Scientists are again talking about the dangers of Wi-Fi


Scientists again talked about the harmful effects on the human body wireless technology. According to reports, about 5% of the population of the planet have electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome. This is especially true for megacities, where the air is literally penetrated by electrowaves of various frequencies, because a person is constantly surrounded by smartphones, tablets and numerous Wi-Fi access points.

There are frequent cases when electromagnetic waves cause allergic reactions in people, headache, and neurological disorders. There is an opinion that Wi-Fi is able to provoke cancer, but there is still no official confirmation of this.

Previously it was found that wireless networks have a negative impact on memory and concentration. However, for the sake of justice, it should be noted that not all experts recognize the existence of electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome. Most of them are quite skeptical of this theory.


Watch the video: 5G Wireless: A Dangerous Experiment on Humanity (June 2024).