Chinese cabbage is a simple salad, but what's more good or harm in it? All about the beneficial properties and possible harm of Chinese cabbage


Long since Beijing (or lettuce) cabbage was cultivated in China, Japan and Korea.

The once exotic and not always available vegetable has now been learned to grow in Russia.

Not only for the rich taste of salads, soups and stews, Beijing cabbage was fallen in love, but the useful properties of the product began to be used in traditional medicine.

Peking cabbage application, calorie content and composition

To many cooks, a vegetable is appealing for its versatility and unobtrusive cabbage shade in combination with other products. Another characteristic advantage is the relatively long shelf life for a vegetable - up to 3 weeks. Chinese salad wrapped in cling film retains its original appearance for a long time. At the same time, it absolutely does not require long processing. It is enough to add the product to the dish 5 minutes before readiness.

The exquisite taste of young tender leaves of one of the most juicy types of cabbage allows you to cook:

• salads;

• green sandwiches;

• soups;

• stew;

• stuffed cabbage.

All over the world is popular Korean kimchi dish, which is based on Chinese salad in pickled form and hot peppers. Delicacy is not cheap, but indispensable in the daily diet of Koreans.

The most juicy part is considered to be the white dense part of Peking cabbage, the use of which is much higher than that of the leaves. This is why experts never throw it away. consumed in pickled, pickled and salted form.

Besides the taste that Peking dietary properties far surpass their cabbage relatives, the content of nutrients in it is also much higher:

1. There are 2 times more vitamin C in salad cabbage than in lettuce and white cabbage.

2. The protein contained in the leaves of the Peking cabbage is twice as much as in the leaves of white cabbage.

3. Petsai (peking) is rich in vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, E, P, PP, K, U. This is an impressive set for one product, confirming that they use Peking cabbage with health benefits. In this case, the vitamins are stored in this vegetable much longer (for example, during the winter) than in lettuce or cabbage.

4. The composition of the Chinese salad also includes mineral salts and 16 amino acids, among which is lysine, which maintains the level of energy and keeps the heart in order.

5. The content of sugars, lactucine alkaloid, organic acids in the complex biochemical composition of the product on the background of the above mentioned speaks about the healing properties of Chinese cabbage, the benefits to the body of its use, as an obvious fact.

Any types of cabbage are low-calorie foods and are therefore recommended. as an element of diet for weight loss. Calorie-consumption of Peking cabbage at 16 kcal / 100 g is considered ideal and recognizes vegetable as a valuable product for weight loss, supporting the level of minerals and vitamins in the body and inhibiting the process of processing carbohydrates into fat.

Beijing cabbage: about the benefits for the body

According to the majority of dietitians, Peking cabbage surpasses many popular products in traditional medicine by its beneficial properties. Vegetable is useful for:

• fatigue syndrome and increased fatigue;

• loss of appetite;

• poor stress tolerance and depression;

• loose hair roots;

• heart problems;

• atherosclerosis;

• gastric ulcer;

• chronic gastritis;

• treatment of constipation;

• high blood pressure;

• diabetes;

• strengthening the immune system;

• removing excess fluid from the body and getting rid of puffiness;

• anemia;

• blood purification;

• toxic attacks of the liver;

• avitaminosis;

• allergic conditions;

• prevention of cancer.

At the same time, in order to get health benefits from Chinese cabbage, there is no need to expose it to special treatment. Even the simple use of the product in food has a healing effect. Depending on your taste preferences, fresh, boiled or baked cabbage will be useful.

The reasons for the longevity of many of the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, scientists see it in the constant use of Beijing cabbage, the benefits of a product that perfectly cleans the blood and strengthens the immune system.

Beijing cabbage: is harm possible?

Vegetable can not be called absolutely harmless, and it has its contraindications.

In order not to feel harm from your cabbage on your body, it is important to know:

1. The increased content of citric acid in it can negatively affect the condition of patients with:

• increased acidity of the stomach;

• exacerbations of ulcers or gastritis;

• colitis;

• acute pancreatitis;

• gastric bleeding;

• food poisoning;

• diarrhea.

