How to get rid of wrinkles at home: the secrets of great-grandmother. From wrinkles help: cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes and ...


The appearance of wrinkles is an inevitable phenomenon. However, it is in our power to suspend and postpone it a little. Of course, you can visit beauty salons, centers of aesthetic medicine, but how much does it cost? It is known that women are cunning to invent, always come up with the best solution to the problem, this is our strength! We adopt the recipes of our great-grandmothers.

From ancient times, women used improvised means to maintain and improve their beauty. And what prevents you from doing this now? Let's look at folk remedies for wrinkles - we will make our skin more perfect at home.

An important rule: before using the cream, lotion, toner or face mask you have prepared, do a sensitivity test. Spread the funds you have just prepared on the elbow area - if you do not have an allergic reaction, you can safely use it. This applies to home masks, lotions and ointments.

Get rid of fine wrinkles

If your wrinkles have just begun to appear, they are difficult to notice, they are still very small. The easiest way to deal with them is that wrinkles go away in a shorter time. Women are cunning for invention, therefore, folk remedies for wrinkles of this type have long been invented.

The most effective ways:

Exfoliating peeling. The upper layer of dry skin is removed by available means, then the cover is updated naturally, the surface is leveled, a noticeable visual effect appears. It is important to do the procedure regularly, observe all precautions. You can make homemade peeling based on lemon juice. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon, stir with a tablespoon of olive oil. We apply peeling to clean skin without makeup, wait up to ten minutes and rinse off. You may feel a slight tingling sensation - this is normal. Do not apply peeling on the face more than once in two weeks.

• Nourishing mask. The skin cannot do without nutrition, especially if small wrinkles begin to appear. We take a tablespoon of fat cream, add two drops of ylang-ylang oil and five grams of wheat germ. Mix and apply on the face, wait a quarter of an hour and gently wash off. It is recommended to use the mask once or twice a week.

Moisturizing mask. You can’t do without it, but it’s best to apply it after peeling - the skin requires nutrition and hydration on a regular basis. Take a tablespoon of cosmetic clay, dilute with warm water, so that the mass turns out like sour cream. If possible, add a drop of citrus essential oil. Mix well and apply a thin layer on the face. Fifteen minutes later, gently wash off. The regularity of the procedure is once a week.

Deep wrinkles can also be overcome!

This type of wrinkle requires a more careful approach, they are more noticeable, it is more difficult to get rid of them. Folk remedies for wrinkles of this type will help us. We use ingredients that are usually always at hand. Why spend a lot of money if you can take care of yourself on your own. Moreover, these beauty recipes have been repeatedly tested:

Honey mask. First, melt a small spoonful of honey in a water bath. Then break the chicken egg, separate the yolk, put in a bowl. Add a spoonful of ground oatmeal to the flour. Mix well and apply on the face and décolleté for half an hour. Wash off with light movements with warm water.

Compress or tonic of chamomile. Brew a dried chamomile, let it brew for fifteen minutes, cool and moisten a cotton pad. We make compresses in problem areas. To make a tonic, 20 ml of ordinary vodka is poured into the infusion. By availability, you can add a string, St. John's wort, linden flowers. Wipe the skin with a tonic in the morning and evening.

Mask of citrus fruits. We turn the pulp of fruit into mashed potatoes in a convenient way, mix it in equal proportions with sour cream or kefir. You can add a tablespoon of starch or rice flour. Apply a mask and just go about your business - let it dry. When you feel that everything is dry, gently rinse with water. Apply for a month, course about three times a week.

Masks - the best folk remedies for wrinkles

Masks should be given special attention. They can be applied often, they are prepared simply, literally from what is in the kitchen. We will consider the easiest to prepare and use masks for the face and décolleté.

Tomatoperhaps the simplest. Wash the tomato, make an incision and scald with boiling water. Remove the peel, turn the pulp into mashed potatoes. Apply to the face for a quarter of an hour and rinse off.

Potato and cucumber. Turn the potato and cucumber into mashed potatoes, apply for twenty minutes and wash off.

Banana with butter. Remove the peel from the banana, knead in mashed potatoes. Add the same amount of butter, stir well. Gently apply to the area around the eyes, wait fifteen minutes and rinse off.

Berry. Everything is simple here - any berries are taken, mashed and applied to the problem area. Rinse thoroughly and apply any protective cream.

Potato. WITHmashed potatoes in water, add sour cream in a proportion of two to one. We maintain the mask for a quarter of an hour, then gently wash off.

Carrot. Wash the carrots, grate on a fine grater - we need two tablespoons of the finished mass. Add a tablespoon of fat sour cream, vegetable refined oil and the same amount of lemon juice. Stir and apply on face for half an hour. Wash off with plain water without using soap.

Folk remedies for wrinkles for aging skin

Age skin requires more care and attention. Below are three tonic and lotion recipes aimed at smoothing wrinkles on the surface of aging skin:

Icy freshness. We take the usual green tea from chamomile and calendula. We brew in the traditional way, filter several times and pour into ice molds. We put it in the freezer, wait for everything to turn into ice. After rinsing with water in the morning, take an ice cube all over your face, paying particular attention to problem areas. You can still freeze cucumber juice diluted with water in equal proportions.

Yarrow brewed in boiling water for an hour (take three tablespoons of herb). Then everything is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. We rub the skin with the prepared liquid.

Get rid of wrinkles with homemade cream

Another folk remedy for wrinkles is a cream prepared at home. Natural ingredients are also used in industrial skin care products. You can cook everything at home and use it successfully without significant financial costs.

• Cream with gelatin. We take 11 grams of edible gelatin and dissolve according to the instructions on the package. Or you can simply dilute in 100 ml of pure water. Then add a glass of glycerin, 75 grams of honey, a pinch of salicylic acid. We put in a water bath and stir. When the mass thickens a little, remove from the bath, whisk until cream. Apply every day before bedtime. Do not rinse anything, if there is excess - remove with a cotton pad.

Rose water cream, which can be easily prepared at home. We take three tablespoons of rose petals, pour 200 ml of boiling water. We insist hour and filter. To a tablespoon of pink water, add two of the same tablespoons of aloe juice, a small spoonful of honey, one hundred grams of pork lard. We put in a water bath, mix until thick. Then cool and send to the refrigerator. The prepared base can be used every day before bedtime. If you still have excess pink water, you can wipe her face and neck. Rinse off is not necessary.

Folk remedies for wrinkles have a place to be in the arsenal of female beauty. No wonder they have such a name - many women tried different means to make their skin smoother and more beautiful, shared these recipes and came up with new ones.

Use home methods with caution - at the slightest hint of an allergy, discomfort or discomfort, give up one way or another. The skin of everyone is individual, can respond differently to care products, including home ones.

When applying folk remedies for wrinkles, remember that not every method can help you. Try different remedies, choose the most suitable for your skin.


Watch the video: My 70 year old Grandma's Anti Aging Secret Recipe of Banana Face Mask with Honey to remove Wrinkles (July 2024).