Protection from witchcraft and corruption by Orthodox prayers


Damage - a targeted negative impact on a person. Damage is sent only when they want to do very much harm to someone. If you suspect that you have had a magical negative effect, you need to urgently take action.

In this case, it is not necessary to go to the magician, psychic or fortuneteller. Orthodox prayer is very powerful - it is able to withstand and cleanse a person from any negative impact.

When offering prayers, you can turn to different Saints, all of them will help.

The main thing is to truly believe in higher powers, in their ability to help you.

Prayer perfectly restores a person’s energy balance, strengthens his spirit and faith. The most famous prayer "Our Father" is used as an additional one after the main one that you have chosen for protection.

There are a large number of special prayers that protect and purify from corruption and witchcraft. You can read any of them, the main thing is faith.

The strongest is the prayer recited in the temple. At the same time, if a believer makes a call for help at home and sincerely believes in higher powers, they will certainly help him.

Rules for Reading Prayers

You have begun a period of bad luck, nothing happens, you began to feel bad or get sick often - perhaps you were spoiled. To clear your aura, read a prayer. Even if there is no deterioration, reading a prayer will only be good.

The effectiveness of prayer also depends on the right attitude. Try to follow these rules:

  • when reading a prayer, try to focus only on the words you pronounce, do not think about other things;
  • the slightest doubt reduces the effectiveness of prayer to zero - our words will be heard if we sincerely believe;
  • it is not necessary to light candles, it only helps to tune in to prayer, is not a prerequisite;
  • a prayer aimed at removing spoilage can be read and just to protect against any other negative impact - there is no attachment to a specific goal;
  • if you read protective prayers regularly, they simply won’t be able to damage you, you will be under constant protection;
  • prayer is a pure, sincere and good call for help and protection, unlike witchcraft rites aimed at removing spoilage, sometimes there may be consequences;
  • you cannot simultaneously read a protective prayer and conduct a magical rite - the effect of induced corruption will only intensify.

Any prayer gives confidence in oneself and one's strength, inspires, restores a person’s energy and aura damaged by negative influences. If you remove the corruption by prayer, you will be under the protection of the Saints.


Watch the video: Prayer To St Michael For Personal Protection HD (June 2024).