Doctors: using cheap contact lenses can lead to blindness


Contact lenses have long been a panacea for people with prejudice about wearing glasses. In the framework of fierce competition, in order to meet the huge demand, online stores began to sell cheap lenses, the use of which led to a surge in eye infections. Doctors warn: the acquisition of low-quality contact lenses can lead to loss of vision.

In Western countries, contact lenses are prescribed exclusively by ophthalmologists, who simultaneously perform an eye examination. Of course, this service is not cheap, therefore, trying to save money, people solve this problem on their own by purchasing lenses through the Network several times cheaper.

Online stores often sell poor quality goods that can cause illness and even blindness. In particular, among the most common eye diseases resulting from wearing poor quality contact lenses, mimirus is the most common, causing serious damage to the cornea.

The reason for the ubiquitous spread of mimivurus is also the refusal of people from the necessary eye examination, which results in competent selection of lenses. But during a routine eye examination, the doctor may notice signs of infection in time.


Watch the video: Mercy Clinic - Contact Lens Care (July 2024).