What kind of makeup can I do to school?


Time does not stand still, and schoolgirls, paying tribute to fashion, also want a nice and stylish look at school. Girls learn to be women from the cradle, so they think not only about clothes, but also about make-up.

Adults often do not approve of the desire of teenage girls to master the art of makeup. But misunderstanding happens only because of the mistakes that girls make when applying cosmetics.

School makeup rules

Every art, including makeup, has its own specific rules. The first main rule for any makeup (make-up), especially school: cosmetics should be a minimum. Youth requires proximity to nature. School makeup should be unobtrusive and gentle, with correctly placed accents.

And second, the main rule is the correct application and distribution of cosmetics or, in other words, feathering. It is important to distribute all cosmetics evenly over the entire surface, in a thin layer so that there are no dark or light spots left.

Girls need to know that there are two types of make-up. From what is required, will depend on the technique of implementation and the selection of colors and accents.

Casual makeup emphasizes natural beauty. It is not intrusive and is performed in light, natural tones. Usually used mascara, lip gloss or lipstick on a tone darker than natural color, light, light eye shadow. This makeup can be done at school every day.

evening make-up assumes that the light source will be artificial, and in order to look good in the evening, make-up is made more saturated. Eyes emit a dark eyeliner, brighter eyebrows outline. Preferences give bright juicy lipsticks and shadows that match the color of the eyes.

The goal of school make-up is to emphasize youth and beauty, as well as to hide age-related flaws, for example, teen acne.

So, in order to look great, naturally, and not vulgar, in accordance with age, young ladies need to use a certain set of cosmetics.

For 10-11 years Make-up is completely unnecessary, but you can emphasize the sponge with balsam or gloss. Perfect colorless or pink shine.

Girls 10-11 years old enough to emphasize sponge balm.

For 12-13 years mascara and color eyebrow gel can be added to the lip gloss. It will be quite enough to emphasize the natural beauty.

Adolescents 12-13 years old can, in addition to lip gloss, paint eyelashes with mascara, and eyebrows - with a modeling gel.

14-16 years old There is already a need for a toning agent, as teenage acne appears. It is better to abandon the standard toners and use BB-cream. This is an excellent tool that does not clog pores, cares for the skin, providing a healing effect and evens the complexion.

Also, the solution for problem skin in adolescents 14-16 years old can be concealer, which hides acne pointwise. A dense layer of foundation creates an unpleasant age effect, so you should not use it. Also, high-lights and underlining of cheekbones, bright blush and colored liners and mascara are unacceptable.

Girls 14-16 years old should prefer BB cream and concealer for the care of teenage skin.

Suitable cosmetics

The main question is the choice of suitable cosmetics for school, as most of the time teenagers spend there.

Make-up should be neutral for visiting educational institutions, and therefore neutral natural cosmetics are suitable. Bright juicy shades of lipstick and shadows not only spoil the image, but you can get a reprimand for such a make-up.

To perform a school make-up, you need a minimum of cosmetics in order to look natural, but well-groomed. It is important not to make a mistake in choosing the color type, i.e. choose the right makeup that corrects certain areas of the face. Shades should be as similar to the natural color of the lips, eyelids and skin tone.

There is a special series of decorative cosmetics for teens. She passes many tests in laboratories and is of high quality. Such cosmetics do not spoil the skin and allow it to breathe. They do not contain harmful chemicals. For example, carcasses are made on a water basis, mineral blush does not provoke acne, toning agents are made on the basis of medical creams, etc.

Some brands that have already managed to recommend themselves in the field of teenage cosmetics are popular. These include: Sephora, Neutrogena, Biotrem, Clarins, Maybelline, MAC, Cover Girl, Clinique, Almay, etc.

A set of cosmetics from Sephora Clarins cosmetics set Set for everyday and evening makeup from Cover Girl Almay set

As for the set of decorative cosmetics for schoolgirls, it is very different from the set of an adult woman, not only by the quality and production basis, but also by the color direction.

For young girls the following set of decorative cosmetics will be relevant:

  • Fluid base;
  • A set of not bright shadows, shades of which are close to the natural for everyday makeup. Flickering shadows can be used for evening make-up;
  • Black eyeliner or pencil only for evening makeup or for high school girls;
  • Mineral blush pastel-pink, light beige or pale peach shades;
  • Black ink or transparent gel;
  • Balm or lip gloss pink or transparent;
  • Basis for make-up;
  • Mineral powder.

In addition to decorative cosmetics, young schoolgirls of all ages urgently need skin care products: tonic, cleanser, creams for moisturizing or drying the skin (depending on dermatological indicators), acne cream, medical masks and makeup removers.

Recommended techniques and colors

The technique of applying school makeup is called “makeup without makeup”. Now such a make-up is recommended not only for teenagers, but in general, it has become very popular. In place of the incredible, bright and even freakish images comes naturalness.

Any makeup begins with the preparation of the face and moisturizing the skin. It is necessary to wash and then apply a moisturizer, selected individually. Then put the foundation under make-up, if there is a need to use foundation. It is better to use concealer at such a young age, this will be quite enough.

