Salad for the winter from tomatoes and bell peppers is an excellent appetizer. Harvesting lettuce for the winter from tomatoes and bell peppers


Golden summer time is fleeting, so the real mistress should work hard to have time to prepare vegetables for the winter. Delicious, varied and very healthy salads can be made from tomatoes and peppers, adding fragrant spices and greens.

And then, when snow falls outside the window, summer will settle on our kitchen table.

Tomato and bell pepper winter salad - general principles of preparation

Probably the basic law of cooking salads for the winter of tomatoes and bell peppers is to respect the correct proportions and use fresh vegetables. Since we are preparing the salad, it is enough to remove the part of the product that has begun to deteriorate with a knife.

Salads are stored in glass jars. Before filling, they must be conscientiously washed and sterilized, and before washing they should be inspected carefully from all sides in order not to miss cracks or chipping.

Check the suitability of the sealed key is necessary.

For successful storage in winter, salat cans are sterilized or poured several times with boiling water and brine.

Spices and herbs are widely used: sweet and bitter peppers, ground and peas, bay leaves, horseradish, garlic, parsley, dill and others.

So that work does not end with physical injuries or burns, the roll-up of vegetables must be done in an apron that does not let water through.

Observance of these elementary rules will save from failures, and the presence of delicious preservation in winter will be ensured.

Salad for the winter from tomatoes and bell pepper "Favorite"


For 4 kg of tomatoes and Bulgarian pepper 4 kg:

80 g of rock salt.

360 g of sugar.

360 g refined vegetable oil.

120 g of vinegar.

4 cloves of garlic, 3 sprigs of parsley - on a half-liter jar.

Cooking method.

Cut the tomatoes into medium slices.

Peeled peppers are cut in two.

At the bottom of a large container, pour a liter of water and a half, pour in the prescribed amount of salt and sugar. After waiting for the water to boil, we throw a leaf of laurel.

In a boiling marinade pour pepper and tomatoes, carefully, so as not to crush the tomatoes, stir. The mixture boils slightly for 8-10 minutes.

Pour vinegar and oil into the salad. Add the garlic. Cook at low boil for another 3 minutes. For a few seconds before the end, we throw the parsley sprigs.

We pour the salad very carefully into liter or half-liter jars and finish the work with a sealer key.

Salad for the winter from tomatoes and bell pepper "Azov etude"


1 kg of tomatoes and peppers.

5 medium onions.

3 tooth. garlic.

Flour, sugar and salt - to the full extent. l

Cooking method

We send vegetables under running water, shake.

Peppers with entrails and tails fry in a pan under the lid until a brownish skin appears. Put in a deep container, cool a little and remove the skin.

Cut the tomatoes into medium slices.

Peel the onion into half rings.

Pour oil into the bottom of the stewpan, and fry the onions and garlic until soft. Pour flour and salt.

Add tomatoes to vegetables, fry until rich tomato juice. Pour a spoonful of sugar and turn it off after half a minute.

Pour the tomatoes into a bowl of pepper and bring to a boil.

Carefully move into a glass container, cover with lids and complete the process using a sealing key.

Salad for the winter from tomatoes and bell pepper "Two with a plus"


Sweet pepper, tomatoes - 2500 g each.

Carrots, onions - 2200 gr.

Bite - 30 gr.

Sugar - 40 gr.

Refined sunflower oil - ½ cup.

Black pepper - 4 peas.

Salt, hot paprika.

Laurel leaf.

Garlic cloves - 2-3.

Fresh parsley.

Cooking method

Wash and dry the vegetables well.

We cut:

Tomatoes - in 4 parts.

Sweet pepper - in strips.

Hot pepper - in as small slices as possible

Onions - in rings or half rings.

Carrots - large straws.

We put in a large saucepan in layers in any order, but on condition that the tomatoes are in the bottom layer and the onions are on top. Separate one layer from another with several pieces of red hot pepper.

