Grapes "Sensation": a description of the variety, its features and characteristics. Agrotechnology of cultivation of the Sensation cultivar: grape planting and vine care


Previously, grapes were cultivated only in the southern regions, but thanks to the selection, many new varieties were bred that are successfully grown throughout Russia. One of these is the Sensation grape. The new variety quickly became popular among beginners and professionals.

The history of selection "Sensation" and the purpose of the variety

Grapes "Sensation" refers to table varieties. He was bred by the famous breeder Kapelyushny V.U. in the 90s. Variety "Rizamat" and "Talisman" became the parent forms of hybrid grapes. As a result of successful selection, a new, superearly variety "Sensation" appeared.

Grapes are used for processing for juice, wine, but it is especially good in fresh form. The berries are beautiful, do not lose their presentation for a long time, and tolerate transportation well. Today, the variety is grown for sale.

Description of the Sensation grape and full description of the variety

The Sensation variety gained its popularity due to early fruiting, high productivity and taste of berries. Experienced growers recognize vineyards by appearance. The vine grows rapidly, the shoots ripen well and bear fruit. In one season, shoots increase by 2-3 times, large clusters form on them.

The variety is resistant to frost, suitable for cultivation in the middle lane and in Siberia, provided that it is properly prepared for winter. Without additional shelter, the bushes can withstand frosts down to -24 ° C.

Grapes "Sensation" has a high resistance to disease. He rarely has mildew and is practically not affected by fungal diseases.

The variety is characterized as super-early. From the beginning of the growing season to fruiting, no more than 110 days pass. Harvesting is carried out in mid-July - early August.

The grapes are quite large, their average weight in the range of 750-1500 gr. Brush conical shape, dense, without bald spots. The berries are elongated, large, in the stage of technical ripeness of yellow color, later acquire a pink hue. The pulp is juicy, crispy, dense, not a lot of seeds.

According to gardeners, the taste of the variety is not high. The berries are moderately sweet, there is a nutmeg shade. The skin is not felt when eating.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Sensation variety

One of the advantages of the variety is the simplicity of its propagation. Grapes "Sensation" is easily propagated by cuttings that take root well and quickly move to growth. At the same time, the new plant fully retains its maternal qualities, and the taste of berries does not change.

The variety is self-fertile, which is an undeniable advantage. One bush is enough to get a good grape harvest. With proper care for the season, up to 70 kg is collected from the bush.

The main advantage of the variety is the berries. They are resistant to the vagaries of the weather, do not crack when overripe, are not susceptible to peeling, are practically not affected by wasps.

The only drawback of the variety is the need for rationing the crop. To get a bunch of goods, extra ovaries must be removed manually. On one bush leave no more than 30 - 40 eyes.

Features of the sensation grape growing: selection of seedlings and planting vines

The fruiting of the Sensation variety begins in the third year of cultivation. However, for this vine must develop correctly. Planted her in a calm place, but well-lit. In the shade, fruiting will be scarce.

Rules for planting a seedling:

• make a landing hole measuring 90 x 80 cm;

• the drainage layer is 10 - 15 cm;

• a layer of humus no more than 10 cm;

• the seedling is located from north to south;

• between plants leave 1.5 m.

Before planting a seedling, fertile soil is prepared, which is mixed with mineral fertilizers. They fall asleep after landing. The landing pit is not completely filled, only the root system is sprinkled. Sprinkle the vine as it grows.

It is better to plant grapes with green vegetative bushes, but if this is not possible, then you need to prepare the purchased seedling. Make sure that the root system is not damaged, there are no signs of disease. After that, cut the roots by a third and place the seedling in a container of water. This procedure is carried out a day before planting, so that the root system is well saturated with moisture.

Important! Immediately after planting, the shrub is abundantly watered and mulched well with organic matter.

How to properly care for the Sensation grape: top dressing, watering, pruning

Grapes "Sensation" is not demanding in care, it is enough to observe the watering regime, feed bushes on time and cut them correctly.

How to water grapes

Water the grapes as needed. Immediately after planting, the soil is moistened weekly until the bush takes root. Experienced growers note that the vine needs abundant watering during the formation of the ovaries, but at the time of flowering and ripening of berries, watering is reduced. During this period, it is good enough to loosen the soil to saturate the root system with oxygen.

All About Feeding

Speaking about top dressing, it is worth remembering that you need to make them several times a season:

• at the beginning of the growing season;

• before flowering;

• during the ripening period of berries;

• after harvesting.

In early spring, it is advisable to make nitrogen fertilizers, they contribute to the good growth of the vine and leaf mass. Immediately before flowering, they switch to phosphorus fertilizers. They affect the development of inflorescences.

Potassium is responsible for the early ripening of berries, which is added after flowering. In addition, potassium promotes the maturation of the vine. It is indispensable in the second half of summer, when the plant is preparing for winter.

When berries are poured, it is better to use top dressing with boron. It helps to increase the sugar content of fruits, improves the taste of the crop.

In the fall, humus is added as top dressing, with which the bushes are mulched. It is useful to add half a bucket of ash to it.

Important! Grapes respond well to foliar top dressing, which can be combined with preventive treatments for diseases.

Proper grade pruning

Cut the vine after harvest and complete leaf fall. In autumn, cut off the entire upper part, thin out the bush, give it the shape of a fan. On one shoot leave no more than 6-8 eyes. However, according to gardeners, the bush bears fruit more abundantly with a short pruning of 4 buds.

In spring, grapes are not pruned, only poorly overwintered shoots are removed.

Preparation of grapes "Sensation" for the winter

In the southern regions, bushes do not need special preparation, they winter without shelter. If grapes are grown in a region with a harsh climate, then the vine is additionally insulated.

• The shoots are removed from the support, laid on the ground, having previously covered it with a layer of spruce branches;

• From above, the vine is covered with a layer of dry foliage, needles or humus, covered with non-woven material;

• As a protection against winds, a frame made of boards or cardboard is installed;

• The last layer is applied roofing material or film.

Under this shelter, grapes can tolerate temperature drops of up to -40 ° C.

The vine is prepared for winter in mid-summer, by the end of September or early October, the bushes should be completely covered. Remove shelter in the spring, not earlier than the end of March.

Important! Uncovered grapes react poorly to temperature extremes and February thaws. Such fluctuations can provoke the death of the root system.


Watch the video: $1,977 Japanese Grapes (June 2024).