Veins on the legs: treatment of folk remedies. How to use the numerous folk remedies for veins on the legs


A disease in which the veins cease to be elastic - varicose veins of the legs creates many problems for women. Legs more often get tired, hurt, swell, a feeling of heaviness appears in them. In addition, the appearance of the limbs is not pleasing.

Varicose veins of the legs lead to serious complications: swollen ankles, throbbing pain, muscle cramps, rashes, ulcers, thrombophlebitis.

Deals with the treatment of the disease phlebologist which, with the help of various studies, accurately diagnoses and prescribes treatment. In addition to the main therapy, you can use natural remedies.

Veins on the legs: folk remedies - herbs

1. Hazelnut. Take the leaves of the plant and chop them. Pour 30 g of raw material with boiling water (300 ml) and let it brew for at least 6 hours. Then strain and cool. Use this medicine for varicose veins three times a day (in a glass).

2. Chestnut flowers (150 g) pour half a liter of vodka. Let the mixture infuse in the dark for at least 2 weeks. Then strain it and drink three times a day, 20 ml.

3. Horse chestnut tincture. Pour the fruits of the plant (150 g) with boiling water (400 ml) and allow the healing potion to infuse for about 4 hours. Drink the composition, having previously filtered and cooled, 30 ml three times a day.

Horse chestnut is used medicinally for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis. Thanks to its useful substances, blood coagulation slows down, blood clots are prevented, and vasospasm is removed.

Horse chestnut is contraindicated in people with atonic constipation, gastritis with low acidity, during malfunctions in the menstrual cycle, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

3. Dandelion root. Shredded plant roots (70 g) pour boiling water (300 ml). Allow the agent to infuse, strain it and drink for a long time.

The root of the plant is used not only as a choleretic, diuretic, appetite-improving agent. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, dandelion root is extremely useful for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis. It has virtually no contraindications and side effects.

4. hop cones. Brew a couple of tablespoons of the plant (depending on weight) with a glass of boiling water. Boil the mixture over very low heat quite a bit. Then let her insist and, having filtered, take during the day for 2-3 doses.

The plant has a fairly strong anti-inflammatory, analgesic, tonic effect. However, do not abuse it. Changing the dosage can lead to side effects - nausea, drowsiness, dizziness.

Hop cones cannot be used for some gynecological problems such as endometriosis, cysts, tumors, as well as for bearing the fetus and while breastfeeding.

5. Combine the following medicinal components: birch bark, oak bark, horse chestnut seeds (all at 20 g). Add rhubarb root, immortelle (30 g each), Icelandic moss, horsetail arrows (50 g each), raspberries (10 g).

All ingredients are pre-shredded and mix well. Pour 2 tablespoons of the collection with boiling water (500 ml) in an enameled container. Put on fire and boil quite a bit.

Then let the collection stand, then cool and strain as usual. The medicinal composition for varicose veins is ready! Drink it three times a day in one glass.

With regular use, this tool will allow you to forget about the pain and heaviness in the legs.

6. Combine such medicinal plants: immortelle flowers (200 g), yarrow grass (50 g), lingonberry leaves (100 g), buckthorn bark (100 g), birch leaves (100 g). Mix all the ingredients well and pour a tablespoon of the collection with boiling water (300 ml).

Boil the mixture over low heat, let it brew (4 hours) and take half a glass three times a day for varicose veins.

Veins on the legs: folk remedies - compresses and rubbing

1. Kalanchoe. With it, you can prepare a healing mixture for grinding feet with varicose veins.

Wash, dry and chop the leaf of a plant that is in almost every home. Fill half the can (0.5 L) with the mixture. Pour the product with vodka at the very top, cover and place in a cabinet for long infusion (2 weeks).

Then use the ready-made tincture to rub your feet from the very tips of the fingers to the hips. Do the procedure before going to bed for several months.

Kalanchoe is famous for its anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. The plant is also used for wound healing. It consists of tannins, enzymes, organic acids, etc.

It is not recommended to use Kalanchoe for liver diseases, hypotension, tumors, as well as during pregnancy.

