Sorrel soup - proven recipes. How to cook and soup of sorrel.


Sorrel soup - general cooking principles

After the cold winter period, you want something light and vitamin so. Sorrel soup is best prepared in the spring when young green shoots have concentrated the maximum amount of vitamins, minerals and salts. You can cook sorrel soup in meat broth (preferably chicken or beef) or in water. Serve the food warm or cold, but meat soups are still better served hot. Potatoes, carrots and onions are usually added to the dish, as well as any greens (dill, cilantro, green onion or parsley) and spices. You can roast and do not - just peel the onions with carrots, cut and run into the soup. Sometimes white cabbage or Chinese cabbage, strips of bell pepper and tomato cubes are put in the dish. In addition to the sorrel, you can put any other young greens in the dish: nettle, dandelions, beet tops, as well as spinach and arugula. If there is no time for cooking meat broth, you can take any canned meat - the soup from sorrel turns out very rich and appetizing with them. Food is served most often with sour cream, halves of hard-boiled eggs and finely chopped greens and green onions. Very tasty grate cheese and add it to the hot soup.

Sorrel soup - preparing food and dishes

Before boiling the broth, the meat should be washed in cool water and processed (cut films and veins, if any). It is better to cook the meat with a whole piece, and after it is ready - remove and cut into portions. Vegetables and herbs should be thoroughly washed and peeled. Potatoes for soup from sorrel is better not to cut too large, fit thin sticks or small cubes. Onions need to chop finely, and grate carrots (although it can be finely chopped). Sorrel is too fine is better not to cut, otherwise it will boil soft and turn into a mess. Boil eggs in advance for serving.

From the dishes require a large pan, skimmer, knife, cutting board and grater. Prepare a clean gauze for straining the broth. Serve the dish can be in the usual deep plates or bowls.

Sorrel soup recipes:

Recipe 1: Sorrel Soup

This green light soup is great for a hot summer day. The dish pleases not only with a pleasant sourish taste, but also with an abundance of vitamins and useful microelements.

Ingredients Required:

  • Chicken meat - 380-400 g;
  • Potatoes - 340 g;
  • Fresh sorrel - 220 g;
  • Carrots - 120 g;
  • Onions - 90-100 g;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil for roasting;
  • Sour cream - to serve;
  • Dill and parsley.

Cooking method:

Chicken meat is washed with cold water and set to cook for 30-40 minutes. After the first boiling, it is advisable to drain the water, pour the meat over the new one and put on the boil again. While the chicken is being cooked, you can peel and chop the potatoes in small pieces, chop the onion finely and grate the peeled carrots on a coarse grater. We also wash in water all the greens (sorrel, dill and parsley), and then chop finely. Sorrel can be cut a little larger. Cooked chicken we take out and cut into portions. Put potatoes in boiling broth and cook until soft. During this time, you can cook the roast: first lay the onions in the pan with vegetable oil, then add the carrots. Fry the vegetables for a few minutes. Check the potatoes with a knife - if cooked, add vegetable roasting. Then lay out the chopped meat and sorrel. After boiling, cook the soup for another 5-7 minutes. Salt the dish to taste. While the soup of sorrel is infused, grind hands with chopped herbs with salt and put them in serving plates. Serve with sour cream and black bread.

Recipe 2: Sorrel and Spinach Soup

Very satisfying, healthy and refreshing first course. Such sorrel soup is cooked in beef broth, flavored with spices and vegetables.

Ingredients Required:

  • A kilogram of beef on the bone;
  • Half a large carrot;
  • Parsley root;
  • Onion - 1 pc .;
  • 25 g of sorrel, dill and spinach;
  • 1 st. l flour and butter;
  • Sour cream - to taste;
  • 6 chicken eggs;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • A few black pepper peas;
  • Bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.

Cooking method:

Meat is washed, processed, filled with water and set to cook. After boiling remove skimmer foam. A few minutes before the meat is cooked, add the pepper and bay leaf. Remove the finished meat and set aside for a while. Strain the broth from pepper and Lavrushka and pour back into the pan. Spinach sorrel washed, pour boiling water and leave for half an hour. Then drain the water and pour a little beef broth. Boil the herbs in the broth for about 5-6 minutes. Then we take out the greens, grind them and put them into the saucepan with the broth, and pour out the broth in which the greens are cooked. Onions finely shred, carrots and parsley root clean and cut into thin circles. Put all the vegetables in boiling broth. While the soup is boiling, grind the flour with butter and add a little broth to the mixture. A few minutes before being ready, add this mixture to the soup. While the dish is infused, cook hard-boiled eggs, chop the dill and cut the boiled eggs in half. Sorrel soup served with half an egg, a piece of meat, sour cream and greens.

