The color value in the interior


Color plays a huge role in our lives. It is able to soothe, lift mood, excite, relieve pain and much more. Therefore, it is important to know and be able to use different variations of shades of colors to achieve harmony and beauty.

A person very often at the intuitive level surrounds himself with those colors that most impress him, more suited to his character. As a rule, this is what he is guided by when choosing certain colors in the interior. But it is necessary to take into account the significance of each of the shades, before embarking on their implementation, because each tone carries a variety of functions and is able to work wonders or, on the contrary, spoil everything.

There are warm and cold, chromatic and achromatic colors.

  • The warm colors include colors such as yellow, red, orange, green. So, warm shades are able to cheer up, improve well-being, bring more positive and individuality to life. These colors are best used in those rooms where people are most often. For example, a kitchen or living room. Warm shades help people to relax, promote sincere communication, activate mental activity, increase comfort, make the room more cozy, but visually reduce it. With the help of warm colors make accents on accessories.
  • Cold colors are usually used in bathrooms, offices, bedrooms, as they soothe, refresh, inspire different ideas. These tones include blue, blue, purple, blue-green shades. So, having painted the walls in cold shades, you can visually expand the space, bring more color into it, and if you paint the ceiling a tone lighter than the walls, you can make it higher.
  • The chromatic are red, yellow, blue, green, that is, those colors that are present in the spectrum.
  • Achromatic - gray, white, black shades.

The use of a particular color in the interior creates a mood, determines the efficiency and well-being of a person, affects his livelihoods. For example, blue calms, red excites, yellow improves tone, and white eases pain.

You can create a stylish interior using different colors and shades, the main thing you should pay attention to is their right combination. Therefore, before you start painting the walls, floor or ceiling, you need to listen to your inner feelings, and then decide with what shades it is best to use it.


Watch the video: Understanding Color (July 2024).