therefore, doctors attach such importance to preventive measures. To protect the baby from headaches, it is important to observe a strict regimen of eating, walking, sleeping and physical activity. Limit the amount of time a child spends in front of a TV or computer.


Watch the video: Kids Migraines- What a Pain! (June 2024).