Signs for pregnant women


If you put together all the rituals, beliefs and superstitions that belonged to a pregnant woman at a certain geographical point in a certain, even brief time interval (while these elements of culture were in use), then you can only sincerely be surprised and admire how women in principle managed to bear children, simultaneously managing the household and participating in the life of society (for example, their village, town).

After all, their every step, dress belt, lunch and business was kind of “regulated” so that there would be no harm from the evil forces of the mother and the child, so that their stay with other people would be beneficial ... For example, a pregnant woman could be doused with water to cause rain in a drought, but they could not walk on water, so as not to spoil the well.

Superstitions that have survived to this day are, of course, not taken as seriously as in old times and by many mothers they are perceived more as original fun (for example, on determining sex). But some women tend to use them, as psychologists say, as a peculiar way of emotional support, convincing themselves that everything will be fine, pregnancy and the birth of a baby will be safe.

And while superstition does not obscure common sense, in principle, there is nothing to worry about (for example, it is not good to refuse a nutritious fish just because, because of its treat, "the child will be dumb").

The large number of signs of this category is explained by the lack of ultrasound in the same Middle Ages - simply, it was an affordable option to support the hopes for the birth of an heir (which was often given great importance in those days). And here’s how they divined:

  • when in a bed it is more convenient for a woman to lie on her left side - it is worth waiting for a boy, if on the right - a girl;
  • Carrying a daughter, the mother does not suffer from toxicosis, but the child "takes away" her beauty, that is, the woman's skin and complexion deteriorate, hair falls out;
  • the birth of a boy predicts the rapid heartbeat of the expectant mother, if the pulse is normal or slowed down, then there will be a girl;
  • when, when looking at the stomach, it is clear that it is located high, this indicates that there will be a girl, if the tummy is low, a son will certainly be born;
  • in expectation of a son, the pregnant woman may swell legs and freeze feet;
  • if you offer a woman a loaf of bread and she prefers a hunchback - she will give birth to a girl, but if the crumb is to taste - such an appetite testifies to the boy.

In the old days, homework such as spinning, sewing and embroidery were a significant part of women's concerns, so the belief that all this was contraindicated during pregnancy was naturally perceived by women with enthusiasm.

But according to statistics, today mothers who enthusiastically sewed, knitted, bear and give birth as well as those who are not inclined to needlework.

The main thing is not to get carried away by a sedentary lifestyle and be sure to give rest and reasonable loads to the musculoskeletal system, setting off on time to lie down and going out for a walk.

The ban on red fruits and berries for the mother was associated with an ambiguous attitude to this color in almost all cultures of the Earth, but in practice, scientists say, this is because bright fruits can cause allergies. But today nutritionists insist that it is in such gifts of flora that there are most of all vitamins and antioxidants.

And unfortunately, if you believe the signs, then every day for a pregnant woman is full of dangers and it is strictly contraindicated:

  • sit on the doorstepe (in the sacred sense, this is the border between the worlds and its violators there are not welcome);
  • look at wolves (they will remember this and will always pursue the child);
  • eat double yolk eggs (even if one baby was expected, twins may suddenly be born).

Of course, it’s better to dismiss this (although there’s nothing to do on the threshold). But sitting cross-legged is really not good. But not because the child will be clubfoot, but because of circulatory disorders in the pelvis and limbs of a woman.

Back in the 20th century, the belief was widespread in rural areas of Great Britain and the Scandinavian countries that if you praise a baby too much while walking with him in the open air, the fairies (they are elves, people in the hills) might be interested in and, deciding that such a nice baby useful to themselves, they will steal it.

Today, this belief has transformed into a sign that it is not necessary for outsiders (and sometimes relatives) to praise the newborn much - you can accidentally jinx it.

Also, in order to protect against all evil:

  • pregnant should not comb on Fridays, as well as haircut / dye all the time a child has been born (if you decide on the last one, perhaps the evil elves simply do not dare to approach the future mother, who is angry like a hungry tigress, because she does not like herself in the mirror);
  • a woman should not offend animals (as an option - to fish, hunt) at any time - so that the baby is kind, generous, brave and fair.

In order for the baby to be beautiful, the pregnant should often admire something beautiful.

Recommended scenic landscapes and works of art. Just not the modern one, over the understanding of which you still need to smash your head. Because according to the continuation of the same omens, if the future mother will look a lot at something ugly and strange, then the child will be born the same.

If someone needs everything to grow well and bear fruit abundantly on the plot, the solution is simple - you need to treat the pregnant woman with the earliest of the collected fruits / berries.

So, as was believed from time immemorial, part of its positive "prolific" energy will go into the garden garden. Theoretically, this is a pretty good reason to use your superstitions of friends a little during pregnancy.

And here it is interesting to mention one more sign - if a pregnant woman eats secretly, then the child may be born shy. Rather, it is simply not useful for mom in the psycho-emotional sense - for some reason, hide the desire to eat tasty food. So, of course, the sign should be fought hard - eat openly, for your pleasure and benefit the child.


Watch the video: Early Pregnancy Symptoms. Kaiser Permanente (July 2024).