Does fish oil eliminate muscle weakness in injuries?


The muscle weakness that occurs after prolonged immobilization of the limb can be mitigated by fish oil. The result of an experimental study was published in the journal FASEB.

Why does muscle atrophy occur?

Immobilization of the limbs for 7-14 days causes muscle atrophy, which is characterized by the breakdown of muscle proteins. Previous studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids accelerate muscle tissue growth.

Kinesiologists are currently investigating whether treatment with high doses of fish oil capsules can prevent muscle atrophy. 20 healthy young women with normal weight agreed to immobilize 1 leg for 2 weeks.

For 4 weeks, they took fish oil capsules, which contained 3 g of eicosapentaenoic acid and 2 g of docosahexaenoic acid. Another group of women was given the same amount of sunflower oil without omega-3.

After a 2-week recovery period, muscle size and strength were determined in all participants. The degree of protein formation was studied by biopsy.

According to scientists, treatment with fish oil does not completely prevent the breakdown of muscle mass.

However, the decrease was less pronounced than in the control group. Protein synthesis was higher in the fish oil group in both studies.

Scientific work confirms that unsaturated fatty acids can weaken muscle breakdown during prolonged inactivity. Whether this has clinical benefit to patients should be demonstrated in a larger clinical study.

Saves not only the muscles of the legs, but also the heart from damage?

Six-month treatment with high doses of fish oil improved heart function and limited the degree of myocardial damage.

Unsaturated fatty acids have previously been used to treat acute myocardial infarction.

In a GISSI study of 11,324 patients, treatment with 1 gram of fish oil per day reduced mortality by 20%. Subsequent studies, however, failed to confirm the results.

Achievements in the field of emergency care have led to the fact that an increasing number of patients have begun to detect a heart attack. However, many develop congestive heart failure in the following months and years. According to scientists, it is caused by muscle damage.

Cardiologists in Boston have now rediscovered omega-3 fatty acid treatments.

The study examined 358 heart attack patients who received fish oil.

What dose was used in the studies?

The dose of the dietary supplement was 3 grams per day. Using magnetic resonance imaging of the heart, it was also possible to assess the degree of destruction of heart tissue. High doses of omega-3 fatty acids have helped reduce heart damage by 5.6%. Further results show that the frequency of heart attack after treatment with omega-3 fatty acids was lower.

Scientific work indicates that omega-3 fatty acids reduce pathological damage to the heart muscle. However, treatment with high doses of omega-3 fatty acids seems safe. There was no increased risk of bleeding. The only drawback may be an unpleasant fish taste after taking fish oil capsules.

What side effects does an overdose of fish oil cause?

At doses greater than 3 g of fish oil per day, blood coagulation can be slowed, which facilitates bleeding.

In diabetics, high doses of fish oil can lead to lower blood sugar.

In people with heart failure, the heart has a weak pumping function. According to a Dutch study, fish oil supplements reduce the activity of heart cells hypersensitivity.

In healthy people, a decrease in sensitivity reduces the risk of developing cardiac arrhythmia. However, in patients with heart failure, the risk of sudden cardiac arrest increases by 4-5 times.

Scientific studies show a link between high concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood and the risk of developing prostate cancer. Therefore, the dosage of fish oil should be selected taking into account the diseases and the state of health of the patient.


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