What should be able to child in 1 year. A complete description of all motor and speech skills in the normal development of a child in 1 year.


So the first, most long-awaited birthday of your baby has arrived.

You are preparing for the celebration, remembering the first 12 months of your baby's life, its fantastic growth and development. In just one year, your child has turned from an absolutely helpless lump into an independent little man with his own interests and great demands.

What should be able to child in 1 year?

The physical development of the child in 1 year includes both motor and fine motor movement. And although each baby is unique and develops at its own specific pace, there are certain moments that occur in 90-95 percent of babies who have reached their first birthday.

Stages of development:

The development of motor skills in a child in 1 year

By the age of 12 months, one-year-old babies become very active and can try using their furniture to make their first tentative steps. At this point, it is important to stimulate this behavior. The child should be less likely to be carried and more allowed to move independently in safe conditions. To help your baby need:

• properly arrange the furniture (the furniture should stand so that the child can easily grasp its edges and move from one object to another;

• make large soft toys sit on the floor (initially toys can be seated very tightly, then, when the child learns to move from one toy to another, the distance should be increased);

• to offer the child to move with the help of a stable gurney, which the child can move independently without falling forward and not bending his back (as it happens in the walkers);

• do a light massage of the legs, hands and back (if the parents do not have the time and knowledge to properly make a massage, you can consult a pediatric masseur for advice and get the appropriate recommendations);

• remove sharp and easily-breaking objects from places where a child can reach them;

• protect the edges of the furniture with special corners so that the restless person during the movements is not injured.

At 1 year old, the child should be able to capture and hold objects, both small and large. Also, children at this age are good at:

• flipping books;

• help parents to fasten buttons, snakes;

• kick and throw the ball;

• climb adult chairs, stools and sofas;

• build a turret consisting of two three blocks;

• screw the cap on the bottle;

• Hold a spoon and mug.

Baby sleep in 1 year

By the year of life the child must learn to sleep more at night than during the day. Most children at the age of one year still need an afternoon nap, but morning sleep should be a thing of the past.

Quiet time at lunchtime is a luxury that a one-year-old child has and adults cannot afford. Daytime sleep allows the child to relax, reset the morning emotions. However, by the age of one year old, a small rebel can resist daytime sleep, and against the background of growing independence, make noise during sleep.

Therefore, to prepare a child for daytime sleep should:

• organize a relaxing baby bath;

• make a light massage;

• read a fairy tale.

These procedures are effective before bedtime. Parental actions allow the child to throw off emotions, sit comfortably in bed, learn to calm down and fall asleep on their own.

Night sleep on average in a child should be 11-12 hours during daytime sleep.

Child's behavior at 1 year

By the year, children begin to experience fear at the time of separation from their parents. The timing and intensity of fear may be different for different children. Baby's anxiety about a departed mom is a completely normal phenomenon. Therefore, parents should teach the crumb to calmly endure the separation. During the period of separation school, parents can:

• try not to delay the time of parting;

• do not leave the child in secret, or at the moment when the child is busy with something;

• leaving to say goodbye and kiss the child on the cheek;

• at the time of parting to inform the child that you will be back soon;

• leave frequently and return on time so that the child develops trust.

If you ignore the rules described, the child may be very fearful, upset and hysterical.

By the year children begin to be obsessed with throwing objects on the floor. Do not worry, your baby does it just like that, and not for the fact that you were upset and nervous. One-year-old children are very curious, so they are just wondering what will happen to an abandoned object.

By the year children begin to realize that they are a separate person, which exists independently of mom and dad. The struggle for independence may be a refusal to sit in a wheelchair, car seat, change of bed linen.

In this situation, parents should notice the situation in time and praise the child with approving compliments, but at the same time firmly sit the child on the seat and distract with the help of a favorite toy, song, or tasty delicacy.

The development of speech in a child in 1 year

By the year the child has a very limited vocabulary. In the arsenal of the child there are two sonorous words, such as: mother, tata, woman, grandfather. Most babies can only babbling something under their breath or make only clear sounds to them. Normally, a child at 1 year old should be able to:

• publish long ribbon-like sounds, short groups of sounds, such as: tata, bibi, ...;

• use short words, such as - give, or sounds - ma-ma, to get, and then keep attention;

• use gestures for communication (they wave their hands, pull at their clothes, push them when they want to say something);

• imitate the sounds of speech, trying to imitate the speech of adults;

• have 1-2 words in their stock that sound incomprehensible and understandable only to parents.

During the year, the little fidget will learn to speak some individual words, will begin to follow simple instructions, such as showing where the nose, eyes or ears. At the age of one year, the child's language develops through communication. 90% of children acquire skills through repetition of phrases, imitation of parents and others. At this age, children love reading books, talking with them, doing something together and playing with them. Therefore, parents should actively interact with the child, actively develop his vocabulary.

Baby nutrition in 1 year

A child can be transferred from breast feeding to artificial formulas or cow's milk per year. High-quality mixes and whole cow's milk should be added to the diet, since the baby needs the necessary quality fats for good brain development, body growth and development. Switching to skimmed milk or any other low-fat foods is best postponed to an age over two years of life.

The transition can begin with the mixing of whole milk and milk mixture, as this way you can improve the taste of food, and thus the child's appetite. Milk can be offered in a bottle or in a mug.

In the year a child can eat almost any healthy food. In the diet can not be excluded, grapes, hot dogs, popcorn any other food that may be stuck in the throat. After a year of life, the child can be given honey.

The year is the best time when a child should have healthy taste preferences. At this age, the child should be offered a huge amount of fresh fruits and vegetables, along with other nutritious foods.

Do not be alarmed if your child refuses to try new food, just put it in front of the baby. Over time, interest will force the child to try, and maybe love new products.

When eating, it is important that the child sees the parents eat healthy food and sell food that is not familiar before. This will form a child's clever approach to food, will save in the future from snacking and overfeeding.

At the age of one year, the child should be limited in the sweet, including in sweet juices. Canned juices sold in supermarkets should be offered to the baby only in extremely rare cases.

Doctors recommend feeding children with organic products - natural dairy and meat products prepared at home.

Night terrors

From 12-15 months, many babies may experience night terrors. This is a frightening experience for parents and child. When a child experiences a night fear, he may experience night horror, scream, cry, make disturbing movements. A sleepy child can repel parents, show fear.

What if a pussy experiences nightmares?

Child psychologists are advised to avoid interfering with night sleep, as this may worsen the episode. Doctors advise in this situation:

• keep a sleep log to find out the time and patterns of nightly fears;

• wake up the child 15 minutes before the time when the most nightmare attack occurs;

• repeat the awakening of the baby for 7-10 nights, even if the attacks of nightmares did not recur;

• consult a pediatrician if the problem persists.

The first children's shoes

When the child began to make the first steps, it was time to think about buying the first pair of shoes. When choosing shoes, you should not give in to the desire to buy a bright and fashionable model, the important priority in choosing should be comfort and the right size.


Watch the video: Improving your child's fine motor and gross motor skills (May 2024).