Acne on the face: pink, white, vulgar. How to get rid of different types of acne at home.


Cicero said: "The face is the mirror of the soul."

But what if our “mirror” is littered with defects, such as eels?

There is nothing to guess - flaws should be eliminated.

Types of acne on the face and methods for their treatment

We often share recipes for masks, tonics against blackheads, without thinking about the fact that they do not help all people who have such a cosmetic flaw. Why are some simple masks made at home suitable for some, but not for others? The point here is not only the severity of the disease. First of all, blackheads are different. They can be vulgar, pink, white. In addition, acne varies not only in appearance, but also in location. Some defects appear on the face, others on the body, for example on the back. Secondly, even the same type of acne can occur under the influence of different factors and also have special clinical forms.

So let's see what types of eels exist and why they arise. And also consider possible methods for their treatment. Such an analysis will help to understand which acne can be removed at home, and which of them should be treated only with the help of specialists.

Whiteheads on the face

In women, men on the faces sometimes formations that resemble small grains. They can not be squeezed out at home. Moreover, it is almost impossible to do. Such formations are called whiteheads, milium or millet. The most favorite locations for whiteheads, which look like small yellowish or whitish cones (papules) - eyelids, cheeks, forehead.

The top of the eels can be of two types: domed or flat. To crush these acne, as they say - is a futile task. It is also not necessary to pierce a dense formation on your own, otherwise you risk introducing an infection or causing scarring. Any home and purchased products are powerless in the treatment of whiteheads. People with milium need to remove the formed ectodermal cysts containing keratinocytes (epithelial tissue cells) only in the office of a cosmetologist-dermatologist.

Cosmetic defects such as whiteheads do not lead to severe consequences, but they can grow. Even if the number of papules does not increase, then a small amount of blackheads that have already appeared will not decorate your face. You can get rid of millet in 10-15 minutes. Most often, acne is removed using electrocoagulation. The procedure is performed pointwise.

To prevent the occurrence of whiteheads, you need to thoroughly clean the skin (wash your face with gel, scrub, wipe your face with tonic). Once every one to two weeks, homemade cleansing masks should be made from lactic or fruit acids.

Acne rosacea

Rosacea or rosacea are a chronic relapsing skin disease. This disease has several stages and occurs due to changes in the superficial arterioles located on the skin of the face. The situation can be aggravated by: alcohol, hot drinks, exposure to cold and sunlight, tick activity, decreased immunity, etc.

The first sign of rosacea is a reddening of the face that occurs due to exposure to certain factors and does not go away for a long time. The further course of the disease is characterized by the appearance of dilated vessels on the face. In the absence of adequate treatment aimed at strengthening the blood vessels, rashes appear on the skin, which may take the form of nodules of reddish or cyanotic color with purulent contents and without it. In the end, huge cysts can grow on the face.

Rosacea mainly occurs in people of an older age group. To slow down the development of rosacea, you need to observe the temperature regime (not to get involved in saunas, be less in the cold), refuse to use hot drinks, alcohol, regular sunbathing.

At the initial stage of rosacea, you can do without medication, limiting yourself to the use of special cosmetics. Skin prone to the appearance of rosacea, suitable purchased and home products containing vitamins A, C, K, PP, various plant extracts. To improve the situation, you can also use cold lotions made from a decoction of chamomile or tea. It would be nice to freeze healing infusions and massage your skin daily with a piece of ice.

But sometimes external therapy is not enough to help a person with rosacea. Then he must undergo medical treatment, which will be prescribed by a dermatologist after an appropriate examination. The patient may be prescribed sebosuppressive, antibacterial drugs, etc. There are other methods of treating rosacea, such as laser and cryotherapy, electrocoagulation of blood vessels. In any case, it is impossible to delay treatment, because rosacea is a serious disease that indicates a violation of blood circulation in the vessels. It leads not only to inflammation of the face, but also sometimes provokes the development of rhinophyma, which is characterized by an abnormal thickening of the skin.

Acne vulgaris

By acne vulgaris one must mean acne vulgaris. They are one of the most common diseases. Almost every person came across them. Acne vulgaris mainly make themselves felt in adolescence. Such acne often occurs due to changes in hormonal levels. In many cases, the problem with the appearance of acne vulgaris is resolved after puberty. But this does not mean that you need to stay inactive, waiting for the skin to clear on its own. In addition, not all adults manage to get rid of acne.

The first step to getting rid of acne vulgaris is to undergo an examination in a clinic to prescribe an adequate treatment. In this case, you need to find a specialist who is not trying to assure patients that their acne has arisen due to the use of fatty and sweet foods. Most likely, the problem lies in the excessive production of male hormones and sebum, and this is not particularly associated with the use of pork or cakes.