The basis is selected only for an individual skin type. Fluid base is recommended for young skin. It is transparent and light and perfectly evens and mattes the tone of the face. The only caveat, if there are any serious defects, it will not be able to hide them, as it contains very little pigment. After applying the base, powder or blush can be applied.

In order to create a more expressive image, it is enough to focus only on the eyes. This means highlight the eyebrows and slightly paint over the eyelashes.

It is noteworthy that today, again, natural eyebrows are in fashion. To highlight them, you just need to make them neat. They are slightly adjusted with tweezers, then combed and secured with eyebrow gel. Thanks to these actions, the look will immediately become more expressive.

In order to emphasize the eyelashes - they do not have to be painted. You can comb it with a special brush to separate it from each other and with tweezers to bend upwards. If the eyelashes are rare and thin, then you can fix the colorless gel ink. If all the same you decide to use colored mascara, then dark-haired girls should choose black, and fair-haired - brown. Light light shadows are recommended to be used already in high school, as well as eyeliner.

Ink is applied as follows:

  • Eyelid should lift a hand and try not to blink;
  • Holding the brush horizontally, the mascara is applied starting from the outer corner of the eye from the base to the tips;
  • Movements must be zigzag;
  • The inner corner of the eye is stained with the tip of the brush;
  • Apply no more than 1-2 layers. If there are more layers, then the eyelashes will be heavy and stuck together;
  • If the eyelashes are short, then you can visually lengthen them. It is necessary to apply 1 layer of mascara, then powder the colorless powder with a brush.

Young girls are recommended to do only one accent, and these are eyes. Lips do not need to allocate. They are covered with balsam or gloss, as close as possible to the natural color of the lips.

Make-up to school in 5 minutes: step by step

In the morning before school you have quite a bit of time to put yourself in order, and look fresh and attractive. Therefore, you can use a simple everyday make-up. Below we will explain how to apply makeup in 5 minutes.

Step 1: clean and moisturize the skin of the face. To do this, wash and apply a moisturizer.

Step 2: apply BB cream or concealer. This will help even out the skin tone and mask the problem areas. Be sure to carefully shade in the cheeks, nose, forehead and chin.

Step 3: tidy your eyebrows. They should be combed and secured with a tinted eyebrow gel.

Step 4: applying shadows. Shadows are applied to the movable eyelid, choosing the most light colors. The lower eyelid can be slightly emphasized with light brown shadows.

Step 5: drawing arrows. Use a brown pencil to draw a thin, inconspicuous arrow along the lash line and gently emphasize the lower eyelid, but this is not necessary.

Step 6: applying mascara. Black or brown mascara apply one layer on the upper lashes. Bottom select is not necessary.

The main mistakes when creating makeup for the school

Despite the fact that school makeup is very simple in execution, there are mistakes that many girls make. If makeup is applied incorrectly, then it can seriously spoil the appearance.

The most common mistake is to draw the eyebrows with a pencil or shadow. If the eyebrows are too bright, with a clear contour, then the upper part of the face will be heavy and the look stern and frowning.

It is not necessary to bring the color up to the nose, you should apply the pigment on the middle part and the tip of the eyebrows, then they will look neat. And it is better to just comb and fix them with gel.

Stylists do not recommend schoolgirls to lower the lower eyelid, as this will make the gaze look heavy.

Another common mistake of young fashionistas is a brute force with mascara. Three to four layers of mascara create the effect of old mascara and shaggy loose eyelashes. This effect can occur if you use poor-quality mascara.


Highlighting the cheekbones with a dark line almost to the very lips is also a serious mistake, as the face becomes narrow, hard and completely unfeminine.

Natural beauty is very spoiled by the wrong tone of powder and foundation, as well as its large number or incorrect distribution. It creates the effect of a “mask” or old skin.

It is also worth noting that while taking the first steps in applying make-up, schoolgirls make more than one accent in the image, but several, wishing to stand out. It looks ugly and even vulgar. Natural beauty is out of the question.

Photos and ideas

Below are a few ideas of teenage makeup, which is made according to all recommended rules and does not cause disapproval. School make-up should be easy and unobtrusive.

Light make-up for an 11-year-old girl: mascara is applied to the eyelashes, and peach-colored balm is applied to the lips Pink-gray shadows to emphasize the depth of the look Nude makeup with lower eyelid wrap Makeup for a girl 14-16 years old with a focus on eyebrows Makeup in beige shades Prom makeup Bright makeup with an emphasis on the eyes "Natural" makeup Makeup for a teenager using white eye shadows and glitter Delicate makeup in peach shades Makeup with arrows Makeup with an emphasis on lips and eyebrows Day makeup with arrows Unobtrusive makeup in blue tones Makeup in pink Evening makeup with eyeliner Light makeup with blush, mascara and lipstick


Watch the video: I wore dramatic makeup to school and this is what happened. . (July 2024).