Variety of recipes for chicken liver with mushrooms. What can be added to dishes from chicken liver with mushrooms: vegetables, sour cream, cream


The accessibility and simplicity of the process of cooking chicken liver with mushrooms will give any hostess a chance to discourage those who like to eat with a variety of recipes based on the general principles of cooking dishes.

Roasted or stewed chicken liver with mushrooms can be completed by a prepared side dish of buckwheat or pasta, in connection with which none of your households will come out hungry and unhappy from the table.

General principles of cooking chicken liver with mushrooms

For the manufacture of chicken liver with mushrooms must be based on general principles of cooking this dish:

1. Chicken liver must be fresh, not frozen.

2. Chicken liver can not be overcooked, in order to avoid drying.

3. To prepare this dish, it is necessary to use as much onion as possible so that the chicken liver turns out more juicy and soft.

4. You can add various kinds of mushrooms to the dish.

5. To make the chicken liver more spicy, adding spices and herbs is recommended.

6. The process of cooking chicken liver is simple and does not take much time.

Recipes and nuances of cooking chicken liver with mushrooms

Recipe 1. Chicken liver with mushrooms (onion and paprika)


Chicken liver -600 gr.

Garden onions - 4 pcs.

Champignons (mushrooms) - 200 gr.

Butter - 30-50 grams.

Flour (wheat) - 30-40 gr.

Garlic Tooth - 1 pc.

Paprika - 15-20 grams.

Parsley and dill - to taste.

Salt, pepper - on the fan.

Ingredients for the sauce:

White wine (dry) - 50g.

Tomatoes - 2 pcs. (large size).

Cooking method:

Onions are cut into small rings, and the garlic clove is thoroughly minced. These components are fried in a pre-heated pan until they are golden onion.

Mushrooms are cut into medium pieces and added to the onion and garlic in a frying pan, roasting for 5-7 minutes.

Chicken liver is thoroughly washed under water and cut into medium-sized cubes.

Flour and paprika are mixed separately. Previously prepared chicken liver is dipped in the resulting mixture and fried in oil (vegetable) for 5 minutes.

While the roasting process takes place, an incision is made on the tomatoes in the form of a cross, they are lowered into boiling water. The tomatoes are carefully peeled and until smooth, they are mixed in a blender with white wine added to them.

Pour the given sauce into the pan, add salt, pepper and continue the stewing process for another 10 minutes. Ready the dish before serving, sprinkle with finely chopped dill and parsley in advance.

Recipe 2. Chicken liver with mushrooms in sour cream sauce


Chicken liver - 0.5 kg.

Mushrooms (fresh champignons) - 300 gr.

Garden onions - 2 pcs.

Sour cream.

Basil and oregano - each component of one pinch.

Flour - 15 gr.

Vegetable oil).

Two cloves of garlic.

Greens (wild garlic or other)

Salt, pepper on the fan.

Cooking method:

Chicken liver is cut in small pieces and laid out in a heated oil in a pan. Fry such a component over low heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally and adding salt and pepper.

Mushrooms are cut into even slices, and garden onions into strips (for which the onion is cut into four lobes). Garlic cloves are minced.

Put fried chicken liver out of the frying pan into a clean bowl. The complete readiness of the chicken liver can be determined by cutting a slice with a knife and looking at the secreted juice. It should be transparent, like a tear, and the cut itself without apparent redness.

In the same oil, in which chicken liver was fried, onion and garlic are blanched. As soon as the onion begins to shine, mushrooms are added, and the fire is added to completely evaporate the liquid. All components are mixed, uniformly heated with the addition of spices.

Sour cream is mixed with flour until smooth and poured into a pan with chicken liver. All components are mixed and simmered for a while.

When the dish is ready, it is sprinkled with chopped wild garlic or other herbs to taste.

For a garnish, this dish is perfect for mashed potatoes, buckwheat, rice, pasta.

Recipe 3. Chicken liver with mushrooms under cream


Chicken liver - 300g.

Garden onions - 3 pcs.

Mushrooms (champignons) - 300g.

Cream - 1 cup.


Paprika (dried) - according to taste.

Salt and spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

Wash and dry the chicken liver with a towel (paper) and cut it into large pieces.

By mixing flour, salt and spices, we get a certain mixture in which you need to roll prepared chicken liver.

In the heated oil (olive) fry the liver until golden brown, while you need to turn the pieces, to avoid burning.

Onions are also washed and chopped into small pieces. After removing the liver from the pan in a clean plate, fry the onion in the remaining oil.

Mushrooms are cleaned and washed. Mushrooms cut in small slices are added to the onion and roasted. Salt and spices are used according to taste.

Chicken liver should be laid out in a special baking dish, having previously smeared the bottom with olive oil. On top of it, liver of chicken is laid out with mushrooms, onions and greens, and these components are poured with cream.

