Cranberry, lingonberry, fruit juice from viburnum - sources of health. Useful properties, possible harm and calorie content of fruit drinks from berries


In the thicket of coniferous and deciduous forests, the sun's rays can hardly penetrate.

The air here always remains moist and cool.

Paths sometimes lead to marshy glades.

This is an ideal environment for the growth of forest berries, the usefulness of which is difficult to compare with any other berries and fruits.

Cranberries, lingonberries and viburnum are able to activate immunity and cure many ailments. Not everyone can eat freshly picked forest berries. After all, the concentration of vitamins gives them a sour taste to bitterness. It is much more pleasant to drink healthy fruit drinks from cranberries, cranberries and viburnum.

Fruit drinks: species, their composition and calorie content

The calorie content of cowberry, viburnum and cranberry fruit drinks is about 40 kcal per 100 g. The finished drink retains all the properties that are beneficial to the body, which are inherent in the berries themselves:

• Vitamin C;

• Vitamins B1 and B2;

• Provitamin A;

• Manganese;

• Iron;

• Potassium;

• Glucose and fructose;

• Tannins.

The use of berry fruit drinks

To make healthy fruit juice from wild berries is quite simple. A prerequisite is the entry into the drink of fresh berry juice.

In order to cook lingonberry, cranberry or fruit juice from viburnum, you will need:

1.500 grams of berries;

2.200 g of sugar;

3. 3 liters of purified water;

4. spices to taste.

Berries can be taken as a single variety, and mix them together. The amount of sugar is individually regulated.

Fresh berries must first be thoroughly washed. Then they are rubbed through a sieve. Dishes in which the juice will drain in this case should not be iron. Juice contains quite a few acids, which immediately enter into an undesirable reaction with iron. Squeezed in a ceramic or glass dish berry fresh cleaned in the refrigerator. The remaining cake is poured with 3 liters of water, sugar is added and brought to a boil. In this case, you can add washed leaves of fresh peppermint or other favorite spicy spices. As soon as the mixture boils, it is removed from the heat and cooled. The cooled broth is filtered through a sieve into a clean dish and the juice is poured there, which was put into the refrigerator. Useful fruit drink is ready.

Drinking fruit drinks that are healthy for the body is best when chilled. They quench thirst well, and also arouse appetite.

Fruit drinks: what are the benefits for the body?

Lingonberry fruit drink useful for colds and viral diseases. It has an antimicrobial and antiseptic effect, and also enhances the effect of any antibiotics. Lingonberry fruit drinks have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body. At the first stage of a cold or viral disease, cranberry juice will help bring down the fever and have a diaphoretic effect.

The beneficial properties of lingonberry juice will restore immunity after seasonal colds. This drink restores the protective functions of the body, accelerates the process of cell regeneration, tones, betrays strength and energy.

Cowberry juice is useful for digestive disorders caused by low acidity of gastric juice. It acts as a prophylactic against gastritis and peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract. Useful properties of fruit drinks normalize intestinal motility, relieve constipation, providing a mild laxative effect.

Lingonberry fruit drink is often included in the patient menu during treatment for skin cancer and stomach tumors. More and more specialists from the field of cancer research confirm that in lingonberries there are those healing substances that adversely affect cancer cells. Having included cowberry juice in your diet, you can get a good prophylactic for oncology.

Lingonberry juice, which is part of fruit drinks, improves vision, lowers blood pressure, destroys cholesterol and even relieves headaches and rheumatism.

Lingonberry fruit juice is very useful for expectant mothers. It will enrich the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals that a pregnant woman shares with the baby in the process of bearing. In addition, such fruit drinks will be a good helper in therapy aimed at preserving pregnancy with the difficulties at this stage.

Morse cooked from viburnum berries, relieve puffiness caused by violations in the work of the kidneys, ureters and heart. For pain in the heart and liver, it is also worth drinking this delicious healing drink. It also has astringent antiseptic properties, which contributes to the healing of wounds both in the external epidermis and in peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines. Useful fruit juice from viburnum with bronchial asthma. And its rich composition is indispensable during pregnancy. Taking viburnum fruit juice in the third semester, the development of anemia can be ruled out.

Cranberry juice is an excellent digestive stimulant. It arouses appetite, normalizes the acidity of gastric juice and, thus, helps to cure ulcers, gastritis and pancreatitis.

