What helps Smecta, will it relieve a hangover? How Smecta Helps - Diverse GI Health Care


One of the best sorbents, Smecta, has a wide range and speed of action, a minimum of flaws and is suitable for everyone, starting with newborns. In a word, knowledge of such a medicine can be very useful.

What properties underlie the ability of Smecta to help in many cases

This over-the-counter drug is available as standard in 3 g single-use sachets. The powder is easily mixed with water in a suspension for oral administration (and this is not disgusting - you can choose a taste, for example, orange or vanilla).

The main active ingredient of the drug is of natural origin.

Useful properties of Smecta are formed from the fact that it:

• can bind, absorb and neutralize (block absorption in the bloodstream), transport harmful substances of a diverse nature that are in the gastrointestinal tract;

• due to its high fluidity, it is able to cover the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines with a specific protective layer that protects them from the "aggressive" effects of pathogenic microorganisms, gastric juice of high acidity, bile and many other threats.

The second property in fusion with the fact that the drug positively affects the production of the gastrointestinal tract of mucus allows the affected tissues to regenerate quickly.

Moreover, this effect does not disappear even during the day when a person eats and drinks.

It is noteworthy that, helping, Smecta passes the human body unchanged - absorbing the mentioned elements, the drug itself is not absorbed and leaves during defecation (and also does not affect the color of the stool).

Plus, affecting harmful substances, Smecta does not deprive the body of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and beneficial microflora, moreover, taking it with a course for more than 3 days serves as a kind of prevention of dysbiosis.

In what cases Smecta helps first of all

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, heaviness in the stomach ... All of these symptoms can frighteningly combine or appear alone and have the most diverse origin. Such as:

• allergic reaction;

• poisoning (untreated water, expired food, quality products that belong to an unfamiliar kitchen, medicines, chemicals);

• intoxication as a result of a current infectious disease.

If in the first two cases, the action of Smecta can directly lead the body to recovery, then if the cause is an infection, the remedy should be used auxiliary, in combination with medicines for it.

The fact is that a suspension can neutralize toxins produced by microorganisms, but to destroy many of their species, cleanse the body at the level of blood and internal organs (the scope of Smecta, recall, is limited to the digestive tract), something more powerful is required.

It is also important to note that the treatment of Smecta diarrhea must be accompanied by a plentiful drink - to prevent dehydration of the body. And it should last an average of three days, even if the stool returned to normal on the first day.

Smecta acts quickly - within a few hours. In mild cases, for example, with heartburn caused by overeating fried or hot, flatulence (due to the use of, for example, cabbage) - after 30 minutes.

And although, as mentioned above, the benefit of the medicine is felt for a long time and is stable, it is not recommended, in the hope of it, to start taking what caused the trouble (for example, very spicy or burning hot food).

It is also worth noting that the medicine will be useless if the cause of the same nausea is emotional overwork or "seasickness."

Smecta can even withstand the effects of alcohol - taken before a feast, it reduces the effect of intoxication, and after it - prevents the development of a hangover.

However, experts warn that it is impossible and unacceptable to regularly cheat with it, continuing to drink alcohol “without harm”.

And no matter how high the advantages of Smecta, it is important to note that in some cases, to save the patient’s health, and even the life of the patient, more effective drugs and the prompt assistance of qualified specialists are required (for example, a suspension can be almost useless when poisoned with some mushrooms, a poisonous bite snakes).

How to take medicine so that Smecta helps as efficiently as possible

Dosages and duration of administration of Smecta vary significantly depending on the reason that caused it, the degree of improvement, as well as the age, weight and individual characteristics of the patient - from 1 sachet only 1 time, to several servings of the drug per day, until it is regularly taken for 7 days.

A longer reception is possible only with the appointment of a doctor, but is not recommended, because, despite the safety of Smecta for microflora, vitamins and other things, such a prolonged maintenance of the body by artificial means violates its natural ability to healthy metabolism and restore impaired functions.

The powder is dissolved only in warm boiled water - hot could reduce the effectiveness of the drug, and cold could prevent its dissolution.

For very young children, the drug is sometimes given by stirring in warm compote, vegetable puree, baby food. Each portion is bred immediately before use.

For full effectiveness, Smecta is recommended to be taken in between meals, 1.5-2 hours before or after it. But with heartburn (even if the drug is taken for another purpose) - the medicine should not be drunk on an empty stomach.

Can Smecta help also harm

If you take the product close to other drugs - it will reduce their effectiveness, therefore, both are broken up at intervals similar to those that accompany the combination of Smecta and food.

Despite the fact that Smecta is basically resolved during pregnancy and lactation, each case requires evaluation by a qualified specialist (doctor), if only because, as a side effect, the drug can provoke constipation - an already common pregnancy problem.

True stool disorders are not necessary - for many people, smecta does not negatively affect intestinal motility (and also does not slow the rate of passage of food through the digestive tract).

Other negative consequences of taking the medicine are:

• nausea;

• dizziness and headache;

• bloating;

• severe discomfort in the stomach and intestines;

• allergic reactions (rash, itching).

But, usually all this disappears immediately after the drug is discontinued or the dosage is reduced.

And finally, an unpleasant "surprise" (with prolonged use) can be darkening of tooth enamel.

In addition, it is important to know about strict contraindications for taking Smecta:

• intestinal obstruction;

• fructose intolerance;

• impaired absorption of glucose-galactose;

• insufficiency of sucrose-isomaltose.

Hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug may also be observed.

But Smecta is allowed to those who spend a lot of time behind the wheel, busy at work, requiring a speed of reaction and concentration of attention, since it does not harm this in any way.


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