Citrus diet: not only lose weight, but also improve your health! General principles, secrets and menu for every day citrus diet


Sunny oranges, festive tangerines, sour lemons, savory grapefruits have long become permanent inhabitants of the table of the Russian people. These fruits deserve universal love not only because of their taste characteristics. Their low calorie content and high content of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, fiber make citrus products for a pleasant and tasty weight loss.

Benefits of the Citrus Diet

Orange contributes to the removal of toxins from the body. Strengthens protective functions, its components are involved in the remineralization of tooth enamel. It has antihemorrhagic properties, prevents the aging of cells and tissues. Due to the high content of plant fibers that swell in the digestive tract, hunger quickly disappears and we eat less.

Lemon contains a large amount of citric acid, which normalizes the condition and activity of the pancreas, circulatory system and heart. Reduces the acidity of the stomach. Promotes the formation of leukocytes, due to which the fruit gets antiseptic and bactericidal properties. Lemon peel contains a lot of pectin, which regulates blood glucose levels.

Grapefruit normalizes the gall bladder. Helps cleanse the liver and kidneys by removing organic acids that cause rheumatism and arthritis. Tones the digestive system, stimulating the appetite. Lowers blood sugar levels.

The benefits of citrus fruits are explained by their composition:

• fruits are rich in vitamins A, C, E, potassium, magnesium and zinc salts;

• A high content of fruit acids, fiber and carbohydrates help better digestion and intestinal function - the removal of metabolic residues. The level of cholesterol in the blood decreases;

• The presence of antioxidants provides prevention of colds, viral and oncological diseases.

General principles of nutrition on a citrus diet

In addition to all types of citrus fruits during the diet is allowed to use:

• boiled chicken meat;

• steamed seafood or fish;

• granulated cottage cheese;

• natural yoghurt;

• a small amount of nuts;

• boiled eggs;

• mineral water without gases;

• any vegetables;

• bran bread.

In addition, you must not forget drink plain water in large quantities. Salt and sugar will have to be abandoned.

Purchased packaged citrus juices are also banned. Benefit, as well as natural substances, they do not. Prefer citrus fresh juices. It is important to use fresh juice. Over time, it begins the process of oxidation, as a result of which vitamins and nutrients are destroyed.

Vegetable salads fill with lime juice. So you can easily do without salt, and for the figure healthier. If you really want oil, you can use only olive oil.

Do not forget about fruit cuts. For the figure is useful combination of citrus and kiwi.

Citrus diet is not recommended. pregnant and lactating women.

Simultaneously with the observance of citrus diet according to the recommendations of the doctor you need to take calcium supplements.

The key to success citrus diet

Important for losing weight with a citrus diet is to follow the rules:

1. In order to avoid unforeseen complications, it is necessary to consult a doctor before applying a citrus diet.

2. For better entry into the diet, it is recommended to take a laxative pill for the night before.

3. Do not eat before bedtime. The last meal should be no less than 5 hours before the night’s rest.

4. After any meal you can not immediately sit down for a long time. Move for at least a few minutes.

5. Eat before you leave the house, if you leave for a long time. Long breaks in meals should not be. You also need to eat for half an hour before cleaning the house or any physical activity.

6. At the time of the diet is desirable to abandon long feasts.

Citrus Nutrition Benefits

  • during the citrus diet, the body is "unloaded". You do not eat meat, sweets or fast foods that are rich in chemical additives and GMOs;
  • quick results - in 3 days they will be noticeable to you - a good motivation for continuing a rather rigid citrus diet;
  • having a large amount of fruit acids, citrus fruits easily break down fats, and additional physical activity is not necessary at all;
  • high content of vitamins and minerals that support metabolic processes in the body;
  • subject to the citrus diet, a lot of time is released, since practically nothing needs to be cooked;
  • A variety of citrus fruits brightens up a strict diet.

Cons of citrus diet

- All citrus fruits are highly allergenic products. If you are prone to allergic reactions, it is strictly forbidden to use a citrus diet;

  • - A large number of contraindications: hypotension, gastrointestinal diseases, nervous system disorders, pregnancy and lactation.
  • - sharp weight loss contributes to the appearance of stretch marks on the skin surface. Getting rid of them is difficult;
  • - due to the low calorie content of the fruit, hunger can follow. There are headaches, weakness, dizziness;
  • - you need to carefully exit the diet, lost kilograms can return;
  • - Citrus fruits appear all year round on store shelves, however, these are rather expensive products, and the cost of a citrus diet is not at all low.

Menu on 1 unloading day on citrus

A citrus diet will require a lot of will power from you to maintain it. And if it is difficult to observe for a long time, you can limit yourself to a one-day citrus diet.

Waking up on an empty stomach Prepare and drink freshly squeezed juice from a pair of oranges, grapefruit and lemon, not diluted with water and without adding sugar. Your morning will be vigorous!

Take a half-hour break before breakfast. Organic acids that make up citrus neutralize the enzyme of the salivary gland ptyalin. It is needed to start the splitting of starch already in the mouth.

On breakfast eat a boiled egg, two glasses of kefir or yogurt, a couple of rye crackers, 1 orange.

Before lunch, just for half an hour, drink freshly squeezed citrus juice from oranges, grapefruit and lemon.

During lunch time drink two glasses of kefir or yogurt and eat a couple of rye crackers.