The semi-finished product is placed in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

The finished dish can be eaten both hot and cold.

Recipe 4. Chicken liver with mushrooms, broth and turmeric


Chicken liver - 600 gr.

Garden onions - 1 pc.

Mushrooms (champignons) - 350 gr.

Sour cream - 200 gr.


Vegetable oil).

Salt and pepper according to taste.

Broth - half a cup.

Cooking method:

Wash the chicken liver, salt, pepper, add turmeric and let it brew (20 minutes) to soak the main component.

Important! Turmeric is added not only to flavor the dish, but also for the beauty of its appearance. Thanks to turmeric, it becomes golden in color.

In sifted flour, pieces of chicken liver are crushed and laid out in a hot pan with oil (vegetable). Slightly frying the pieces on both sides, for 5 minutes, transfer the finished pieces to the pan.

In the oil remaining after cooking the chicken liver, we blanch the onions to a transparent state, adding after the prepared and shredded mushrooms.

All this is fried until the moment of champignon juice launch, about 7 minutes. Shift the onions and mushrooms to the chicken liver in the pan. These components are poured with broth with sour cream and put on a small fire for further extinguishing, under a closed lid for half an hour.

Recipe 5. Chicken Liver with Mushrooms (pate)


Chicken liver - 500 gr.

Sliced ​​mushrooms (of any kind) - 200 gr.

Garden onions - 2 heads of large size.

Garlic - 1 head.

Broth - 3 tablespoons.

Sunflower oil.

Butter - 100 gr.

Pepper, salt, spices - according to taste.

Rum or cognac - 50 ml.

Cooking method:

From the thawed liver of a hen the film is cut off, and it is washed with water. The liver is cut into small pieces.

Flick onions and the resulting mass is mixed with a pounded head of garlic. All this is laid out on a preheated pan with broth and a little leaked.

Important! Onion and garlic shred finely optional. But you can cut them by choosing any method.

When softening onions and garlic, they add sliced ​​mushrooms and a small amount of water, and all these components are brought to full readiness. With complete evaporation of the liquid, cooked foods are removed from the heat and cooled.

Important! You can use salted mushrooms for cooking. Then, during the cooking process, the above components are not salted.

Chicken liver is placed at the bottom of the pan in oil (sunflower) and fried briefly. The main thing is not to dry the liver, and slightly bring to readiness. As soon as the liver is almost ready, a spoon of honey is added to it, it is salted, mixed with spices and pepper. Rum or cognac is added to the liver, and only after absolute evaporation of the liquid, a piece of butter (cream) is mixed into the liver and it is cooled.

The resulting ingredients can be crushed in a blender or mince. The resulting chicken liver pate is laid out in any dish and cooled in the refrigerator.

Recipe 6. Chicken liver with mushrooms and frozen vegetables in a slow cooker


Chicken liver - 0.5 kg.

Vegetables, frozen - 400 gr.

Mushrooms - 200 gr.

Garden onions - 1 pc.

Vegetable oil.

Tomato paste - 1 tablespoon.

Salt, pepper, spices - according to taste.

Cooking method:

Chicken liver is cut in small pieces, and onion rings. All this is placed in a special crock-pot and fried in the "Baking" mode with the lid open for 7 to 10 minutes.

Mushrooms are cut into pieces the same size as the liver and added to the components already in the slow cooker. To obtain gravy, you can add a glass of water and tomato paste to the ingredients you have.

It is necessary to put the remaining vegetables into the slow cooker, add salt and pepper and add spices, setting it to the mode “Stewing” for one hour or “Baking” for 30-40 minutes.

Recipe 7. Chicken liver with mushrooms and potatoes in a slow cooker


Chicken liver - 400 gr.

Garden onions - 2 pcs. (middle heads).

Champignons - 350 gr.

Potato - 3 pcs.

Spices and salt according to taste.

Dill for dishes needed as decoration.

Cooking method:

Fresh chicken livers should be rinsed under water and, put in a pot of a slow cooker, mixed with spices, salt and pepper.

Onions are cleaned and washed under water, after which it is shred in half rings. The onion prepared in this way is evenly decomposed in a slow cooker on top of a chicken liver.

Rinse the mushrooms, peel, and cut into uniform plates, laying in a slow cooker over the onion.

Peeled potatoes are cut into cubes (large size), laid out in a slow cooker on top of mushrooms and sprinkled with spices.

Such a dish is cooked in the "Stew" mode for an hour, after which it is decorated with greens and served at the table.

Chicken Liver with Mushrooms - Tricks and Tips

  • When adding sour cream, chicken liver acquires a certain juiciness and delicate flavor.

  • The process of thawing chicken liver should be slow, in order to avoid the disappearance of taste and beneficial qualities.

  • Even with two ingredients, such as chicken liver and mushrooms, you can experiment by preparing new and tasty dishes, delighting your relatives and friends with your recipes.
