Menu for weight loss at home: for a day and for a week. How to make a menu that is to quickly lose weight


We are what we eat.

Say what you like, but you can get rid of extra pounds and centimeters in only one way: to begin to really, and not in words, monitor your diet.

And to get things moving, add some movement.

Menu for losing weight at home: changing attitudes to life

It’s not necessary to hang a lock on the refrigerator. It is enough to just change the usual stereotypes. This is often enough to start the slimming menu at home.

It’s important to consider that one recipe doesn’t happen at all. For weight loss, many parameters matter:

• initial weight;

• speed of metabolic processes;

• age;

• the presence of chronic diseases;

• the condition of the body (for example, the postpartum or postoperative period, hormonal disorders, monthly cycle, etc.).

But there are still common points. First you need only a little, only 100-200 kilocalories, to reduce the amount of food eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Please note: it is precisely the calorie content that needs to be reduced, and not the usual amount of servings (although you can’t do without it either).

What is meant? Let's say you like to eat scrambled eggs with sausage for breakfast. If instead of sausage we take low-calorie ham from chicken breast (and even better - boiled, chilled and thinly sliced ​​chicken breast), instead of two eggs - three or four proteins, the serving volume will not change, but the calorie content will be two to three times lower. Especially if you fry all this not on a generous portion of fat, but gently smearing a drop of oil on the surface of the pan.

The same approach should be applied to lunch and dinner. Instead of greasy cabbage soup or hodgepodge, start cooking lean soup, light vegetable soup with chicken stock, vegetable soup with cabbage, zucchini, young potatoes, carrots and other gifts of nature. Plant fiber saturates for a long time, cleanses the intestines, has a lot of useful properties and low calorie content. That is why there is no need to refuse food or eat soup from a saucer.

For the second you can leave the usual dishes, reducing them to a widow and replacing the second half with vegetables - fresh, stewed or grilled.

Dinner should be the easiest meal. The main secret is to get enough of it. If you eat a leaf of salad or an apple, then by nine o’clock the hunger pangs will express themselves in full voice. Therefore, an ideal dinner is a light, but well-saturating protein, plus a portion of vegetable fiber, that is, vegetables or fruits.

If you take these principles into service, you can quite simply come up with a menu for weight loss at home. To himself a nutritionist - it is fashionable today. And most importantly - effective and very interesting.

One Day Slimming Menu

So, the basic rule is to give up dietary suffering, begin to lose weight without effort, sacrifice and exploits. You can start with an interesting task: make a menu for losing weight at home for one day.

Breakfast: boiled egg, fresh vegetable salad, rye or bran bread sandwich with soft curd cheese or a slice of ham.

Dinner: mushroom soup on chicken or vegetable broth with a spoon of light sour cream, a steam cutlet and two boats of buckwheat porridge.

Dinner: fresh vegetable salad with a slice of sea fish cooked in a grill pan.

But what about snacks? Afternoon snacks, lunch and dinner? If you are used to five or six meals a day, you do not need to give up such a fractional regime. It is enough to reduce the amount of meat protein and carbohydrate foods (pasta, potatoes, rice, other cereals as side dishes).

For sweets, natural sweets are ideal (for example, dried dates, dried apricots, prunes, dried apple slices) and unroasted unsalted nuts. For afternoon tea, you can drink green tea with five to six nuts and one or two dates.

The second breakfast may consist of one fruit (in extreme cases, you can eat two fruits of the same kind). Mixing fruits sweet and sour is not worth it if there are digestive problems. You can have a snack with cottage cheese or a slice of cheese.

As for the late dinner, an hour before bedtime, neither a glass of kefir, nor a jar of natural yogurt will harm. Unsweetened sour-milk products will definitely not bring harm to the slimming menu at home.

Slimming Menus at Home: Helper Products

Losing weight is a very exciting activity. But in two flocks, three tributaries, such matters are not resolved: one will have to lose weight for not three days and not two weeks. Therefore, you need to know exactly which products will definitely help to make an effective menu for losing weight at home, and which ones you need to refuse.

First of all, you need to understand: all groups of products to the body are vital. Therefore, be sure to include proteins, carbohydrates, fiber and fats in the diet.

1. Protein groups: ideal for weight loss fish, chicken, veal, rabbit, egg, dried (unsalted and unroasted) nuts, dairy products, cottage cheese. You need to be careful with cheese, but you should not completely abandon it.

