Yellow discharge in women is a signal of the body. What doctors say about yellow discharge in women


Is yellow highlighting the norm or cause for concern?

Each representative of the fair sex has a vaginal environment is individual and therefore color variations also vary greatly.

In addition, they can be supplemented by odors and discomfort.

These include:

• itching in the intimate area;

• burning of the labia and in the urethra;

• pain in the lower abdomen;

• painful urination.

How are precipitates formed and what determines their color? Let's try to figure it out.

How do yellow discharge appear in women?

The myth that should be dispelled immediately - vaginal discharge (vaginal discharge) normally does not appear in a healthy woman. This false information roams the forums and confuses many of the fair half of humanity.

Vaginal discharge consists of the following components:

• mucus of the cervical canal;

• secretion of the vaginal glands;

• dead cells;

• microflora.

The epithelium (of which the inner shell of the vagina and uterus consists), dying, combines with mucus and gives it a white tint. Vaginal discharge plays the role of a natural lubrication of the vagina, preventing infection with its harmful microorganisms.

Menstrual flow

In its first half they have a more viscous character and are most transparent. In the second, they become dairy, and therefore they received the popular name "leucorrhoea." Normally, they should not have a smell, and also have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane. Yellow discharge in women can be normal, as well as green.

The amount of vaginal discharge is not very stable (from 2 to 5 ml per day). At different times in one woman they may be completely different from each other. Factors affecting their quantity and color are:

• stress;

• pregnancy;

• degree of sexual arousal;

• phase of the menstrual period.

Normal situation

Many women went to the doctor with the question: "Which discharge is considered normal, and which - not?". Understanding a similar question is very detailed. At first it’s worth saying that not every discharge that you consider to be rare is an unhealthy symptom. The norm varies from transparent whitish to slightly yellow. Therefore, do not worry if they suddenly decided to change the shade.

The minimum amount of vaginal discharge appears immediately after menstruation. A week later, it becomes larger, and, in the future, the process goes into decline. Allocations acquire a creamy consistency, becoming white or yellowish. Younger women have a more pronounced character of their education.

Microbes: where is your own, and where is a stranger?

Both beneficial and harmful microorganisms play a significant role in the formation of the vaginal discharge. Achieving puberty marks a change in their bio-balance. During this period, lactic acid bacteria are particularly active. About 109 colonies are placed in 1 ml of secretions. The higher the intensity of the occupants of the female organ, the more it will produce fluids.

Lactobacilli, being in the body of a healthy sexually mature woman, normally produce acid, which prevents the growth of pathogenic organisms.

It shouldn't be like that

We figured out the norm. Now we need to move on to examining the pathological situation. If you notice that there is more vaginal discharge, and in addition itching, swelling or burning appeared, you need to go for medical help.

There are some signs of a problem situationHowever, the doctor will be able to accurately diagnose the presence or absence of pathology.

1. The labia became swollen, significant itching appeared, and the color of the discharge changed to green and became a curdled consistency - candidiasis can be suspected. It is a type of fungal infection.

2. The abundance of vaginal discharge, its yellowish tint, fishy smell and the absence of itching with redness are symptoms of trichomoniasis.

3. Bacterial vaginosis (a decrease in the number of lactobacilli) is characterized by abundance and yellowness secreted from the female organ.

These signs are classic indicators of the abnormal functioning of the microflora of the female organ. For example, a doctor can determine a thrush without performing any additional examinations; he can only rely on information about the fluid released. However, this disease often develops on the basis of another pathology, which you need to get rid of.

Yellow discharge with a smell in women indicates an inflammatory process. Itching and burning of the labia often become their companion. These are signs of gonorrhea (sexual disease). Complications of this disease can even lead to infertility, so it should be treated immediately. The cause of gonorrhea is sexual contact with the patient.

Proper treatment is prescribed by a venereologist. Do not even think about independent attempts to get rid of the ailment. Modern methods of combating gonorrhea are:

• physiotherapy;

• antibiotics.

All participants in sexual intercourse should be cured of gonorrhea, otherwise you can become infected again.

Yellow and green

Yellow-green discharge in women may not have a smell, which means the normal course of natural processes.

However, in the presence of additional symptoms: burning, pain, itching and unpleasant odor, one can talk about serious pathologies.