In the vegetable mixture add lavrushka, peas of black pepper.

In the next stage, pour sugar, paprika and 2 tablespoons of table salt without a slide, pour in the oil.

Next, you need to bring the contents of the container to a boil, reduce the fire to a minimum. After ten minutes, add the maximum heat again and cook for another half hour.

A minute before the end of the cooking process, add vinegar, parsley sprigs and garlic to the container.

Using a large spoon, carefully pour the salad into a glass container, cover with boiled lids and finish the job with a sealing key.

Winter salad with tomatoes and bell peppers "Green"


Green pepper and green tomatoes - 2½ kg each.

Carrots - 3 roots.

Arugula - 30 g

Onion - a pound.

For marinade (per 1000 ml of water):

50 gr. rock salt;

half a glass of sugar;

4 small garlic cloves;

75 grams of vinegar (9%);

a mixture of peppers (peas);

leaves of lavrushka.

Cooking method

Peeled peel cut into 4 parts.

Cut carrots into straws and onions into thin rings or half rings.

Crush the garlic with the help of the garlic or chop it very finely. Grind arugula, mix with garlic.

Cut the tomatoes into four parts, but not completely. Insert a little mixture of herbs and garlic into the cut.

We mix all the components of the salad in a deep container and fill it with the marinade prepared in advance. When preparing the marinade, vinegar and garlic should be added at the very end.

The mixture should boil for a few minutes. We leave our convenience food for ten hours. It is better to distribute the work so that these ten hours pass at night. Then in the morning we bring the mixture to a boil and immediately pour into the prepared container.

Already in a rolled up jar of salad, you need to shake a little and put in a cozy place down with covers.

In a day, put a container with a salad for the winter from tomatoes and Bulgarian pepper into a usual position and place it in a room where it will be stored until December.

Salad for the winter from tomatoes and bell pepper "Simple"


A pound of ripe tomatoes.

Five pieces of bell pepper.

Two onions.

Half the head of garlic.

Green celery.

Horseradish leaves.

Marinade (as in the previous recipe).

Cooking method

Peel the garlic and onions, soak the greens in salted water, free the peppers from the entrails, and wash.

Cut vegetables: onions and peppers - in rings, tomatoes in quarters, garlic - in half.

At the bottom of the jar we put celery and a leaf of horseradish, on top - vegetables. First we place pepper, then onions and tomatoes. Sprinkle with garlic on top and stir the vegetables again, how much will fit. At the very top you need to put celery and half a piece of horseradish.

Not forgetting to wear a protective apron, pour boiling water into the jars. Set aside to cool slightly. As soon as you can touch the glass container without gloves, pour the water into the sewers, and fill the salad with the already prepared marinade (it is prepared without vinegar). Add vinegar and close the jars with clean lids. After seaming, we cover the jars with something warm and keep the day in this form. 24 hours have passed (minimum), and the container with a ready-made salad can be moved to the cellar or a cool storage room.

Winter salad with tomatoes and bell pepper with cucumbers


Three pieces of meaty tomatoes.

Two bell peppers.

Three onions.

One carrot.

Two cucumbers.

A bunch of parsley.

Two cloves of garlic.

On a jar of 500 ml:

Two pinches of salt.

Spoon Art. vinegar and sugar.

Cooking method

We prepare two clean half-liter jars. In each of them we will add chopped vegetables in layers.

Garlic, onions and carrots are cleaned and washed.

We free the pepper from the insides, wash it with tomatoes and cucumbers.

Parsley is a bit held in salt water.

Dry all the vegetables.

We start cooking the salad by cutting the onion into half rings. We divide the resulting amount in half and immediately send it to the banks.

Pepper cut into strips - and in a jar on a layer of onions.

Finely chop the parsley first, then the garlic and alternately lay in a glass container.

It is advisable to grate the carrot on a Korean grater so that it is thin and long. Pour on top of garlic.

