Salad with crab meat - the five best recipes. How to properly and tasty cooked salad with crab meat.


Salad with Crab Meat - General Cooking Principles

Real crab meat is a delicacy that is not sold everywhere, and its value is not that small. Considered the most valuable meat of sea crabs, thanks to the delicate taste and composition. Crab meat is rich in vitamins (B3, B1, A, B12, PP, B5 and others), trace elements (selenium, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, magnesium) and is well absorbed by the body. The taste of the product is gentle, pleasant, salty-sweet. Crab meat is widely used in cooking: it is good in both hot and cold. In the menu of expensive restaurants you can often find salads with crab meat. For this dish most often used boiled product. In some salads canned crab meat is added.

Salad with crab meat can be prepared at home. This refers not to the use of natural crab meat, but to its imitation, which is known as “crab sticks” or “crab meat”. In fact, these products have little in common with natural crab meat. They are called so, thanks to external similarity. The semi-finished product is made from surimi fish proteins or shredded white fish meat. However, this does not affect the taste of the salad with crab meat. Depending on the components of the appetizer, the taste of the dish itself varies: from light and tender to more savory and rich.

There are many options for cooking salads with crab meat. You can cook a beautifully decorated festive dish or create a simple, but tasty snack for every day. Salad can be prepared for lunch, take with you to work or to the nature. Preparing a salad with crab meat, like most other salads, as follows: the prepared products are cut in the desired way, combined with dressing and mixed. Sometimes you can find puff options for dishes. For dressing you can take mayonnaise, sour cream or all sorts of homemade sauces.

Crab meat or chopsticks are excellent with seafood (shrimp or squid), fish, ham, eggs, cheese, canned foods (peas, corn, beans or pineapples), greens, vegetables and some fruits.

Salad with crab meat - preparation of products and dishes

If natural crab meat is used to prepare a salad with crab meat, it is pre-boiled. It is very simple to cook delicacy: meat is laid in boiling salted water and cooked for exactly three minutes. To add flavor and spice, you can add bay leaf and black pea pepper. Longer heat treatment will make meat look like rubber.

Some salad recipes use canned crab meat. In this case, the product must be decanted excess liquid, and only then proceed to cutting. The most commonly used imitation of crab meat, which is sold in frozen form. All you need to do is defrost the product, after which the meat is ready to be cut into a salad. Sometimes chopsticks and chilled crab meat are lightly fried in vegetable oil to give a ruddy color and crisp. Warm salads with crabmeat can be cooked with fried foods.

All other products need to boil or fry, if required by the recipe. Vegetables, in most cases, are used raw. Prepare the salad in the most ordinary dishes: deep bowl or salad bowl. A pan, a grater, a knife and a cutting board will also be required.

Crabmeat Salad Recipes:

Recipe 1: Salad with Crab Meat

A popular and well-loved recipe for crab meat salad. Prepare it as you like, adding or, conversely, removing some of the components. The basis remains unchanged - crab meat and eggs. In the above recipe is also used onions and canned corn.

Ingredients Required:

  • Packing chilled crab meat - 200 g;
  • Tin can of corn;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 1 medium bulb;
  • Mayonnaise - to taste;
  • Sprigs of parsley for decoration.

Cooking method:

Crab meat cut into small cubes and put in a salad bowl. Cook hard boiled eggs, cool and chop. Corn drain in a colander and let the liquid drain. Onion finely chop, pour over boiling water to relieve the bitterness. Add eggs, onion and corn to crab meat, season with mayonnaise and mix thoroughly. Decorate the salad with crab meat to decorate with sprigs of fresh parsley.

Recipe 2: Hawaiian Crab Salad

Very simple, healthy and incredibly tasty salad. All components are perfectly combined and complement each other. The dish is prepared for every day or for holidays. The snack can be eaten even for children.

Ingredients Required:

  • Package of frozen Hawaiian mix - 400 g;
  • 150 grams of crab meat;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

Pour the Hawaiian mixture into a pot of boiling salted water, cook for about 4-5 minutes after boiling. Throw the vegetables in a colander and let drain. Cook hard boiled eggs, cool and chop. Finely chop crab meat, mix with eggs and Hawaiian mix. Dress the salad with mayonnaise.

Recipe 3: Salad with Crab Meat and Cucumber

Very tasty snack that you can safely offer guests. The composition of the salad includes vegetables and canned crab meat.

Ingredients Required:

  • 1 can of canned crab meat;
  • 1 small cucumber;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 2-3 carrots;
  • Salt and pepper to taste;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Greenery.

Cooking method:

Squeeze out excess liquid from canned crab meat and cut the product into small pieces. Cook hard boiled eggs, cool and chop. Boil potatoes and carrots until ready, cool, peel and cut into small cubes. Finely chop the onion, cucumber - cut into small cubes. Finely chop greens. Combine all the ingredients in a salad bowl, season with salt and pepper, season with mayonnaise and mix. For this salad can not take pickled or pickled cucumber.

Recipe 4: Salad with Crab Meat and Olives

The dish is well suited for the holiday table. Spicy, unusual taste of the salad will not leave indifferent even the most fastidious gourmet.

Ingredients Required:

  • Canned champignons - 800 g;
  • Black olives without stones - 1 can;
  • 1 can of corn;
  • Chilled crab meat - 200 g;
  • Half a cup of rice;
  • Greenery;
  • Olive oil;
  • 1 small onion.

Cooking method:

Cook rice in lightly salted water until ready, rinse under cold water, let the liquid drain. From the mushrooms, decant the excess liquid, chop the champignons into strips. Onions finely chopped. From olives, decant the liquid, cut each piece into three parts. Crab meat cut into small pieces. Squeeze liquid from the corn. Finely chop greens. Combine all the ingredients in a salad bowl, add pepper and salt to taste, season with olive oil.

Recipe 5: Salad with Crab Meat and Oranges

Very bright, beautiful and juicy salad, which will appeal to all guests and home without exception. Oranges included in the composition give the dish a bright taste and aroma.

Ingredients Required:

  • Chilled crab meat - 200 g;
  • 2 sweet oranges;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • Tin can of corn;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • Mayonnaise - to taste.

Cooking method:

Eggs boil, cool, peel and finely chop. Crab meat cut into small pieces. With maize, strain the excess liquid. Peel oranges, divide into slices and cut them with a very sharp knife so as not to crush the fruit. Garlic skip through a press or grated. Put all the ingredients in a bowl or salad bowl, season with mayonnaise and how to mix.

Salad with crab meat - the secrets and tips from the best chefs

The choice of imitation crab meat should be approached with full responsibility: often manufacturers add to the product chemical additives that can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, the fewer ingredients are listed, the better.

Salad with crab meat can be served not only in the traditional way, but also to fill them with salad tartlets. Appetizer goes well with white wine and will become a real festive table decoration. Any hostess can boast of her exclusive recipe for the preparation of salad with crab meat, the uniqueness of which can be achieved by eliminating or adding some ingredients.


Watch the video: How to make an Imitation Crab Salad - 99 CENTS ONLY store meal deal recipe (July 2024).