MET GALA 2019: Katy Perry came in the chandelier, and Lady Gaga could not choose one outfit


A few days ago, stars traditionally gathered on the red carpet of the annual Met Gala - a costume ball from the costume institute in the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Kim Kardashian struck everyone

Kim appeared in a "wet" bodily dress with beads a la water droplets. It was beautiful and in the style of Kim.

Who thought Katy Perry?

Singer Katy Perry, apparently, decided to go down in history, appearing in the chandelier. Here, admire - Katie the chandelier.

Where does the idea come from? Let's figure it out. In fact, Katie just responsibly approached the event. The organizers set a difficult topic - the camp. To make it clearer, they explained: the camp is a woman wrapped in a dress made of three million feathers. Kathy caught the line of thought. But Celine Dion took the call literally - just wrapped herself in feathers.

Costume Katy Perry, many still recognized as the most extravagant. So, it was not in vain. Carrying the most real candelabra with burning candles is another test.

It was uncomfortable to be “in the chandelier” all evening, so Katie changed clothes at the afterparty. But she didn’t calm down - she pleased us with another image, a giant burger.

In the photo - Katie Burger and Celine Dion

Well, the style of the camp is unnaturalness, overkill in everything, exaggeration, lack of internal content to please the external. Camp is all that can be said "too much."

Lady Gaga - busting around

The theme of the evening - bust in everything? Ok, Lady Gaga is right there. But what if she usually dresses like this. It is clear that - to offer several outfits at once.

At first it was a big pink dress. 5 people helped her move. Then black, then pink again. She took off and shot outfit after outfit, until she remained, sorry, in her underpants.

Here is how it was.

Camp Notes

The theme of the evening was a reference to the article by the American writer Susan Sontag, "Notes on the Camp," which was published back in 1964.

She talked about the absurdity as a style that could cast off seriousness, allow herself absurdity, vulgarity and laugh at ourselves. It seems quite relevant today. So did the organizers of Met Gala 2019.

Having a taste, we allow ourselves a kind of banter over the taste itself - this is what a camp is. The camp does not distinguish gender, is indifferent to good or bad taste, the camp does not make fun of tastelessness - it is good-natured.

Today's fashion is close to the "camp" style or at least has its elements. Sneakers and dresses, business suits with stripes, pink plush and multi-colored fur coats - all this used to be bad taste, and today it is nothing more than a banter over our excessive seriousness, and in relation to fashion in particular. Or cap.

Where is Rihanna?

And the last question. Can Met Gala pass without Rihanna? It turned out maybe. The event, at which Rihanna always becomes one of the main decorations, did without her this year. They say she is now busy presenting her brand’s new product. And on Twitter they joked that they played with cosmetics at home.


Watch the video: The 2019 Met Gala red carpet arrivals and interviews: Kim Kardashian, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry and more (June 2024).