What dreams of rabbits


Dreamed of a cute fluffy bunny - wait for something positive and even piquant. This will tell you any dream book. But only delving into the details, you can correctly decipher your dream.

Dreamed a rabbit what does it mean

It is considered a good sign when dream of rabbits light colors.

  • White A handsome man can foreshadow success in work, good deals or a meeting with real love.
  • But the black - a bad sign, which entails losses and grief.
  • When they see rabbits of unusual colors, for examplered or pink - this is a warning against wrong doing.
  • Catch animal - to the torment that brings you insubstantial desires.
  • If it bit you, do not believe the one who is trying to seduce you. Especially if the animal bites the pain.
  • If it tries to hide from you, beware of nervous disorders.
  • Catch and keep the bunny - to the execution of the cherished goal, which is clogged with your head.
  • If the bunny is white and big, the dream will come true in a short time.
  • See him in a cage - to financial well-being.
  • Follow him - Waiting for you a happy event.

Interesting and burrow interpretation: you are trying to get away from the problems and do not want to solve them. If you had such a dream, in any life circumstances do not avoid responsibility.

What dreams of rabbits woman and girl

  • If a woman dreams of rabbitssuch a dream will carry more meaning than a man.
  • Dream interpretation will say that woman dreams of a hare for pregnancy.
  • If a the animal is seen constantly or two of them - it means that the girl really wants to be a mother.
  • Dreamed pregnant fun frolicking - it means that the birth will take place safely.
  • Sometimes girl dreams bunnies to cycle violation. A black or gray hare hints at such problems.
  • According to Freud, when rabbits dream of a woman a lot - she is subconsciously afraid of losing a partner. The girl should be more active in the intimate terms, so that the man did not want to go to the side.
  • If these animals are seen in a dream by a man, it's time to satisfy your sexual appetite.
  • If you dream of rabbits and rabbit woman - it means that she will have several children, and her husband will be faithful to her.

White rabbit why dream

  1. Dreaming white rabbit - this is a happy sign.
  2. Dreamed of a white woman - Let him prepare for a meeting with his beloved. Also, the white animal may indicate a burden to internal changes, self-knowledge. Perhaps a person has not looked inside himself for a long time.
  • If dreamed gray - It is necessary to trust the intuition when making important decisions.
  • BUT Freud's dream will say that gray the animal is a symbol of excessive sexual activity.
  • Also gray animals are often seen to money. This may be a pay raise or a large lottery win.
  • But if you kill such a small animal, do not expect financial success and get ready for unplanned waste. The same thing awaits the dreamer if a gray animal tries to escape or hide.
  • Worst of all the black little animal If he dreamed, be prepared for the sad news. Sometimes the black bunny symbolizes mental distress.

Live rabbit in a dream which means

To see a living rabbit in a dream Dream interpretation, as a good sign. But only if it is white: gray and black promise problems.

When the girl dreamed alive in her arms the dream book will say that the young lady thinks about motherhood.

Fatty sleek animals will bring the dreamer a promotion at work or replenishment in the family. And if they are thin and painful, beware of problems at work or discord in the family.

Little rabbits are dreaming of what

  • Little rabbits dream a lot of woman - to pregnancy. When a lot of them or sleep becomes obsessive, it's time for a girl to think about motherhood.
  • The white animal that the dreamer will stroke and feed., speaks of the desire to care for the child and educate him.
  • Mother with baby rabbits foreshadows the dreamer financial well-being. If the animals are played in the woods or in the meadow, wait for the joyful news and cloudless life.

What dreams of rabbits man

When the hare dreamed of a man - time to pay attention to your intimate life. Perhaps it lacks passion. If the dreamer leads a lecherous lifestyle, the dream book recommends that you moderate your activity and not waste energy.

White animal can symbolize loyalty on the part of the partner. Such a dream promises a married man a strong family relationship.

If you had a dream in a dream

  • Dead animal is dreaming - it means you face health problems.
  • Kill the animal and see your hands in the blood - to quarrels, parting and even a fight. Also, the dream book will draw your attention to your own cowardice and weakness, with which you need to fight.
  • Kill an animal may mean the inability to realize their desires.
  • Rabbit meat eat - symbolizes the inability to hear your inner voice. Dream interpretation advises to be alone with his thoughts.


Watch the video: What does rabbits dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).