2. Salad cabbage is incompatible with any type of dairy products. Even the use of soft cottage cheese, hard cheeses or cheese in combination with it provokes the development of diarrhea.

Peking cabbage purchased from an unknown manufacturer can be harmful if it contains nitrates trapped in a vegetable when it is grown. For prevention, it is recommended to pre-soak it for 1 -1.5 hours in clean boiled water, then shake it thoroughly.

Pregnancy and feeding: Peking cabbage with benefits for the body

As a source of iodine, calcium, magnesium, iron and potassium, and a storehouse of vitamins, nutritionists recommend pregnant women and nursing mothers to include Peking cabbage in their diet, the benefits of which will be:

• removal of puffiness;

• support of normal blood pressure;

• weight loss;

• improving bowel performance and relieving constipation and bloating;

• fight against lethargy and fatigue.

200-300 g of peking can be eaten per week for a pregnant or nursing woman if her body reacts adequately to such a product.

Choosing tight cabbages with bright green leaves, it is good to cook raw salads from them. Before use, it is recommended to pour the cabbage with boiling water and use after cooling.

Very useful for pregnant and lactating sauerkraut. If you use Chinese cabbage, you can not worry about the harm if, taking into account contraindications, the quantity of the product is selected in optimal quantities. Otherwise, pregnant or baby may begin to disturb increased gas formation.

Children's diet with Chinese cabbage: health benefits

Being a hypoallergenic vegetable, Chinese salad has no contraindications for children, it can be an effective aid for beriberi and in strengthening children's immunity.

You can give it after 1.5 years. Introducing into the children's diet Peking cabbage, making the child's benefit maximum, it is important after meeting with zucchini, carrots, potatoes, white cabbage and cauliflower.

Being a green vegetable, Chinese salad is rich in antioxidants, strengthens the eyesight of the baby, restores the strength of the child's body. The heart of the child will be strengthened thanks to the iron and potassium that make up the product. From Beijing cabbage benefit is very often obtained during periods of winter epidemics. Combination with celery is a powerful incentive for children's immunity.

Given the fact that this vegetable is not combined with dairy products, it is important to be careful. Discomfort can occur in the form of flatulence, bloating, frustration.

Slimming Peking cabbage: about the beneficial properties of the product

An excellent dietary product has the following reasons to be considered:

1. Due to the fact that Beijing cabbage does not differ much in calories, nutritionists consider it an ideal product for weight loss. A maximum of 16 kcal per 100 g of the product can both get rid of hateful kilograms and maintain an excellent shape afterwards. Chinese salad will not give a chance an extra gram. After all, for its processing the body needs to spend a huge amount of energy, much more than is acquired during the absorption of the vegetable itself.

2. The undoubted advantages of Chinese cabbage are in the beneficial properties of this vegetable. Being a valuable source of vitamins and minerals, it meets all the requirements for food for weight loss.

3. Salad cabbage can cause a feeling of saturation, which gives a special combination of trace elements and fiber. Tablets to reduce appetite is no longer needed.

4. Due to the barrier properties of Chinese lettuce, fats and carbohydrates are absorbed in the intestine at a slower rate against the background of the improved performance of the latter. This works if the correct balance in the power system is maintained.

Those who prefer a healthy way to lose weight, though not the fastest, choose Peking cabbage, health benefits and long-term effect after.

Vegetable is recommended to combine with other herbs, apples and cucumbers. Some olives and canned corn can be added to taste.

Dietary salads are seasoned with low-fat sour cream, vinegar or lemon juice. Boiled lean meat (about 300 g / day) until 18.00 in combination with Chinese cabbage salads will allow you to say goodbye to 3 kg per week.

Do not add mayonnaise, vegetable oil or cheese to baked salad. Such ingredients will not only spoil the dietary properties of the product, but also reduce its health benefits.

Since supporters of healthy eating have discovered Beijing cabbage with calorie, healthy, excellent vitamin and mineral composition and exquisite taste, their menu has been enriched with many new and interesting dishes.

And even the most lazy of them, raw foodists, not bothering with the preparation of culinary delights, benefit from a wonderful vegetable, once opened in the Middle Kingdom and gave people the simple secret of good mood and healthy longevity.
