Salad with white birch cookies - a recipe with photos and step by step description


Liver salad - a dish that does not require any side dishes, no sauces, or any other additions. His one will be quite enough to dine. Story plan, embodied in the decoration of salad, implies that it will be a special dinner. However, you can please your family with a beautiful salad and your culinary skills without any reason.

To prepare and decorate a salad with a liver in the form of a Russian white-trunched birch salad with a liver will be helped by a recipe with photos and step-by-step instructions.

Following the instructions, you can make a salad absolutely for everyone, and you can not be afraid to improve it with any own findings. For example, instead of eggs, you can use processed cheese, and put carrots and onions in a raw salad.

In the photo: ingredients for the preparation of salad with liver “White Birch”:

  • Beef liver - 400 gr.
  • Potato tubers - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion head - 1 pc.
  • Chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l
  • Milk - 2 glasses
  • Mayonnaise - 100 gr.
  • Dill greens - a few twigs.
  • Olives - 5 pcs.
  • Noble laurel leaf - 1 pc.
  • Nutmeg - Pinch
  • Allspice - Pinch

Recipe for making white birch liver salad (with photo):

In order for “White Birch” to be not only beautiful, but also tasty, you need to properly prepare the liver. That will determine how delicious the salad will turn out.

The preparation process will take a lot of time, therefore, thinking about cooking this dish, you will have to take care to cook the liver in advance.

Remove from the liver shell in the form of a thin film and drop the prepared piece in cold water, which should cover it completely. He will need to lie in the water for at least an hour. You can leave the liver to soak overnight.

All unnecessary things that have accumulated in the liver will come out and the water will become red. Now you can pull it out of the water, dry it with a napkin, or allow the remaining water to drain, and then cut the walls of the blood vessels that penetrate the liver and everything that has a dense texture with a knife.

Approximately two hours will send the liver in milk. Make it necessary. Milk will take away the bitterness and the liver will turn out juicy.

Now you need to boil it in salted water or milk with the addition of bay leaf and nutmeg, cool, boiled a piece of rubbed on a cheese grater.

Cook potatoes and eggs too. We remove the skin from the tubers of potatoes, and release the eggs from the shell.

Three tubers on the same grater as the liver.

This grater is also suitable for eggs. Three yolks and whites separately. In the salad they will not mix.

Onions we need fried to a nice golden.

Carrots can be fried with onions.

It's time to make a salad. We spread grated liver on a flat dish.

With the help of a knife, we give it a brick shape.

We grease a brick with mayonnaise.

Spread the onions and carrots on the liver.

On a layer of carrots and onions squeeze mayonnaise from the package. We stretch the mayonnaise with a knife over the entire surface and sprinkle with grated yolk.

Next, lay out the grated potatoes. We form the future birch trunk.

On the formed stem - a bit of mayonnaise.

Mayonnaise grease the potato layer.

We finish the assembly with a layer of grated proteins.

It remains to decorate the salad. Black olives cut into strips.

They decorate the trunk.

We imitate the branches with the help of greenery. In the lower part of the improvised stem of the birch tree, you can place small pickled mushrooms in half.

All tricks are described. All secrets are revealed. You can try making a salad with white birch cookies on your own.


Watch the video: Салат Белая Береза Оригинальный Салат. Salad White Birch Recipe, English Subtitles (June 2024).