Cranberries are a powerful prophylactic against cancer. It contains substances that more prevent the development of cancer of the intestine, colon, breast and prostate. Therefore, fruit drink from this forest marsh berry is so useful.

Useful for the body properties in cranberry juice remove cholesterol and prevent blood clots in the vessels. By expanding and nourishing the vessels, cranberry juice heals the heart muscle and reduces the risk of cerebral strokes.

The vitamin composition of cranberry juice is beneficial for the body, stimulating its defenses. Drunk fruit juice helps with coughing, reduces fever and perfectly quenches thirst. In winter, a cranberry drink is an excellent way to maintain immunity to avoid the development of vitamin deficiency.

Fruit drinks: what is the harm to health?

And yet fruit drinks from lingonberries, viburnum and cranberries have their contraindications. First of all, the collection of berries should be carried out only in forest areas, as distant from the roads. These berries easily absorb toxins during the ripening process and fruit drinks from such berries can harm the body. Therefore, the environment for their germination should be environmentally friendly.

People with increased acidity of the stomach and subsequently developed stomach ulcers should reduce or completely eliminate the consumption of fruit drinks from wild berries. This is due to the high content of vitamin C in the berries. A clear recommendation on the observance of the necessary diet is prescribed by the doctor.

Fruit drinks from lingonberries and viburnum, as well as cranberry fruit drinks lower blood pressure. This can be a salvation for those who suffer from high blood pressure. And it may not be so noticeable for those who have normal pressure. But if the blood pressure mark is often below normal, then berry fruit drinks should be drunk with great care, in order to avoid harm to health.

Fruit drinks: useful or harmful to children?

If the child has no contraindications to such berries as cranberries, lingonberries and viburnum, then fruit drinks from them will be not only useful for the child’s body, but also their favorite tasty drink.

Contraindications to the use of fruit drinks from viburnum, lingonberries and cranberries can be:

• Age up to a year;

• Immature digestive system;

• Disturbances in the work of the stomach and pancreas;

• Disorders in the intestines.

Having such features of the body, it is worth seeking the advice of a specialist. He will determine the permissible rate of berry fruit drinks in the diet, or he will recommend to exclude its consumption for some period.

In the absence of digestive problems, fruit drinks will become an indispensable source of nutrients for a child during the autumn-winter cold. They will help recover after flu and colds. Increase the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria. In the summer, healthy fruit drinks from wild berries perfectly quench thirst, tone and invigorate. Nourishing the body from the inside, fruit drinks from lingonberries, viburnum and cranberries will contribute to the healing of wounds and burns.

Lingonberry, viburnum and cranberries in cooking

Not only fruit drinks can boast of their invaluable benefits to the body. Healthy forest berries are widely used in cooking for making sauces, jams, preserves and decoration of various dishes. Berries are easy to collect on their own, and can also be purchased in any form in any of the supermarkets. They are easy to store, and dishes with their addition acquire a bright flavor and instantly become much more useful.

Juice of viburnum, lingonberry and cranberry in cosmetology

When preparing homemade fruit juice from healthy forest berries, it will not be superfluous to leave 50 grams of freshly squeezed juice for cosmetic purposes.

Kalina is known for its tonic and anti-aging properties. By mixing the juice of viburnum berries with honey and oatmeal until you get a porridge-like substance, you can nourish dry, aging skin. Juice of viburnum, lemon, egg white and a little oatmeal flour is an excellent mask in the fight against oily skin and clogged pores. The duration of masking is 15 minutes. After that, just wash with warm water and apply your favorite nourishing cream.

Lingonberries with cranberries have practically the same beneficial properties for the skin. In addition, they are also able to deal with rashes on the face. This is due to the tannin binders and microelements that are part of the berries, which have an antibacterial effect.

Masksbased on the juice of forest marsh berries, are able:

• Clear pores;

• Accelerate the healing process of microtrauma of the skin;

• Destroy the bacteria that cause acne;

• Lighten pigmentation;

• Smooth wrinkles and smooth the structure of the skin of the face;

• Tone and nourish, preventing the appearance of new wrinkles.

With regular application of wellness masks for the face with juice of cranberries, cranberries and viburnum, after 2 months noticeable results will be visible.


Watch the video: Benefits of Blueberries, Blueberries Nutrition, Blueberry Benefits, Blueberry Nutrition Good Health (June 2024).