Overweight during pregnancy - how to do without it?


Any pregnant woman is beautiful! But when the baby has already seen this light, extra pounds are often found and the young mother begins to feel fat and ugly.

Overweight is the “bell”: it's time to solve the problems that we are used to sticking to. For many women, extra pounds appear after pregnancy and childbirth, and not everyone can get rid of them right away. However, it’s not worth it to be upset and all the more frightened, let's better try together to understand the current situation.

As a prophylaxis of excess weight, it is advisable to undergo a medical examination in order to exclude the possibility of endocrinological diseases. And only then can you proceed directly to losing weight.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, when there is a change in hormonal status, the female body seems to “tune in” to the accumulation of fats. This is a natural physiological process, because the baby needs to be provided with food daily.

What is better to remove from the diet or reduce to a minimum:

- sweet juices and carbonated drinks,

- sweets,

- products of premium flour,

- fatty meats,

- sausages, sausages and other semi-finished products.

What you need to add to the diet of a pregnant woman:

- sea fish and seafood,

- dried fruits,

- yeast-free pastries from whole grain flour,

- a variety of cereals: pearl barley, buckwheat, millet, etc.,

- freshly squeezed juices,

- greenery.

A future instinct awakens from a future mother, which is responsible for the survival of a person as a species: he requires that a woman be ready for an emergency, for hunger, so that she constantly "carries" an independent supply of food for herself and her baby.

As a rule, it is possible to get rid of these “reserves” and return to its previous weight only about a year after the mother finishes breastfeeding.

However, weight loss is not as easy and inconspicuous as it is gained - especially in those cases when pregnancy and childbirth took place amid stressful events.

As long as we avoid meeting our true difficulties, it can be difficult for us to overcome them, which means that it is impossible to get rid of the “sticking” kilograms.

Such advice to you: do not lock yourself in, do not sit back in the four walls, for fidelity, "covered" with excess weight.

Pay attention to the problems that you are trying to "hide" from, formulate them for yourself and take care of their solution.

Start exploring your new life. After all, with the birth of the baby you yourself were born - like a mother.


Watch the video: Kaiser Permanente Study Encourages Obese Women to Gain No Weight During Pregnancy (July 2024).