How to help your child with lessons: 7 tips


Many parents care about the question: should children be helped with lessons? As a rule, primary school students require parental assistance. But the whole point is how to help. Often, caring parents simply solve, for example, a task, and the baby rewrites the finished solution in a notebook.

It’s easier for parents, but the child will not learn independence with this approach. It is much more effective to direct the child's activities in the right direction. Here are the rules to follow:

1. Do not overload the child. It is enough to carry out what is asked at school. After all, children spend 6-7 hours at school. And at home it is better to change activities - let him play, draw, dance.

2. Praise your son or daughter for your homework and do not scold for poor grades. Learning and homework should be associated with positive emotions in the child.

3. Develop an optimal routine for your student. Take five-minute breaks as soon as the baby begins to spin and be distracted.

4. When helping your child do homework, don’t get annoyed and don't blame him. You can not program it for negative. If it doesn’t work out differently, it’s better not to help at all.

5. You should not set the child at once several tasks: "Sit still", "Write carefully", "Hold the pen correctly." Try to withstand such pressure! Focus on one task and don’t “pull” the child about others that can be solved at other times.

6. Do not scold the child for the "dirt" in the notebook. Corrections made by one’s own hand will accustom him to self-control.

7. Never punish a child by reading or writing. These activities should be a joy, not a punishment for him. For the same reason, you should not increase the duration of the lessons. Try to organize home schooling so that it is interesting and informative, and time passes quickly.


Watch the video: Use this Method to Get Your Child to Listen and Behave (June 2024).