Revi Brilliants for biorevitalization: description of the drug, reviews about the use


Biorevitalization is considered the most effective skin rejuvenation procedure. One of the most high-quality and reliable drugs intended for biorevitalization is Revi Brilliant, developed by the Russian company NMTC International. Cosmetologists from around the world note the quality and effectiveness of Revi products and recommend them for anti-aging procedures.

Description of the drug Revi Brilliants

Revi Brilliant is a domestic biorevitalizant preparation, created specifically for injection rejuvenation, which has no analogues in the world. Revi products are actively used in aesthetic surgery and have a pronounced effect.

The main feature of Revi is to activate the components of the drug after the first procedure.

One procedure, performed with Revi, replaces the whole course of biorevitalization with other drugs, usually performed in four to six sessions. Due to this effect, the procedure with this solution can be performed no more than once every six to eight months, depending on the initial condition of the skin.

Preparations Revi has two forms of release:

  • In the form of syringes with injections - Brilliant with a higher concentration of hyaluronic acid;
  • Flasks with a solution - the classic composition of MesoRevi for biorevitalization.

Cosmetologists note that the most convenient option is with Revi Brilliant syringes.

The solution in the syringe has a specific dosage of the drug and is better preserved. It is injected under the skin, acting on the deeper layers of the epidermis, and stimulates cell renewal, thus helping to maintain youth and eliminating wrinkles.

In turn, the Revi series is also divided into several subspecies:

  • Silver for young skin, used between the ages of 35 and 44;
  • Gold, intended for women from 45 to 54 years;
  • Platinum is a special solution for injections from 55 years.

Using Revi Brilliant in the process of biorevitalization course in four procedures every six months will allow you to achieve the cumulative effect of rejuvenation.


The composition of Revi Brilliant is based on a double-structured hyaluronic acid gel that has two major skin rejuvenation properties: a hydrophilic and hydrophobic effect. Naturally, the full composition of the unique means of manufacturers is not disclosed. Nevertheless, the following are known for certain. Revi solution components:

  • Pterostilbene is a natural antioxidant of plant origin;
  • Glucose, which improves cell metabolism and speeds up metabolism;
  • Trehalose is a natural disaccharide that improves the structure of the skin and prolongs the action of hyaluronic acid. The component also preserves and stimulates the moisture-forming ability of skin cells;
  • Bioflavonoid quercetin with anti-edema, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor protective effect.

Revi Brilliants has an improved biochemical composition, which makes it revolutionary in the field of cosmetology.

Influencing the complex, the components of the solution in this preparation contribute to the protection of the epidermis and preserve the cellular structure, while providing a rejuvenating effect and prolonging the result for a long period of time.

Indications for use

The drug Revi Brilliants is indicated for skin prone to age-related changes, with signs of aging and pronounced wrinkles and pronounced fading. However, among other things, the tool helps to effectively cope with other skin problems, namely:

  • Photo and chrono-aging;
  • Dehydration of the epidermis, lack of moisture;
  • Decrease in skin firmness and elasticity;
  • Primary signs of aging;
  • Skin hyperpigmentation;
  • Acne and acne;
  • Rehabilitation after plastic surgery;
  • Preparation for volumetric contour plastics.

Mesotherapy with Revi Brilliants is especially important for dehydration and desiccation of the epidermis after tanning, ultraviolet, tanning and low temperatures, as well as preparation and recovery before or after medium and deep peeling.


Despite the carefully selected composition, which does not cause negative effects with proper use of Revi Brilliants by professionals, the drug still has several contraindications.

It is necessary to avoid carrying out procedure with Brilliants solution in the following cases:

  • Under the age of eighteen;
  • During pregnancy;
  • During lactation;
  • With oncological pathologies;
  • Recurrence of skin diseases;
  • With allergic reactions.

It is forbidden to use Revi Brilliants on intimate parts of the body, as well as in areas with the most delicate and delicate skin.

Apply the solution for injection can not only on the skin of the face, neck and decollete. Revi Brilliants are also used to rejuvenate other parts of the body: hands, legs, thighs, buttocks, shoulders, hands and feet, and even on the scalp.

Pros and cons of Revi Brilliants

The drug Revi Brilliants has a lot of advantages on the background of other solutions for biorevitalization. The undoubted advantages of the Russian manufacturer’s products are the results of the procedures performed, namely:

  • Visual skin tightening;
  • Reduction and lightening of age spots;
  • Enhanced hydration of the skin;
  • Elimination of mimic, as well as shallow and medium wrinkles;
  • Return of elasticity and skin tone;
  • Visible correction of the contour of the face and body parts.

Stimulation of metabolic processes in the cells and the intercellular space of the epidermis, which helps to slow down the aging process of the skin and the active restoration and rejuvenation of existing cells.

If the procedure is carried out correctly with the use of Revi Brilliants, subsequent probable complications should not arise. A qualified cosmetologist is able to provide the result of the procedure without any negative consequences. However, the skin responds differently to different components.

