The souffle does not work: what is the reason


Souffle is a gentle dessert on gelatin or agar, it pleases with splendor and light taste, but it doesn’t always turn out that way. Sometimes it just does not freeze, resembles semolina or something else. There are also options for a hot souffle that is baked in the oven. This dish is also not simple. Let's analyze common mistakes?

Why can't souffle on agar

Classic soufflé without baking is made on agar-agar. This is a powder that needs to be prepared in a special way. You can find a variety of instructions: insist for several hours, boil for a minute or five, cook immediately in syrup or exclusively in water. Who is right? It is necessary to focus on the instructions. Modern agar-agar often does not require soaking for many hours, it is simply mixed with water and boiled.

Why soufflé on agar agar does not freeze:

  1. The proportions of the products are violated. In addition to the recipe, it is desirable to coordinate the quantity with the instructions on the package, often the values ​​diverge. It is wiser to focus specifically on the manufacturer.
  2. The technology is broken. If in the recipe it is indicated to cook agar-agar for five minutes, then be sure to note the time, stir, do not leave anywhere.
  3. There is no acid. You need to add a little lemon juice in the souffle, it stabilizes the consistency.

It is believed that agar agar soufflé should solidify even at room temperature. This is so, but it’s better to put the dessert in the refrigerator, it will get stronger much faster. In addition, if you plan to pour chocolate on the souffle from above, a cold base is preferable.

Why can't you get a souffle on gelatin?

Very often soufflé is prepared on gelatin. This is done in order to save or in the absence of agar-agar. There is nothing wrong with gelatin if it is laid according to the norm and properly prepared in advance. Even an instant product needs to stand for ten minutes or fifteen. If ordinary gelatin is used, then it is better to leave it for 40-60 minutes.

Errors with gelatin:

  1. Breeding with hot water. As a result, lumps and clots appear immediately, which then cannot be dissolved.
  2. Boiling. The gelatin is heated to a liquid state in a water bath, it is impossible to boil.
  3. Do not strain. When added to a souffle, gelatin must be filtered to remove small lumps and dense clots, dried crusts.
  4. Fast lead. Melted gelatin is added at the very end and with an exceptionally thin stream.

Gelatin is not whipped with the rest of the ingredients for a long time, but it is important to combine them carefully. Otherwise, the souffle will exfoliate, moisture will appear on the surface, and dessert will harden badly.

Why souffle is dense, tough

A good souffle has a lush and porous texture, it is airy and light. Even a few proteins can make a whole cake. If the mass is dense, taut, looks like a frozen semolina, then obviously something went wrong. The most common problem is protein. They need to be beaten very well to foam.

Why squirrels do not whip:

  • not fresh eggs;
  • dirty dishes or mixer whisk;
  • the yolk got into the proteins;
  • sugar added immediately.

According to the rules, you need to beat in a clean, preferably low-fat, bowl until the squirrel has a dense foam, only then add sugar syrup. If sand or powder is present in the recipe, then they are introduced after the proteins thicken.

Otherwise, dense peaks cannot be achieved. Unlike agar, this product requires a refrigerator. It does not freeze at room temperature. It also takes much more time, sometimes the souffle completely hardens after only five or six hours. Therefore, professional confectioners with gelatin do not like to work.

Why soufflé is not sweet, not tasty

It happens that the cooked mass is tasty and sweet, and the frozen souffle is not so saturated, it is watery, something is missing. In fact, this happens with all desserts. After cooling, they are no longer so sweet, the aroma is less pronounced. You can even compare with ice cream. When melted, it is much sweeter and more aromatic.

What to do? Just add more sugar to the syrup. For aroma, it is necessary to pour vanillin, introduce grated zest or some essences. It is necessary to make the cream slightly sugary so that after solidification it does not lose its pleasant taste.

Why baked souffle does not work.

Souffle is not always a dessert. This is often a hot meat, cottage cheese or vegetable dish. It also belongs to French cuisine. Despite the same name, there is a huge difference in technology. Both types of souffle are united only by beating. Baked souffle also does not always work. The main problem is that it falls off after cooking. As a result, instead of an airy and tender dish, we get a rubber casserole.

So that the souffle from the oven does not fall:

  • Souffle must be baked immediately after cooking and adding beaten eggs. The mass should not stand a minute, so we turn on the oven in advance, let it warm up well.
  • Proteins are added to the mass at the very end and only in a well-whipped form. They need to be brought to dense peaks.
  • You can not lay out the mass in the form to the very top. At least two centimeters of free space should remain. Souffle is not cupcakes, it should not look out with a hat.
  • Souffle is best lifted and baked in ordinary forms with straight walls without bulges and bends. Figured utensils are undesirable.
  • After baking, you cannot immediately remove the souffle from the oven. First let stand in it, slightly opening the door. As soon as the mass gets stronger, it cools down a bit, you can pull out the dish.
  • Often the souffle falls off, since it is not corny baked inside. The temperature and cooking time depend on the ingredients and the recipe itself.

Helpful advice! To get a fluffy and airy souffle that does not fall in the oven, you can add one or even two squirrels. Naturally, beat into a dense foam.

If you believe the French culinary experts, then the soufflé should fall. But the mass drops by about 1.5-2 centimeters. Naturally, if the dish is low and laid out in a wide form, then it will turn into a flat pancake.

It is advisable for cooking to choose the right sized dishes with high sides from four centimeters.


Watch the video: Shea Moisture Curling Gel Soufflé Wash and Go - Winter Wash & Go 2017 - Thin Fine Hair (July 2024).