2. Horse Chestnut Peel no less effective as a raster with varicose veins. Grind the peel of the fruit. Place the raw material in a half-liter jar, which must be filled to a third. Fill everything with alcohol and, having covered with a lid, put in a dark place for insisting.

Use as directed after two weeks, rubbing the legs as described in the first case.

3. Apple vinegar copes with stagnation in the veins. For grinding, a 100% natural product is used. Only in this case can we count on a positive result. Better if you make the vinegar yourself. There is a lot of information about this.

Wipe your feet with a mixture of at least twice a day. Use this folk remedy for veins on the legs for at least a month.

In addition, you can apply compresses on the legs of fabric soaked in apple cider vinegar. Hold the compress for about half an hour.

4. Wormwood and milk. Pound the leaves of fresh wormwood and cover them with sour milk. Mix well and, after wetting the gauze, apply to the veins.

This compress is best to fasten with a cloth and hold for at least 2 hours. Treatment should be carried out within five days, after which the first results will be visible.

Veins on the legs: folk remedies - ointment

Ointment, which includes calendula and lard - is one of the most popular in the treatment of varicose veins. To prepare a healing agent, first melt lard over low heat. Let it boil. At this time, chop the calendula flowers as much as possible and throw in a saucepan with lard. Boil quite a bit. Remove from the stove and set aside to insist.

Then reheat the composition. Wait until it cools, strain with gauze, squeeze well and pour the thick mixture into a clean glass jar. Cover. An ointment from natural ingredients is ready!

Store it in the refrigerator and use it daily in the form of applications for problem areas. This product strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes blood circulation, fights inflammation, and reduces swelling.

Calendula is famous for its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, wound healing properties. And pork fat helps the plant to absorb nutrients well. In addition, pork fat does not prevent the skin from breathing normally and, if necessary, is easily washed off with soap and water.

General recommendations for varicose veins

All recommendations on lifestyle and diet are aimed at improving blood flow and reducing congestion in the legs.

1. Try to avoid equally sedentary and standing work. If during your professional duties, most of the time you are in a sitting position, then do not cross your legs, periodically lift them and put them on a chair.

2. During sleep, be sure to place a pillow under your feet.

3. Do not take too hot baths, do not worry in the sauna. People with varicose veins are absolutely contraindicated. It is enough to tone the vessels with the help of a contrast shower, making movements with a hose with water from the feet to the groin and in the opposite direction.

4. Do not buy shoes with too low or too high heels.

5. Do not wear tight synthetic clothing.

6. Every day, carry out a simple massage procedure, moving from the sole of the legs to the hips.

7. Do not abuse sunbathing.

8. Eat properly. Let the bulk of your diet consist of plant foods: vegetables, fruits, berries.

Exclude flour and confectionery, whole milk, rich broths, fatty, fried and smoked dishes, hot spices.

Eat often and in small portions. With varicose veins, you can not overeat. Pay special attention to the drinking regime: clean water should be consumed at least the recommended by experts norms - 1.5-2 liters per day.

When varicose veins are useful: fish, vegetable oils, liver, light soups, nuts, cereals, honey, cheese, citrus fruits.

These recommendations will help to avoid excess weight, fluid retention in the body, the accumulation of toxins and increase blood viscosity.

9. Smoking and alcohol negatively affect blood vessels, increasing the risk of thrombophlebitis. Therefore, these bad habits should be discarded.

10. At home, try to walk barefoot more.

11. Use compression hosiery, which can be purchased at any specialized pharmacy.

12. Go in for sports. Some types of fitness are allowed: fitball, stretching, and swimming. Forbidden: running, jumping, squats, weight lifting.

It may seem that there are too many prohibitions and restrictions. But this is at first glance. If you seriously approach the problem with the desire to really be healthy, then using simple and effective treatments for varicose veins presented in this article will not be difficult.

In combination with basic therapy, correction of lifestyle and diet, folk remedies for leg veins give amazing results.


Watch the video: Treating Varicose Veins (July 2024).