All about the benefits of homemade kvass. Can homemade kvass bring harm and what varieties of this drink exist


Homemade kvass belongs to those drinks that fall in love with the first sip, but its popularity was created not only by its pleasant taste, but also by many useful qualities. Dietary kvass can improve health in a wide variety of areas. And thanks to the variety of recipes - never get bored.

What can be said about the features and benefits of homemade kvass

In ancient times, kvass was one of the most popular drinks - its hoppy varieties were put on a festive table, and almost non-alcoholic - they drank every day, they prepared a jail with it. Kvass quenched thirst well, restored strength and, most importantly, it was a safe drink, unlike plain water, which often becomes a source of disease.

Kvass was known in Russia and European countries. In the West, by the way, it is sometimes classified as "beer", but historians of everyday life distinguish kvass into a separate group of drinks that are unlike anything else.

Most varieties of kvass belong to the most low-alcohol drinks, in this quality comparable in fact with kefir, which means that it is completely harmless to health.

There are plenty of reasons to prefer homemade kvass to the store one.

A drink prepared with one's own hand will definitely not contain flavors, stabilizers, dyes and other chemical additives.

In addition, the industrial range of taste is not so good and wide.

The energy value of homemade kvass (for example, bread) is only 27 kcal per 100 g of product, which allows you to add it even to the lowest calorie diets.

A number of vitamins are present in kvass - group B (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin), C and E.

And minerals - phosphorus, molybdenum, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, cobalt.

Plus - 8 essential amino acids, mono- and disaccharides, starch, organic acids (lactic and acetic) and enzymes.

Thanks to homemade kvass:

• immunity is strengthened;

• disturbed metabolic processes are restored;

• tissue regeneration (including bone fusion) is improved;

• blood counts are normalizing;

• reduced risk of vitamin deficiency.

The fundamental benefit of homemade kvass is formed in the process of incomplete lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation of a drink.

You can make homemade kvass from a store concentrate, which is simply poured with water and insisted until ready, or from individual ingredients, and it should be noted that the second option is usually tastier.

The most popular bread kvass made from crackers from rye bread, yeast, sugar, water, wheat or rye malt.

Actually, many varieties of kvass are based on this recipe in general terms, for example, white, made from wheat bread and above all, recommended for okroshka.

Rusks in kvass are sometimes replaced with flour - rye, wheat, even buckwheat and corn.

The light raisins of kvass are added by added raisins.

A variety of kvass varieties is created by adding herbs (often medicinal), spices, fruit, berries and vegetables juices. There is yeast-free kvass, milk and kvass on birch sap.

Homemade kvass is supposed to be stored in a cool dark place, and it is best to drink it chilled.

Being primarily a drink, kvass is also used for making soups (okroshka, chorba), dough, sauces and gravy, marinating meat and fish (the drink itself and kvass wort are suitable for marinades).

How composition details affect the benefits of homemade kvass

Differences in the composition of kvass, of course, make adjustments to its properties, so it is useful to know about the specific features of its individual, very popular varieties:

• ginger-lemon - accelerates lipid (fat) metabolism and optimizes calorie consumption during intense physical exertion, and also acts as an antioxidant;

• beetroot - a high content of bioflavonoids, including pigments (betalaines) give it anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties, it is useful for deworming of the body and the treatment of chronic constipation;

• pear (a bit like pear cider) - relieves the symptoms of cystitis, softens a dry cough, normalizes blood coagulation and improves mood;

• honey - speeds up recovery from the flu, cleanses the blood, improves heart function and energizes the brain with simple sugars.

In what cases will the use of homemade kvass be

For the digestive system, homemade kvass is useful in that:

• enhances the production of gastric juice;

• stimulates appetite;

• prevents the development of dysbiosis;

• inhibits growth and destroys pathogenic bacteria in the stomach and intestines (it is proved that even typhoid bacillus dies in kvass);

• with regular admission relieves heartburn;

• treats gastritis with low acidity;

• prevents increased gas formation;

• facilitates the assimilation of heavy and fatty meat food (if you drink it 15-30 minutes before eating);

• and improves digestion in general.

And yet, kvass increases the sensitivity of taste buds, which simply cannot but affect the improvement of appetite and increased pleasure from each meal.

Acids from kvass help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins; under their influence, sick and dead cells are split and removed from the body.

By healing the pancreas, kvass (thanks to yeast) stimulates the production of insulin and thus can be useful in diabetes.

The benefits of yeast fungus are also expressive for vessels that, under the influence of kvass, become more elastic, elastic and are cleared of cholesterol plaques, which can be considered as a prophylaxis of atherosclerotic diseases.

Biologically active substances and a group of vitamins B from the composition of kvass have a positive effect on female beauty, helping to cleanse the skin, smooth wrinkles, accelerate hair growth and strengthen nails.

In addition, with the help of homemade kvass it is possible:

• reduce cravings for alcoholic beverages;

• remove excess fluid from the body (through improving the functioning of the urinary system and increased sweating in hot weather);

• get rid of symptoms of chronic fatigue and increase efficiency;

• strengthen tooth enamel and reduce the risk of tooth decay;

• improve vision.

What is the harm of homemade kvass

Despite the fact that in kvass the alcohol content is minimal, it should not be given to children under 3 years old, and also, so that there is no harm from home kvass, it is not recommended to drink it a lot to women who are expecting a baby and those who have a lot of time spends driving or is busy at work requiring concentration and quick reaction.

In home brew, there is no harm in its pure form for hypertensive patients, but its use should be limited during the period of taking medications to lower blood pressure.

It is also reasonable, in order to avoid harm from home brew, completely refuse it for the following diseases:

• gastritis with high acidity;

• stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer;

• enterocolitis;

• cirrhosis of the liver;

• renal failure;

• urolithiasis.

A clear contraindication to the use of kvass is an allergy to cereals.


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