Some people, believing that they have acne vulgaris, are in no hurry to visit a dermatologist, having decided to be treated independently by regular skin cleansing. This is not true. Indeed, sometimes patients confuse acne with acne-like rashes that arise as a result of infection with serious diseases, such as syphilis. Therefore, proceeding to the treatment of acne, you need to be sure that it is really them. In addition, even if you have acne vulgaris, removing them with one cleansing is quite difficult, and often simply unrealistic.

In addition to systemic, external treatment, a dermatologist versed in acne can also prescribe a special diet. The essence of the diet: reduce the use of iodine-containing foods and include more fruits, vegetables, which contain beta-carotene. Also, the doctor will tell you how to properly care for the skin on which the acne vulgaris appeared, and will talk about the dangers of gummy cosmetics. Girls with acne vulgaris can be prescribed contraceptives that regulate the production of androgens. If the form of the disease is mild, boys and girls are invited to undergo external anti-acne therapy. With the development of a severe form of the disease and the inefficiency of local therapy, patients with acne are prescribed systemic retinoids.

Attention: if you have vulgar acne, then try to sunbathe less, because UV rays will provoke an aggravation of the problem.

Acne on the back

Inflammatory skin disease on the back is treated a little differently than acne located on the face. Since it is difficult for the patient to apply various ointments to the back, doctors focus on internal treatment. Patients may be prescribed and local funds. But since the skin on the back is thicker, in order to affect the deep-seated elements of acne, you need to use more concentrated anti-acne agents.

Interesting: some girls prove that they cleaned their backs with peroxide and body paint masks.

Acne on the nose

So, you probably already understood that if it was whiteheads that appeared on the nose, then the cosmetologist should remove such a cosmetic flaw. No homemade and purchased tonics with creams will save you. Rosacea also does not deign to leave your nose if you do not have a comprehensive treatment for rosacea: medications + finished products for problem skin + proper home care (washing, lotions from chamomiles, etc.).

And only vulgar acne can be almost completely removed from the nose using homemade cleansing products. Of course, it will not hurt to establish a hormonal background (if it is broken). But in any case, regularly cleansing the skin of the face from greasy secretion, dead cells, and other impurities, you will see how much the number of harmful acne that has occupied the nose will decrease.

Below you can find recipes for masks designed to cleanse the skin and remove simple blackheads. But remember that before rushing to cook home masks, you should consult a dermatologist. Only a specialist will determine exactly which acne on your nose. He will be able to understand the causes of their appearance and give adequate recommendations for skin care.

Homemade blackhead masks on the face

Before applying any masks against simple blackheads to the face, the skin must be steamed. But this should not be done over ordinary boiling water. For steaming, prepare a decoction of linden, peppermint and chamomile. Each dried plant you need about 30 g. You can make an infusion in a saucepan. You need to throw the lime and mint into boiling water and cook for about a minute. The container should be closed with a lid. After the broth is infused, it will have to be heated again.

To prepare a decoction, you will need no more than 2 liters of water.

After removing the saucepan from the fire, place it on the table, placing a wide shelf under the container. Now lower your face over the steam and cover your head with a towel with the pan. Try to sit in this position for at least five minutes. If you feel uncomfortable during steaming, you can get out from under the towel for 5-10 seconds. After steaming, pat your face with a paper towel.

Attention: if you have rosacea, very sensitive facial skin, it is better to refrain from steaming or carry out the procedure for no longer than a minute.

Oat and bean face mask acne scrub

To prepare a mask for acne, you need a teaspoon of table salt, as much coffee grounds and ground oatmeal. To these components, you also need to add half a tablespoon of ground beans on a blender, which must first be kept in boiling water for about 20 minutes. The final ingredient is a small spoon of fat sour cream.

After mixing the components of the mask, you can begin to apply it. First, a home remedy is applied to acne, this should be done clockwise in a circular motion. Then the mask is applied to the whole face. We stand it for about 20 minutes and rinse off.

Important: it is necessary to make such a mask once a week. Before each procedure, be sure to steam the skin.

Acne gelatin mask for any skin type

We do before applying the mask: before steaming the skin, wash your face with a special homemade mixture. It is made from oat and pea flour, as well as milk powder. The components are mixed in equal amounts and diluted slightly with water. You need to wipe the skin well with cooked homemade products.

Now prepare the mask. Crush the activated carbon tablet. Pour Art. teaspoon of gelatin and fill it with two teaspoons of warm water. Combine the swollen gelatin with charcoal and add two dessert spoons of milk. After stirring, heat the mixture in a water bath.

A gelatin mask is applied only to that area of ​​the skin where acne is located. Do it with a brush. After the first layer has hardened, the second is applied, and after a while the third. After waiting for the mask to set, start jerking off our gelatin strips.

Attention: The described mask is not suitable for people with rosacea.

After removing the gelatin, apply a mask of protein and a teaspoon of lemon juice to your face. It needs to be spread in those areas where home-made gelatin products were located.

And oat-bean and gelatin masks are best done in the evening.


Watch the video: Some acne on the face (July 2024).