These include:

• thrush - caused by the multiplication of fungal microorganisms;

• gonorrhea - inflammatory processes of the urinary tract;

• chlamydia - sexually transmitted pathology, one of the few that can be transmitted through household items;

• inflammation of a non-specific nature.

Most of these diseases are sexually transmitted and quickly spread to many organs of the genitourinary system.

Without smell

Yellow discharge in odorless women - every woman faced a similar phenomenon.

This type of discharge is not dangerous. It is not a symptom of serious illness, which means that it is not worth serious worries. However, consultation with a specialist is still necessary. Symptomatic treatment does not bring the desired results. It only delays the appearance of serious problems with the female body as a whole.

Let's find out what is done in the medical institution when such symptoms are detected.

Yellow discharge in women is a sign of some serious diseases, the presence of which cannot be independently recognized.

Therefore, as soon as you find yourself having these symptoms, you should consult a specialist.

In order to establish the exact cause of the disease, the doctor may need a wide list of objective data. So do not be lazy to go through the entire prescribed range of tests. This, firstly, will save the specialist’s time, and secondly, it will be the key to establishing an accurate diagnosis, and as a consequence, and treatment.

If, for some reason, the tests were not assigned to you, ask a specialist about this again.

Surely they simply cannot be implemented at the place of treatment, but you can do it in another institution.

So, to identify the disease you need take the following tests:

• bacteriological culture (fence for vaginal smear analysis);

• enzyme immunoassay (allows you to determine the stage of the disease);

• DNA-PCR (polymerase chain reaction).

The latter method is considered the most accurate method, the probability of setting an erroneous diagnosis with it is only 5 percent.

Is it possible to get rid of yellow discharge in women?

You have identified unhealthy yellow discharge. What to do? Yellow discharge in women whose causes are unclear should be considered as signs of potential danger. If you have already been diagnosed, then you should follow the prescribed treatment.

If you decide that you can cope with the disease yourself, you should not self-medicate or follow folk methods.

Firstly, you will lose time, which can be detrimental to your health.

Secondly, it can cause other, more serious diseases or allergic reactions.

Therefore, as soon as you understand that something is threatening the health of your genitourinary system, immediately make an appointment with a gynecologist. Remember that before going to a specialist, you should not take drugs whose exact action you do not know.

Also, you should not do syringing, as this can adversely affect the results of the tests assigned to you.

Most diseases in which a yellow vaginal discharge appears are sexually transmitted.

Therefore, during the treatment process, it is important that your partner also undergo an examination with subsequent treatment. If there were several partners, everyone should undergo a course of treatment, otherwise there is a risk of an ailment.

If a woman's yellow discharge appears again? Why is rehabilitation so important?

You have undergone treatment and the symptoms have disappeared, so you can not appear at the gynecologist a couple more years?

In no case do not ignore the final techniques from a specialist.

Diseases of the gynecological spectrum in addition to treatment suggest rehabilitation.

This is due to a number of factors:

1. Such diseases require not only an individual selection of strong antibiotics, but also a course of concomitant drugs that prevent their possible harmful effects on other organs.

2. Gynecological diseases are often caused by excessive reproduction of bacteria living in the microflora of the genital organs. And this happens because of problems with the immune system (with its weakening). Therefore, after getting rid of an infectious disease, you may be assigned a general course of immunomodulators.

3. Rehabilitation is not just a guarantee that the disease will not overtake you in the near future again. This is a guarantee of restoration of the general loss of strength that the body spent on healing.

How to avoid yellow discharge? Prevention

Prevention is the key to health. It is better to reduce the likelihood of a disease at all than to treat it. After all, any ailment does not arise from scratch. Many factors contribute to this, but we can reduce them, or even completely eliminate them.

Prevention of gynecological diseases is actually very simple, just follow a series of next steps:

• once every six months to see a gynecologist;

• take a blood test and vaginal smear at least once a year;

• do not ignore physical activity;

• use contraception during sexual intercourse.

• maintain a balanced diet;

• observe basic hygiene;

• avoid excessive humidity and hypothermia of the genitourinary system;

• have sex with trusted partners.

Following these simple rules will significantly reduce the risk of diseases of the genitourinary system. After all, a woman’s health is the key to her happiness.


Watch the video: What type of discharge is normal for pregnant and non-pregnant women? (June 2024).