Diet for high cholesterol - a detailed description and useful tips. Examples of diet with high cholesterol.


Diet for high cholesterol - description and general principles

Cholesterol can be different. Harm or benefit he brings to the body? How diet helps to normalize cholesterol in the blood? Let's see what cholesterol is. and what role it plays in the human body.

The process of metabolism is largely dependent on steroids, which include the biologically active substance cholesterol. It produces bile acids, sex hormones, vitamins. Without them, the proper functioning of the body is simply impossible, because it is constantly necessary to remove toxins and metabolic products, participate in the body's metabolic processes, regulate the flow of various substances into the tissues. But at the same time, atherosclerotic plaques may be formed in the blood vessels that can cause circulatory disorders. In some cases, they can be very dangerous. Vessels are clogged with the direct participation of cholesterol that enters the blood as part of lipoprotein complexes.

Excess cholesterol is transferred to the liver and is decomposed into individual components - metabolites, which are then removed from the body. High-density HDL (high-density lipoprotein complexes) helps to enhance anti-sclerotic properties, but cholesterol plaques can cause poor circulation and blockage of distant arteries. Most often this occurs with obesity, diabetes, metabolic disorders, constantly increasing pressure, gout, liver disease, thyroid malfunction. Diet for cholesterol is designed to reduce the number of foods that increase cholesterol in the blood. Consumption of these products should be limited first to a diet, and then try to take its elements as a way of life.

Diet with high cholesterol - what foods you can eat

From bakery products, preference should be given to products from coarse flour, dry liver, unsalted baking. Porridge from cereals (oatmeal, wheat, buckwheat), as well as cereal soups are welcome.
- Meat and fish - only low-fat varieties, without skin, boiled and boiled. Sausage products - lean sausage, ham.
- If you really want to eat herring - it is better to soak it in milk, seafood, you can choose any.
- low-fat dairy products;
- fruits, fruits (raw and canned), juices;
- vegetables: cabbage of any kind, beets, carrots, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, lettuce, greens.

Do not raise the level of cholesterol eggs - they can be eaten as much as the body allows.
Among the drinks preferred dogrose infusion, weak black and green tea, coffee, coffee drinks, fresh juices.
During the diet, you can eat bran bread in half with wheat (150 grams per day), some sugar.

Diet with high cholesterol - what foods can not be consumed

To exclude from the menu should be muffin (especially products with cream), chocolate products, sauces and broths, fatty foods - meat, fish, lard, poultry, fish caviar, offal (kidneys, liver, brains, smoked and spicy dishes), cooking oils. Among dairy products should not choose too fat.
A large amount of cholesterol can make semolina, pasta, sweet dried fruits, as well as such types of vegetables as radish and radish, spinach, sorrel. Strong tea, cocoa and coffee are also harmful.

Diet for high cholesterol - menu examples

To lower cholesterol, you need to fundamentally revise your diet, at least for the duration of the diet. Meals are best cooked or stewed, completely eliminate fried food, since the frying form insoluble fats. Food should be unsalted, stewed with a minimum amount of vegetable oil. But it is impossible to completely remove cholesterol from the diet, and it is better to combine such foods with plant foods that contain large amounts of fiber. Vitamin D can give fish, and a small amount of fish oil. Minerals can saturate the body with nuts.

Menu options

№ 1

Breakfast: cook an omelet with meat, (140 grams), buckwheat porridge, tea with milk (low fat).
2 breakfast "kelp salad;
Lunch: cereal soup (barley with vegetables, with the addition of vegetable oil, steamed patties, vegetable garnish. For dessert apple.
Snack: pour in the hips, (200 ml of broth), soy bun (50 g).
Dinner: fruit pilaf, baked fish, tea with milk.
For the night: kefir (200 ml).

№ 2

Breakfast: cook loose buckwheat porridge, tea.
2nd breakfast: one apple.
Lunch: barley (soup) with vegetables and vegetable oil,
Steamed meat patties or meatballs, steamed vegetables (carrots), compote.
Lunch: brew hips.
Dinner: chop vegetables for salad, fill with vegetable oil. Fish stew with sauce. Potato. Tea.
A glass of kefir for the night.

№ 3

Breakfast (at 8 o'clock in the morning): protein omelet with milk, butter and sour cream, or oatmeal with milk and butter, vegetable salad with greens, tea or coffee with milk.
Lunch (11 days): skim the cottage cheese with a small amount of sugar, add an apple, a glass of rosehip broth.
Lunch (14 hours): Cook vegetable soup from potatoes, cabbage, carrots and tomatoes. Boil the meat and serve with a side dish. Compote from apples.
Dinner: Crackers, white bread, sugar, fresh fruit, rosehip drink. Stewed cabbage with fish (pike perch), pilaf with dried fruits, tea.

At night, drink a glass of yogurt.

Diet for high cholesterol - tips

How to lower cholesterol folk remedies? A simple recipe consists of only two ingredients - horseradish and low-fat sour cream. Grate the horseradish root on a fine grater, add one glass of sour cream. Take 3-4 times a day with meals. It is good to add to this one boiled carrot (not mixing).

Vegetable juices also help lower cholesterol.
Variants of recipes:
- carrot juice (100 grams) mixed with 60 grams of celery juice;
- Carrot juice (1/2 cup) mixed with cucumber and beet juice (¼ cup).

What is the norm of cholesterol in the blood?

Healthy people have a cholesterol count of less than 5 mmol / l.
If a person suffers from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, the indicators may be less than 4.5 mmol / l.


Olga Siminenko 10/17/2016
first of all you need to limit the intake of saturated animal fats. They are in fast food red meat and butter. Saturated fat can provoke heart disease, disrupt cells and even lead to oncology.

Lika 03/24/2016
In order to really lower cholesterol, you need to radically review your diet and break a bunch of stereotypes. It is very difficult, but you should definitely try !!!

Vera Ivanovka 03/24/2016
I really liked the menu options and tips on lowering cholesterol folk remedies. And from drugs that I drink for the same purpose, a lot of side effects.

LIsa78 03/24/2016
I printed this style of nutrition for my parents, both have high cholesterol. They observe such a regime for more than a week and are very satisfied. And what good daughter still needs to be happy?

Alla 03/24/2016
I was looking for something similar on medical sites, but found something that was understandable and more or less acceptable here, in the Women's Opinion. In general, the site has a lot of information!


Watch the video: LDL and HDL Cholesterol. Good and Bad Cholesterol. Nucleus Health (July 2024).