Recipe 3: Sorrel soup with barley

This light green sorrel soup can be cooked in meat broth or in water, and if you add barley, the dish will turn out even more satisfying. In the heat, you can eat soup and in the cold - it doesn’t get worse.

Ingredients Required:

  • A pound of chicken legs or soup set;
  • 2 carrots and onions;
  • Salt;
  • Half a cup of barley;
  • Pea pepper;
  • Bay leaf;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 120 grams of sorrel;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • 3 eggs;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Sour cream.

Cooking method:

To start, prepare the broth: wash the chicken, fill it with water and set to cook. After boiling, remove the foam and reduce the fire. Add to the broth the whole peeled onion and 1 peeled carrot. Cook until the meat is easily separated from the bones. 10 minutes before the readiness, add the pea pepper, bay leaf and a little salt. From the finished broth we take out lavrushka, pepper and carrots with onions. Take out the meat and separate it from the bones. Strain the broth. In parallel with the broth you need to cook the barley. Sorrel wash and cut, clean the potatoes and cut into cubes. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrot. Onions and carrots fry until soft in vegetable oil, at the end add a little salt and pepper. Put potatoes into boiling broth, after 10 minutes lay out the barley, and after 20 minutes add roasting. Cook the soup over low heat, stirring occasionally. 5 minutes before readiness add chopped sorrel and chicken meat. We taste the soup, if necessary - add salt and pepper to taste. after the sorrel soup is infused, served with half a boiled egg and sour cream.

Recipe 4: Sorrel and Stew Soup

Try to make this wonderful light soup not on meat broth, but on stew. The dish is cooked many times faster and it turns out very rich.

Ingredients Required:

  • Bank stew;
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs .;
  • 1 carrot with onions;
  • 2 pinch of sugar;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Flour - 1 tsp;
  • 2-3 bundles of sorrel;
  • Sour cream and boiled eggs - for serving;
  • Salt, pepper, laurel and any other seasonings.

Cooking method:

Peel the onions and carrots, chop onions, and grate the carrots. Fry vegetables in vegetable oil until soft and add a pinch of sugar and a teaspoon of flour (to make the soup more nourishing). Clean the potatoes and cut them into strips. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Put potatoes in a pot. 10 minutes after boiling add roast. Jar with stew open and lay out all the contents in the soup. Sorrel washed and cut into ribbons. 5-7 minutes after the stew add the sorrel. Cook the soup for another 10-12 minutes, then add salt and pepper to your taste, Lavrushka and any other spices. After the dish is infused, serve the soup with a half of boiled eggs and sour cream.

Recipe 5: Soup from sorrel and sauerkraut

Sorrel gives the dish a slight sour taste, and cabbage adds tenderness. This soup of sorrel will especially appeal to those who do not like too sour first courses.

Ingredients Required:

  • Chicken meat - half a kilo;
  • Young white cabbage - 400 g;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 2 small onions;
  • 1-2 potatoes;
  • 1 small tomato;
  • Sorrel - a few bunches (to taste);
  • Salt, pepper and bay leaf;
  • Boiled eggs and sour cream for serving.

Cooking method:

Cook, as usual, chicken broth, get the prepared meat and separate from the bones. Clean the potatoes, cut them into cubes and throw them into boiling broth. Wash my cabbage, finely chop and throw 10 minutes after the potatoes. Finely chop the onion and fry in sunflower oil until a nice golden color. Clean the carrots, grate and fry with the onions until soft. My tomato, remove the skin (for this you need to scald it with boiling water), cut into cubes and put in a frying pan with roasting. Stew vegetables a few minutes. Put vegetable soup in the soup. Sorrel wash and cut ribbons. 5 minutes after roasting add sorrel and bay leaf. After boiling, reduce the heat and we torment our sorrel soup for another 5-7 minutes. At the end of cooking, add salt and pepper to taste. After the soup is infused, serve with boiled eggs, a piece of meat and sour cream. Eggs can be crumbled or cut into halves or quarters.

Sorrel soup - secrets and tips from the best chefs

- Put the tender greens at the end of cooking, otherwise it will melt and lose vitamins;

- To make the dish more satisfying, you can add cereals, mushrooms or seafood;

- Eggs can be cooked in advance and add half to each plate, or you can beat an egg with cream or water in a glass and pour in a thin stream a few minutes before the end of cooking.


Watch the video: Russian Sorrel Soup - Simple and Tasty Recipe on Different Russia Channel (June 2024).