We do not clean the cucumbers, cut them into small pieces (in quarters) and place them over the garlic.

Cut the tomatoes in half, remove the stem and cut them straight into a jar of salad pieces.

Add salt, sugar, vinegar to each jar. Pouring all this on the top tomato layer.

Fill the banks with boiling water to the top, cover with lids and put on sterilization in a large container.

We are waiting for boiling water and sterilize for 8 minutes.

We take out the cans, wipe, twist the lids and turn upside down.

From this amount of vegetables, two half-liter jars of lettuce for the winter from tomatoes and bell peppers are obtained.

Salad for the winter from tomatoes and bell pepper "Autumn"


One and a half kilograms of pepper.

Yellow and red fleshy tomatoes - per pound.

Eggplant - one.

Fresh tomato juice - two glasses.

Vinegar - 40 ml.

Vegetable oil - half a cup.

Salt - one and a half Art. l

Sugar - two tbsp. l

Paprika ground sweet - two and a half tablespoons.

Cooking method

Prepare vegetables: clean, wash, dry.

Cut, turning the pepper into straws, tomatoes and eggplant - into small pieces.

We chop the onion traditionally - in half rings.

In a container with a thick bottom put tomatoes and eggplants. Pour the tomato juice into the vegetables. Cook the tomato-eggplant mixture over low heat for no more than half an hour.

Add onion and pepper, mix. Sprinkle with paprika, salt and sugar. Pour in the oil. We continue to stew the future salad for another 15 minutes.

Add vinegar and, not turning off the heat, pour the mixture into jars.

Glass containers filled with vegetables, sterilized, and closed with a sealing key.

The next day we transfer the banks to the place of their storage.

In winter, when serving, you can add garlic to the salad.

Salad for the winter from tomatoes and bell peppers "Sensation of summer"


On a jar of 500 ml:

three Bulgarian peppers.

200 g of green tomatoes.

50 g of carrots and onions.

Boiled parsley root (20 g).

20 g of greens.




40 ml of vinegar.

50 ml of vegetable oil.

Rock salt.

Cooking method

We cut green tomatoes into 5-6 slices.

Peeled peel cut into small pieces, strips.

Cut the carrots into small strips, divide the strips in half.

Boiled parsley root (it needs to be cooked for 15 minutes) is cut in the same way as carrots. Finely chop the greens.

Cut the onion into rings, or in half rings if the head of the onion is larger.

Mix vegetables in a large bowl and pour 40 ml of vinegar.

We lay the vegetable mix in a clean jar. Salad, add allspice, cloves (all to taste). You need to put a bay leaf on top.

Sunflower oil is poured into a small saucepan, bring to a boil and add hot to a jar of vegetable mix.

The glass container is tightly covered with a lid, leaving a hole for air.

Put the jar in a container with warm water and begin to sterilize. The salad is simmering over low heat for 55 minutes.

We take out the jar, twist and turn. After a day, we hide the finished salad in the pantry and remember about it no earlier than December.

Salad for the winter of tomatoes and peppers - tricks and tips

  • In order to preserve as much as possible all the nutrients and valuable substances that are contained in vegetables, it is advisable to process them in the first hours after removal from the beds.
  • Tomatoes for salad are suitable and slightly crumpled, but the degree of maturity must necessarily be the same.
  • Before cooking, it is advisable to soak the carrots for a short time in clean water. It will be hard, easy to cut, and most importantly - the salad in the finished form will be juicier.
  • Greens before processing also need to hold in salted water to protect themselves from various insects and bugs that can hide in it.
  • To make all the salad preparations especially tasty, we add only refined vegetable oil made from high quality seeds.
  • If along with the greens add to the salad small pieces of horseradish and young carrot tops, then the finished product will be even more appetizing.


Watch the video: Morning Harvest Hydroponic Kratky Salad Mixed Greens, Lettuce, Basil, Borage, Tomatoes (June 2024).