2. Carbohydrates: when losing weight, the so-called long carbohydrates are permissible. These are pasta from durum wheat, cereals (especially good gray ones), boiled (in no case fried) potatoes.

3. Plant fiber: any vegetables, fruits in a fresh, baked, boiled form.

4. Fats: vegetable oils are allowed (olive, linseed, sunflower, buckwheat). There is no complete ban on butter, but its amount will have to be significantly reduced, if possible, consumed no more than two to three times a week.

It will be necessary to completely abandon white bread, muffins, cookies, and confectionery products of industrial manufacture. No trans fats and store sauces (a complete rejection of margarine, ketchup). Killer products are banned: fatty meats, smoked meats, lard, sugar.

Menu for losing weight at home for a week

If you are serious about smooth, calm weight loss, you can think out a menu for losing weight at home for a week. This is very convenient if you buy the right products in advance and know exactly what and when you can eat.


• Breakfast: half the usual portion of oatmeal on the water, but with a slice of butter, a cheese sandwich (you can put the butter not in porridge, but on a sandwich). Drink to your taste.

Dinner: a serving of chicken noodles with two rye crackers, two tablespoons of mashed potatoes with a slice of baked breast.

Dinner: stewed frozen vegetables, chicken breast.


Breakfast: two boiled eggs, two lettuce, apple salad, a jar of natural yogurt.

Dinner: mushroom stew on chicken stock, a small cupcake made from whole grain flour with pumpkin.

Dinner: a slice of steam salmon with a serving of fresh vegetables.


Breakfast: 150 grams of cottage cheese with a spoon of sour cream and any fruit. A slice of whole grain bread with curd cheese.

Dinner: vegetable soup with croutons or a slice of rye bread.

Dinner: vegetable salad, a sandwich from a slice of slightly salted salmon on a slice of bran or whole grain bread.


Breakfast: buckwheat porridge (you can add fried mushrooms or onions to it), natural sweetness for tea.

Dinner: Baked fish in foil and boiled rice with a portion of any vegetable salad.

Dinner: cottage cheese pancakes or a portion of fresh cottage cheese with sour cream. Rye creeps with curd paste.


Breakfast: steamed oatmeal with a few nuts or a little dried fruit. Sandwich with cheese.

Dinner: lean cabbage soup with sour cream, a steamed red meat patty with grilled vegetables.

Dinner: stewed in white wine fish with a salad of fresh vegetables.


Breakfast: croutons on eggs and milk from two slices of whole grain or bran bread.

Dinner: broccoli cream soup, grilled carrots with boiled chicken breast.

Dinner: chicken roll with cheese and herbs, baked vegetables.


Breakfast: smoothies made from whole milk, banana, pear, two spoons of oatmeal.

Dinner: a piece of baked fish, a warm salad of green boiled beans with an egg.

Dinner: baked apples stuffed with cottage cheese, with honey and cinnamon.

Menu for losing weight at home: important tricks

You need to start your day with a glass of water. It is good if it is quite hot, but not scorching water. It will wash the digestive tract, start the metabolic processes and intestinal function. In general, the water regime when losing weight is very important. Sometimes, in order to "push" the frozen process of fat burning, it is enough to increase the volume of drinking water. Say, if you are used to drinking one and a half liters a day, add another two or three glasses and be surprised at the result.

After water, wait about half an hour. This time is ideal to devote to breathing exercises, which very effectively complements the menu for losing weight at home, or to do any exercise.

After the body gets used to healthy food, it is necessary to reduce the portion size. It is very important. The golden rule of losing weight: do not overeat, that is, do not overeat to the dump. It is enough to get up from the table at the moment when it seems that you can eat a little more for complete happiness. This "little bit" and it turns out, as a rule, the very little thing that does not allow you to lose weight. Gradually, the body gets used to the natural volume of food, and you do not have to overeat.

It is not necessary to refuse chocolate. Once every two to three weeks you can eat a strip of this treat, but you can’t do this every day. And in general, you need to be more strict about yourself, not to allow breakdowns and frequent violations. Otherwise, the menu for losing weight at home will not bring results.


Watch the video: What I Eat In A Day how i got my abs. RENEE AMBERG (July 2024).