Promotion Plot


Everyone has long known the immutable truth: "To achieve something in life, you have to work a lot." But sometimes it happens that you work at the limit of your strengths and abilities, you disappear for days in the office, you don’t see your family, but you sit in the same place. The reasons for this are completely different: from high competition to the deaf to hints and requests from management. How to solve a problem? Resort to career plots!

Let us consider in more detail what conspiracies exist for promotion in the service, a list of necessary attributes and rules for conducting ceremonies.

What are the plots for promotion?

Plots for promotion are not very different from others. For them it is also important to observe the rules of conduct, the presence of spells and magical paraphernalia. Such ceremonies can be performed at home, but the working environment will be the ideal place. Do not forget about the lunar phases - a growing or full moon period will do. It is not recommended to read to a decreasing one, since the effect can be directly opposite and, instead of increasing, you risk losing your former place without receiving a new one.

Among the most effective rituals for a successful career are:

  • plot on office equipment;
  • spell with stationery;
  • plot to workplace;
  • Hex on documents (folders, paper).

It is easy to see that all rites are conducted on the basis of things that are directly used in the process. In addition to the main ways you can talk to yourself a talisman, which will bring good luck and attract profitable contracts, customers and additional part-time work.

Preparation in the ceremony

Preparation for the rite of promotion on the career ladder is universal. Regardless of the ritual chosen, you need to follow a number of rules:

  1. Decide on a conspiracy that suits you. It depends on the fact that it is easy to get out of the conspiracy or is available.
  2. Tune in to the working mood. Think about work, imagine your increase, new wages, acquaintances that you will gain with growth.
  3. Organize the right atmosphere. If you are going to plot a house, try to have as many objects as possible reminiscent of work in the room.
  4. Stick to the ordinance of the planned action. No one should know about the rite being prepared as well as about the performed one.
  5. Wait for the right conditions. These include the moon phase and the time of day. Most of the rituals are performed in the evening, so it would be nice to stay in the workplace.
  6. When pronouncing magic words, you need to touch auxiliary objects with both hands and keep your eyes closed. Imagine how your energy fills them and, strengthened, returns to the body.

When finished with the preparation, proceed to the rite.


In each of the above conspiracies, not only different props are used, but also spells.

To plot on office equipment, you can choose a work computer, telephone, fax or even a printer. The spell sounds like this:

“The strength of the worker is gaining strength, fueling and charging. To work so that it is uninterrupted and trouble-free, to flare up with love and a lot of money to work. I want to achieve more, so that the director could not get enough praise! I move up, learn, improve and enrich myself! Words like stone are strong and hard, so be it! ”

The more often you use the item, the sooner the increase will come.

The plot to the workplace is different in that it can be carried out at any time, even in the process of work, as it does not require an oral spelling. It’s enough to repeat the words a few times a day in your mind:

“As bees work in the field, and ants work on the ground, so I am in the office (your place of work) awake and awake at night. I will apply my strength, I will serve the employer, I will improve it. Amen!"

Hexed documents are recommended to be used before these papers are handed over to a higher management. Put them in a pile, squeeze around the edges with both hands and say:

  • for approval of the project - “I bring the authorities, and take the effect for myself!”;
  • on a successful contract - “There is no space on paper, the answer will be positive!”;
  • for a salary increase - “I request for a request, in return for contracts (the name of the document) I give, for hope I also hope for a new salary.”

The peculiarity of slander in quick and short exposure. They will help in achieving short-term goals, so experienced spellcasters advise you to use a raise pledge only as an extra measure, having previously conducted the main plot.


Expect an immediate increase is not worth it. Such a thing as moving up the career ladder does not happen instantly. In order for the desire to be fulfilled and the career to go uphill, it is recommended to follow the rules and also use conspiracies wisely. In order to avoid negative consequences:

  • Do not conduct more than one ceremony per month. You can combine rituals with slander, but no more;
  • Do not participate in this period in conflict situations and do not boast about a result that you have not yet achieved;
  • Do not wish harm to the person whose place you plan to take. Moreover, do not try to eliminate the opponent with the help of magic!
  • Engage in self-organization, spiritual and mental enlightenment. Clear your mind and mind of negative thoughts.

Following the above statutes will allow you to achieve a result without a negative. So you can climb the career ladder without harm to yourself and others. Dare!


Watch the video: The Flash 5x07 Promo - 100th Episode Plot Teaser Breakdown (June 2024).