On afternoon tea make fresh vegetable slices sprinkled with lime juice. Drink a glass of fresh citrus juice - the last for today. A large amount of vitamin C increases the tone of the body, which may affect the quality of sleep.

Your dinner will consist of proteins of 2 boiled eggs, a pair of rye crackers, lettuce leaves and one citrus fruit, orange or grapefruit.

Drink more water and herbal teas with lemon throughout the day.

Three-day Citrus Diet Menu

During the citrus diet, you probably will often have a feeling of hunger. In this regard, it is recommended to switch to 5 or 6 meals a day.

Day 1

Breakfast: 200 g of coarse-grained cottage cheese, a glass of fresh citrus juice.

The second breakfast: a medium sized apple.

Lunch: 200 g of boiled chicken fillet, fruit sliced ​​from citrus fruits, kiwi and apples.

Lunch: sauerkraut.

Dinner: 200 g of vegetable stew, herbal tea with a slice of lemon.

Day 2

Breakfast: 150 grams of oatmeal on water, fresh orange juice.

Second breakfast: a small apple or pear, herbal tea with lemon.

Dinner; freshly cooked soup in vegetable broth, 2 oranges.

Snack: 100 g of seaweed salad with sunflower seeds.

Dinner: 200 g of steamed fish, a glass of natural yogurt.

Day 3

Breakfast: an omelet from 2 eggs, freshly squeezed citrus juice.

The second breakfast: a handful of dried fruit or nuts.

Lunch: a pair of toast with hard, not sharp cheese, grapefruit.

Safe,: salad from cucumbers and fresh cabbage, seasoned with olive oil.

Dinner: boiled rice with steam cutlets, a bit of coarse-grained cottage cheese, herbal tea with lemon.

Sample menu citrus diet for the week

If you survived three days of the diet without much difficulty, and you eat all the citrus fruits with the same pleasure, you can safely practice a citrus diet for a whole week. Naturally, you also need to listen to your body.

Monday Is the day hard? Forget about it! Ahead of you are waiting for surprisingly useful, and most importantly, extremely tasty sunny fruits - favorite citrus fruits.

At the first breakfast every day you will need to prepare fresh orange juice, which, if desired, can be diluted with grapefruit juice. The drink turns out to be incredibly invigorating, and in the morning we just need it.

As a second breakfast, eat a couple of leaves of fresh green lettuce or fresh cucumber and 1 sweet tangerine every day.

For lunch, boil a chicken egg for yourself, but it is advisable to eat only its protein with a small slice of whole grain bread. A cup of fragrant herbal tea with a slice of lemon or lime will pleasantly complete the daily meal.

Hungry, and before dinner is far away? No problem. Arrange snacks throughout the diet week. Here you can please yourself with a glass of orange juice or fresh juice, only it should be certainly freshly prepared. This is the last glass of juice for the day.

At dinner, prepare yourself 150 g of vinaigrette: sauerkraut, boiled beets and carrots, green peas, with a dressing of vegetable oil. Eat 1 any citrus fruit.

Before going to bed at night, to get a better sleep, you can drink a glass of low-fat yogurt or yogurt.

So, the first day of the diet showed that it is not so terrible, and you, of course, will continue to follow it! Soon you will have control weighing and the first results, which will surely become a motivation for you to lose weight and further on a tasty citrus diet.

Tuesday not so heavy, you know about what awaits you: a glass of fresh citrus juice will help you wake up again.

For lunch it is allowed to eat 150 g of whole grain bread and 150 g of boiled beef meat.

Dine 1 boiled egg and fruit salad of oranges, apples and kiwi.

Wednesday - here it is, the day of control weighing. Usually, with strict observance of the rules of the citrus diet, the first positive, they are joyful, changes can be seen on the third day of the use of this diet. Stand on the scales in the morning, not yet eaten and crumbs. The result you see will inspire you, and you can easily withstand the remaining days of a difficult diet.

For lunch, prepare a glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice and a sandwich made from whole grain bread and a slice of low-fat, non-sharp cheese.

At dinner, boil 150 grams of chicken meat, preferably dry brisket, eat fresh cucumber, 1 citrus and wash down all the green tea without sugar.


Lunch: fruit salad of apple, kiwi and grapefruit, seasoned with natural yogurt, a glass of freshly squeezed citrus juice.

Dinner you have to be more modest: 150 g of boiled green beans and 2 tangerines.


For lunch, treat yourself to a fresh vegetable soup with a whole grain cereal bread.

Dinner: Protein of boiled chicken eggs, fresh vegetable salad: cucumbers, cabbage, onion, seasoned with vegetable oil

AT saturday will have to do household chores and do not even think about an empty stomach.

Lunch is waiting for you more than modest - 1 orange and a glass of natural yogurt.

At dinner, boil chicken leg and drink it with herbal tea with a slice of lime.

Sunday - The final day of the diet.

Lunch will be more satisfying than yesterday. It is allowed to eat a portion of vegetable broth, boiled chicken egg and any citrus.

Dinner is offered 200 g of boiled shrimps, unsalted, but sprinkled with lemon juice, and a cup of green tea without sugar.

Beauty requires sacrifice. Do you agree? Then, for sure, you can easily withstand this delicious diet.

Enjoy your citrus slimming!


Watch the video: 6 simple ways to lose a little weight (July 2024).