The only significant drawbacks of Revi Brilliants is the duration of the course of sessions necessary to achieve the maximum result, and the high cost of the procedures.

Among the minuses of the described drug are possible complications:

  • The appearance of bruises and microhematomas;
  • The occurrence of edema;
  • Redness or blanching of the skin;
  • Formation of papules at injection sites.

Fortunately, these phenomena are temporary. After a few days, and sometimes hours, they completely pass. In some cases, it may be necessary to apply a special cream to the skin.

Application Reviews

Before deciding on the procedure with the use of the drug, you should get acquainted with the opinion of cosmetologists and people who have already used Revi Brilliants solution. The drug Brilliants is one of those few cosmetics, the appearance of which on the market was perceived with equal enthusiasm by not only professionals and beginners in their field, but also women seeking a perfect young skin.

According to the leading cosmetologists, the use of the drug during the biorevitalization procedure helps to achieve amazing results after the first session. Many specialists in 95% of cases recommend Brilliants remedy to restore aging skin.

They also note the ease of use of the drug and its versatility, since using Revi injections, you can rejuvenate the skin and adjust the contours of not only the face, but also other fading, decrepit parts of the body. Women who have tried the drug in action, also share experiences and impressions of its use.

Anna, journalist, 28 years old:

With constant interviews and travel, there is almost no time left for yourself, but you want to look good, and the profession requires. I have a rather problematic skin and trips to a beautician are not new, so when wrinkles began to appear, I first of all turned to a specialist. Considering the constant lack of time, the cosmetologist advised me of the biorevitalization procedure and insisted on Revi brand products, namely on the Brilliants line. At first, I doubted, thinking that it was just an advertisement, but I trusted my cosmetologist and bravely decided on "youth injections". Immediately after the first session, the result shook me: nasolabial folds diminished, wrinkles around the eyelids disappeared, black spots left, and the pores were cleansed. Now I have already signed up for the third procedure, since the effect of the Brilliants injections exceeded all my expectations. I'm going to take the whole course to be proud of beautiful and healthy skin.

Elena, restaurateur, 48 years old:

In pursuit of youth, for many years I spent fabulous sums on various skin creams that have supposedly miraculous properties. However, the result provided by these means did not last long, but I wanted a long lasting effect. From a friend I heard about biorevitasilization with the help of special Brilliants fillers of a domestic company and, of course, I decided. The beautician did injections with Revi solution, with which I was very lucky! The effect of Brilliants injections cannot be compared with creams. The skin smoothed, sagging tightened, and wrinkles significantly reduced after the first procedure. A re-session was appointed after six months and during this time the skin has not lost its regained elasticity and elasticity. I found the secret of youth, and this is Revi Brilliants.

Anastasia, choreographer, 50 years old:

It is very difficult for me to choose cosmetics, since most of them have a terrible allergy. The only way out seemed to be a rejuvenation procedure. The choice fell on biorevitalization. The cosmetologist appointed a number of checks, after which it turned out that the best remedy would be injections of Revi Brilliants. I did not expect miraculous changes, but I hoped to at least a little refresh my skin with the help of this procedure. What was a surprise when the result was several times better than expectations. The skin is smoothed, wrinkles have decreased, and small ones have completely disappeared. Now the face looks fresher and ten years younger. I am very pleased with the result and will definitely go through the entire course of injections with Brilliants solution.

Marina, housewife, 40 years:

I always try to keep my skin in good condition, as I believe that appearance is the main female weapon. However, after 35 years, the problem has become almost uncontrollable: sagging, deep wrinkles, flabbiness. I immediately turned to my friend for advice, who advised a good cosmetologist. At the reception, it was decided to conduct a biorevitalization procedure with a new Brilliants complex solution. I heard about it for the first time, but agreed without hesitation. From the first session I came out updated: the spots disappeared from the face, the skin tightened, it felt elastic and tender at the same time, and the wrinkles were significantly reduced. I waited for other procedures with impatience and the result was worth it. Now I look much younger, the wrinkles have almost completely disappeared from my face, the effect turned out like after a plastic surgery. I think the development of Revi Brilliants is the best method of returning youth!

Anastasia, accountant, 60 years old:

I have always had pronounced nasolabial folds, and the first wrinkles appeared at a very early age. The biorevitalization procedure is familiar to me not by hearsay, but this time it was decided to give injections with another drug - Revi Brilliants. The Brilliants solution was really unique, it was ideal for the skin type and did not cause any adverse reactions. After the first procedure with Brilliants, the skin began to look like after a finished course of other products, it began to look younger and fresher, the pigment spots disappeared. Lost sagging areas, the face became elastic, taut, smooth. Even out skin tone. None of the previous procedures had a similar effect. Now I intend to go through all the necessary sessions of Revi Brilliants and return youth.


Watch the video: SKIN REJUVENATION- simple & effective (July 2024).