Diet for slimming hips: features of the diet. How to lose weight with a diet for slimming hips and not harm health


Fat deposits on the hips and legs - a sore point for a huge number of women all over the planet.

The peculiarity of this problem is that in the thigh area fat delayed faster all as well cleaned up at the slowest pace.

For this reason, the problem of getting rid of extra pounds on the hips must be approached very responsibly and carefully.

In addition to physical exertion and cosmetics, you need to choose the right diet.

It’s worth starting with what type of figure can be attributed.

Problems with extra pounds on the hips are typical for pears and hourglass.

The women of the "apples" and "rectangles" are not affected, since they have a completely different problem area - the stomach.

The main rules of the correct diet for slimming hips

Components of the diet may vary depending on the characteristics of the figure, but there is several rules that do not change:

1. The first rule is You must be fully prepared for the start of the diet: both physically and mentally. You should not start any changes in the diet, if at the moment you feel unwell, harmful diets in the late winter and early spring, as there will be beriberi. As a result of the wrong start to diet, you can only aggravate the situation and spoil the health.

2. Water is the source of life. On the day of her need to drink at least two liters. It is necessary to choose necessarily spring water, or mineral. Taboo for all - carbonated species. In the morning after waking up, drink a couple glasses of water (you can add a little honey, lemon - this will strengthen the immune system), which will start the work of all organs and systems in the body. After fifteen to twenty minutes you can start for breakfast. During the day, requires constant use of water: tea, coffee, juice - do not count.

3. No matter how effective a diet for weight loss of the hips, its constant companion should be exercise stress. Choose a high-quality exercise system and do not be lazy: diet plus exercise is a quick and high-quality result.

4. Night food should not exist. Three hours before bedtime should be the last meal. There must be at least twelve hours between dinner and the first breakfast. During this time, the body will have time to relax and rejuvenate. If hunger is so strong that you just can not fall asleep, drink a tea with honey or eat a piece of orange (grapefruit).

5. Do not drink any food. After eating, it should take about an hour and only then you can drink a cup of tea (green or herbal). Having washed down the food with liquid, you dilute the gastric juice and the food that has entered the stomach is not digested properly.

6. The ideal time for a diet is the end of summer: by this time all the necessary fruits and vegetables are ripening from the beds, and not from greenhouses with a mass of unhealthy fertilizers.

Diet for slimming hips: for women "pears"

Owners of this figure should carefully keep themselves normal and do not allow weight fluctuations. Drastic weight loss can cause a lot of problems with the heart and blood vessels, it is possible the appearance of diabetes, arthritis.

The problem is also that with active weight loss on the thighs and buttocks the blood circulation is disturbed. As a result of the fact that the blood does not reach the fat cells, their number begins to grow exponentially, and this already entails the following problem - cellulite.

The basis of the diet "pears" should be:

• peas, cereals, lentils (complex carbohydrates);

• seafood, white poultry meat (squirrels);

• vegetables fruits;

• pasta;

• eggs;

• Tomatoes - the most valuable product for getting rid of fat on the thighs: it improves metabolism, and therefore increases the elasticity of the skin in problem areas.

Minimize the need to:

• foods that contain a lot of starch: potatoes, rice;

• juices from packages.

Taboo Products:

• fried foods;

• fatty, smoked;

• flour;

• milk products;

• fatty fish and meat.

Diet for slimming hips

Diet for slimming hips provides no more than 1500 calories intake, most of which are complex carbohydrates.

Diet for a day


One glass of oatmeal, 200 milliliters of orange juice (it must be exclusively freshly squeezed), one apple or a banana.


A couple of pieces of bread (rye or bran), carrots, celery, a couple of small pieces of meat (chicken breast), a tomato, a small piece of low-fat cheese, grapes.

Afternoon tea

A glass of low-fat yogurt, one small apple.


Boiled breast or lean fish, boiled beans. Salad of tomato and green peas, steamed. You can fill with olive oil.

Dessert: chocolate pudding without sugar.

Diet for slimming hips: hourglass

Rules of a perfect diet:

• Food should be fractional and be five to six times a dayThe portions are small. If you are not sure that you can get enough of a small portion, fool your stomach visually. Take a small plate, on which the same amount of food as a large one will look much larger, thereby deceiving the brain, and, consequently, the stomach.

• For the hourglass it is important to increase the amount of protein foods and reduce easily digestible carbohydrates.

It is completely necessary to give up bad habits: smoking, alcohol, as they have a detrimental effect on the thyroid gland, which, in turn, more actively begins to produce hormones, which leads to the deposition of fat in problem areas.

• A slimming diet for hips complete refusal of carbonated drinkspower engineers.

As you begin to diet, you need a proportional intake of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. It is impossible to completely abandon one of the components or reduce it, as this will instantly affect the health of the body as a whole, hair, nails, skin and nervous system in particular.

