Being artificial is great


Gradually, the cold comes, and it means it's time to think about buying warm clothes. Women, despite the level of wealth, always dream of a fur coat. And this is understandable: the fur ennobles, gives chic, makes any woman more self-confident. However, not every lady can afford a fur coat from natural fur. Its perfect alternative is artificial fur.

Faux fur outerwear came into fashion relatively recently, but quickly won the love of many women. Fur coats, sheepskin coats and headdresses are much more expensive than unnatural counterparts. But for most women, the price does not matter in principle, since their choice in favor of artificial materials is associated with a zooprotective factor — animals were not injured during production.

It is worth noting that many famous designers also completely excluded from their collections clothing from natural fur, replacing it with artificial. Famous boutiques exhibit artificial models at shows and call on artists and stars to abandon real furs.

Before you choose an artificial fur coat, you need to know the main advantages and disadvantages of the material. And only with full knowledge to make a purchase.

Pluses faux fur

• low cost;

• a large selection of colors and styles;

• long service life;

• ease of cleansing fur;

• no pest problem - the mole does not like fake fur;

• strong seams which will not be dismissed over time;

• presence of natural components - viscose fibers. They help the coat to "breathe."

Cons of faux fur

• lack of 100% environmental cleanliness. In the manufacturing process is often used polymer and products of petroleum origin;

• for a harsh and cold winter, artificial fur will not work. Its protective properties do not allow the body to warm up at a temperature below 35 degrees.

• Pile of fur is often rough and tough, unless, of course, there was an additional softening treatment, which increases the price of the product.

Comparing all the pros and cons of non-natural fur, you need to remember the basic rules for choosing an artificial fur coat:

1. Carefully inspect the material. If the villi of the fur coat remain on hand, the fur is of poor quality, and the fur coat will not last long.

2. If the seller categorically does not allow to touch the fur coat with his hands, there is nothing to think about purchasing such a thing.

3. In the presence of a chemical smell emanating from a fur coat, there is no doubt that during the manufacture the production technology was seriously disturbed. While wearing the smell only intensify.

Take into account the rules of care for artificial fur coat:

1. Keep the fur coat in a spacious closet, which is ventilated from time to time. Wash the artificial fur coat is not recommended. If stains appear on the product, it is better not to do the cleaning at home, but to give the fur coat into the hands of professionals - dry cleaning.

2. For small soiling, you can take warm water (about 45 degrees) and add one tablespoon of any detergent to it (the best is laundry soap in a weak solution), and then make a scum. Hang the fur coat on a hanger in advance and carefully hold it over the stain with a brush with the prepared foam. A prerequisite is to clean the surface strictly in the direction of the pile. After that, you must remove the foam with a damp cloth. The fur coat will be better dried in the open air, but if there is no such possibility, then drying can be carried out in a ventilated room. When the fur is dried, it must be carefully combed.

Following these simple rules, you can extend the life of an artificial fur coat for a long time. If the purchase of the product will be made in a good store, the consultants will certainly warn about all the additional intricacies of non-natural material.


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