How to propagate lilies when transplanting: proven methods. Instructions for breeding lilies, tips "experienced"


Lilies are beautiful flowers that are also easy to propagate. However, not every gardener knows about this, therefore, he buys planting material in a store. But you can independently obtain a sufficient number of bulbs for planting.

Reproduction of lilies by division during transplantation

It is very easy to propagate lilies during transplantation in the fall. Adult bushes form a whole nest of bulbs that need to be planted.

After flowering, the stems are tilted to the ground so that there is an outflow of nutrients into the bulb. When the tops are completely yellow, the nest is carefully dug out with a pitchfork. Small onions separate well. Abundant flowering of young lilies can be observed already in the next season, it all depends on the size of the bulbs.

Important! Transplant lilies every 3 to 4 years.

This method is not suitable for all varieties of lilies, for example, tubular and oriental hybrids cannot be propagated like this. Bulb substitution in them practically do not form.

Features of lily propagation by daughter bulbs

There are varieties of lilies that easily form baby bulbs on the underground part of the stem. These are Asian hybrids, tiger, leopard, Canadian, golden and long-flowered lilies. The gardener can only dig bulbs and plant in a new place.

Landing Instructions:

1. In autumn, the mother plant is dug up, small children are separated.

2. The daughter bulbs are planted on a separate bed, the depth of planting is 3 cm. They are well looked after, they are not allowed to bloom.

3. The mother's bulb is left in the old place or transplanted. Flowering does not suffer from this.

You can transplant daughter bulbs to a permanent place in a year - in the fall. Next spring, they will delight in flowering.

How to propagate lilies with air bulbs

Varieties of Asian, tubular, tiger and sulfur lilies are able to form baby bulbs right in the axils of the leaves. One plant sometimes grows up to 100 young animals. This is a great planting material that fully preserves all maternal qualities.

A week after the lilies bloom in the axils of the leaves, young bulbs are noticeable, if they are not collected on time, then in three weeks they will fall off and sprout on their own. A signal to the separation of the bulbs from the stem are small roots at their base. The size of the bulbs is about 5 mm.

Bulbs are grown to normal bulb sizes on a separate bed. Before planting, they are treated with a solution of foundationazole and planted at a distance of 10 cm from each other. Depth of embedment - 1 cm.

The first year, the bulbs do not need top dressing, water them abundantly enough. In winter, the garden is insulated, over the next season the stems of lilies grow only up to 20 cm. Bulbs are transplanted to a permanent place in the fall.

Such plants bloom in the third year of growth, when their stems grow to 50 cm in height. At this point, lilies are considered adults.

The method of propagation of lilies with green cuttings

In spring, lilies can be propagated by stem cuttings. If for some reason the sprout has broken off, then it does not need to be thrown away. It’s better to root the shoot and get a lot of kids in the fall.

Landing Tips:

1. The shoot for rooting should be no less than 10 - 15 cm. Its bottom edge is sprinkled with "Kornevin" and immediately place the stem in nutrient soil.

2. It is better to plant in a pot, but you can also in a mini-greenhouse. Water abundantly throughout the season so that the soil does not dry out. Spud a few times with the earth, for the formation of more than the number of children.

3. In August, dig a stalk and plant the children in a flower bed.

The flowering of lilies obtained in this way is observed in the second or third year of cultivation.

An unusual method of propagating lilies from a bouquet

It’s very easy to save your favorite lilies from a bouquet. You can try to root the stems of the plant in an unusual way.

1. Prepare a planting furrow 2 cm deep, the length should correspond to the size of the stem, in a shady place in the garden.

2. Place the lily stalk horizontally in the furrow and sprinkle with loose soil.

3. Pour the growth site with a solution of a growth stimulant, for example, succinic acid, Epin.

4. Mulch the hole for the winter with straw or sawdust, humus.

It is better to plant young bulbs in the spring. You can immediately plant in a permanent place or in a pot for growing.

The subtleties of breeding lilies with leaves

Who would have thought that lilies can be quite successfully propagated by leaves. But not all varieties are suitable for this. With this method, it is better to breed Snow White Lily, Tiger, Regale, Thunberg and Long-flowered.

Leaves need to be cut from the top of the stem during the formation of buds along with the base. It is better to plant them in a small container filled with nutritious soil and sand. Deepen the leaves half the length, planted at an angle.

For the successful formation of bulbs, the container is covered with a package, which is regularly lifted to ventilate the plantings. You can completely remove the shelter after a month, when onion leaves are formed onion-children.

In winter, the container is dug in the garden. The following spring or autumn, the bulbs are planted on a flower bed. Lilies will bloom in 3 to 4 years.

A universal way to reproduce lily with scales

This method of breeding lilies is suitable for all varieties and hybrids of lilies. At the same time, you can get a lot of planting material, and leave the mother's bulb for further cultivation.

The essence of the method is that daughter bulbs are grown from covering flakes. Up to 1/3 of the flakes can be removed without harm to the plant.

Important! Each flake will give 5 to 7 bulbs! They will only bloom in three years.

Instructions for breeding lilies with scales:

1. Remove the covering flakes from the bulb, treat them in a solution of growth stimulant.

2. Fill the bag with wet moss, coconut substrate or peat.

3. Put the flakes of lilies, tie a bag tightly. Store at a temperature of 22 - 24 ° C for about a month.

4. You can plant lilies in separate pots for growing in two months. They are transferred to the flowerbed in the spring.

Lilies can be propagated in this way at any time of the year. If you start in the spring, then by the fall planting material will be ready.


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