Products whose presence is mandatory in the diet:

• chicken fillet, boiled skinless turkey;

• greenery;

• seafood;

• lean meat;

• skimmed milk;

• lean fish;

• fermented milk products (low-fat);

• eggs;

• vegetables fruits.

Products that should be kept to a minimum:

• pasta;

• nuts;

• avocado.

Taboo Products:

• fried foods;

• sweet

• flour;

• salty;

• alcohol.


Twenty minutes after drinking a glass of water, you can proceed to breakfast. He must energize before dinner. A great option is boiled chicken or turkey breast and vegetable salad. An hour later, drink a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.


Salad of vegetables and egg whites, seasoned with vegetable (olive) oil.


Replenish the balance of protein, fat and carbohydrates fish baked with vegetables.

Afternoon tea

Tomato juice - 200 milliliters and a thin slice of bran bread.


In the evening, replenish the reserves of calcium: relies a portion of low-fat cottage cheese and a glass of kefir.

The diet is designed for two to three weeks.

Weight Loss Products

Calculating a diet for slimming hips, be sure to take note watermelons and melons. These delicious foods will help remove excess water from the body and burn off the hated fat.

Foods rich in potassium are irreplaceable during the diet, they will not allow swelling of the legs, prevent the occurrence of such an unpleasant phenomenon as convulsions. Your table should be radish, black currant, broccoli, honey.

Be sure to include in the diet citrus: orange and grapefruit, which help to effectively break down fats. Tellingly, these fruits should be not only on the table, but also used in cosmetic procedures: masks, wraps, scrubs.

If the diet for slimming hips scares you with its monotony, and fantasy does not allow you to pick up food, there is a diet system for a week or a couple of weeks.

Diet for slimming hips for a week

First day

Breakfast should consist of rye bread and a piece of low-fat cheese. You can drink it with green tea without adding sugar in an hour.

Lunch will replenish energy: for this, cook boiled breast and vegetable salad. Drink down with fresh juice.

For dinner, perfect cauliflower, baked in the oven.

Second day

Breakfast should be nutritious, so oatmeal steamed in milk, banana and light herbal tea is best.

Lunch can also be useful at work, so take with you two slices of toast and two slices of low-fat hard cheese. Fill your lunch with a glass of drinking yoghurt.

Dinner should be light and not overload the stomach, so you should cook vegetable soup with a slice of toast.

The third day

The breakfast of the third day is two slices of rye bread with hard cheese, low-fat varieties and a soft-boiled egg. An hour later, drink a cup of tea with milk, but without sugar

For lunch, an excellent soup based on broth from the breast and a salad of fresh vegetables with olive oil and lemon.

At dinner, bake in the oven lean fish (or cook it on the grill), to which you can serve green peas and boiled beans. Wash down with green tea.

Fourth day

Start your day with a salad of fresh tomato, cheese and seafood. Complete the morning with a glass of drinking yogurt.

Soup for lunch will be most welcome. Add vegetable salad and a cup of tea.

A high-calorie dinner of 100 grams of lamb grilled and a salad of vegetables will not allow you to go to bed hungry. Wash down with herbal tea.

Fifth day

Get a charge of energy in the morning from oatmeal and banana. Supplement morning with invigorating green tea.

For lunch you can treat yourself to mashed potatoes and vegetable salad. Drink down with kefir with 1% fat.

In the evening, replenish the balance of protein in the body of baked fish with vegetables and a glass of drinking yogurt.

Sixth day

Start the morning of the sixth day with salad and banana. Green tea with lemon will be a great addition.

Lunch, which will support you all day - boiled chicken breast, a piece of hard low-fat cheese and a cup of tea.

In the evening, you can treat yourself to pasta with tomato gravy. Wash down with herbal tea.

Seventh day

Breakfast is a boiled egg, two slices of cheese, a couple of slices of rye bread.

In the afternoon, dine with boiled meat (chicken or turkey), a slice of cheese, and a glass of broth. An hour later, you can drink a cup of your favorite tea.

Three hours before bedtime, eat a plate of vegetable salad and drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

Vitamins with diet

If you decide to go on a diet for slimming hips, you will need to take care of vitamins, which must necessarily be ingested. All trace elements will come with food, but their number is too small, so It is necessary to take and tablets means: ascorbic (vitamin C), vitamins of group B, vitamin D, omega-3, magnesium, vitamin E.

All these vitamins - the key to proper functioning of the body. If you do not get at least one component, the disorder will begin in a state of health, therefore, with the start of a slimming diet, reserve a complex of vitamins.

Exercise stress

Diet for slimming hips does not exclude physical exertion, or rather, it will be incomplete without a number of exercises that will help reduce body fat and tighten the skin, making it more elastic. Pay attention to the squats, lunges in hand, jumping rope.

Proper diet and sports - the key to a beautiful taut body!


Watch the video: 12 Tips on How to Lose Weight Without Strict Diets (July 2024).